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Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question In logical AND :-
Correct Answer Both the conditions have to be TRUE
Your Answer Both the conditions have to be TRUE

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Which of the following fuctions require at least two strings as a parameter?
Correct Answer strcpy , strcat , strcmp
Your Answer strcpy , strcat , strcmp

Select The Blank

Question ________ function is identical to strcmpi()
Correct Answer stricmp
Your Answer strcmp

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question C can be used on
Correct Answer All the above
Your Answer All the above

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Which of the following combinations in arithmetic operation give real result?
Correct Answer real and real , integer and real
Your Answer real and real , integer and real

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question When an entire array is passed to a function, it could be passed by :-
Correct Answer Zeroth element of an array , Only name of the array
Your Answer Only name of the array , Pointer of the array

Question A function can return only one value at a time.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Question argv is an array of pointers.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Question Comments cannot be nested.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The simple logic for system specifications is provided by a languages named :-
Correct Answer OCL [ Object Constraint Language ]
Your Answer OOPL [ Object oriented Programming Language ]

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Which of the following is not a character constant
Correct Answer 'Thank You'
Your Answer 'Thank You'

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Question The method for industrial development of software based on use-case-driven design
Correct Answer OOSE [ Object Oriented Software Engineering ]
Your Answer OOD [ Object Oriented Design ]

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Question ________ operator gives the size of the variable in bytes.
Correct Answer sizeof()
Your Answer sizeof()

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Question Array elements should be accessed using ________ if the elements are to be
accessed in a fixed order.
Correct Answer Pointers
Your Answer Pointers

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question How many types are there of arguments?
Correct Answer two
Your Answer two

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question UML uses :
Correct Answer OCL [ object Constraint Language ]
Your Answer FGL [ Forth Generation Language ]

Question When array elements are passed to a function with call by reference, function has
pointer arguments.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question When the method is chosen and performed on the data, the object status changes.
The static object assumes :-
Correct Answer Dynamic state
Your Answer Dynamic state

Question A constant is a quantity that doesn't change
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question In sequence diagram, the horizontal arrowhead line shows
Correct Answer Message 'from- to'
Your Answer Sequence of events

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Question Operation between ________ and a real always yields a Real result
Correct Answer a Real
Your Answer an integer

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Question Opening a file establishes a link between :-
Correct Answer the program , the operating system
Your Answer the operating system , buffer , the program

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Question The collaboration diagram shows both :-
Correct Answer Collaboration and sequence
Your Answer Collaboration and sequence

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question In exponential form range of real constant the part that appears before 'e' is called
Correct Answer mantissa
Your Answer exponent and mantissa

Question The interaction diagrams are not good enough if behaviour of object is conditional
and gets into a loop.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer False

Question The control instructions determine the 'flow of control' in a program.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question What will be the output? main ( ) { int suite = 3 ; switch (suite) { case 1:printf(
"\nDiamonds" ) ; case 2:printf( "\nSpade" ) ; default :printf( "\nHeart" ) ; }printf ("\nI thought one
wears a suite") ; }
Correct Answer Heart , I thought one wears a suite
Your Answer Heart , I thought one wears a suite

Select The Blank

Question After the case, ________ _expression is not allowed.
Correct Answer float
Your Answer arithmetic

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question What will be the output of the following main(){ int a=10,b=20,c; printf("%d", a + b);
printf("%d", c+a); c=a;}
Correct Answer 30 , garbage value
Your Answer 30 , garbage value

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question A function which is called is refered as :-
Correct Answer called function
Your Answer called function

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Question Which of the following is a unformatted console I/O function to get a string input?
Correct Answer gets
Your Answer gets

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Question ________ is a output statement in C
Correct Answer printf
Your Answer printf

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Question ________ function compares first n characters of two strings without regard to case.
Correct Answer strnicmp
Your Answer strcmp

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Though the names of formal and actual arguments are similar, they are treated as
different variables because they are :-
Correct Answer in different functions
Your Answer in different functions

Match The Following

Question Correct Answer Your Answer

\r carriage return carriage return

\b backspace bakslash

\f form feed form feed

\t tab tab

Question Functions are written to avoid rewriting the same section of code which requires
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Select The Blank

Question ________ is a person or device that uses the system.
Correct Answer User
Your Answer User

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Question ________ function is used to convert a string to upper case
Correct Answer strupr
Your Answer strupr

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Question Any C statement ends with ________.
Correct Answer ;
Your Answer ;

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Question When an array has both rows and columns it is called as:-
Correct Answer 2-D array , Matrix
Your Answer 2-D array , Matrix

Match The Following

Question Correct Answer Your Answer

addition(int,int); return an integer value which passes 2 integer arguments Both arguments of float
type which returns real value.
addition(); an integer function with no arguments an integer function with no arguments

float addition(int, float); a float function having integer and float type arguments a float function
having integer and float type arguments

char addition(char,char); a char function having 2 arguments of char type a char function having 2
arguments of char type

Question In collaboration diagrams, the connection between objects is shown.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question What will be the output of the following main(){ char c='d'; printf("%d", c); printf("%d",
c * (7/22));}
Correct Answer 100 , 0
Your Answer 100 , 31

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question What will be the output of the following main(){ char c='d';float f=1; printf("%c", c);
printf("%f", c * f);}
Correct Answer d , 100.000000
Your Answer d , 100.000000

Question Logical operators cannot be used with 'do' loop.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question In which type, the values are passed to a function?
Correct Answer call by value
Your Answer call by value

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Question ________ should be avoided in programming.
Correct Answer goto
Your Answer goto

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