Virtual Ization

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What is virtualization

Strategy for web hosting

Reduce costs by consolidating services onto the fewest number of physical machines

Problem Assessment Why Virtualization?

Too many servers for too little work Aging hardware reaching end of usable life High infrastructure requirements

Limited flexibility in shared environments

Problem Assessment
Low utilization metrics in servers across the organization

Problem Assessment

High costs and infrastructure needs

Maintenance Leases Networking Floor space Cooling Power Disaster Recovery

Problem Assessment
Heterogeneous Environments

Research into Virtualization at ITE

Reduce the number of physical machines Isolate environments but share hardware Make better use of existing capacity Virtualize Network and SAN interfaces to reduce infrastructure needs Ultimately save on maintenance and leases

More options available today than ever before

Desktop Virtualization for Running client operating system for a VM for training purpose / for support legacy software / Hadware

Virtual testing environment

Which provide a cost effective way to test new software,Patches Etc Before implementing test in real time

Presentation virtualization

Which you can run an application in one location and controlled it by another its process being done by a server only graphics and hardware resources used by client end

Application virtualization

Which separates the application configuration layer from the operating system so that application can run on client machines without being installed

Storage virtualization

Where ever by a san solutions is used to provide for virtual servers rather then depending on the hard disk in the physical server

The Hypervisor
Conceptual diagram of typical server configuration without virtualization

The Hypervisor

The role of the Hypervisor in supporting Guest Operating Systems on a single machine.

Current Architecture

Virtualized Architecture

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