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The Promise of Forgiveness

A Bad Day

Iv. The Promise of Forgiveness

Psalm 32- 4 Words for Sin 1. Transgressions: willful disobedience Psalm 19:13 2. Sins: missing the mark - Romans 3:23 3. Iniquity: wickedness or crookedness 4. Deceit: to deliberately cover up

Iv. The Promise of Forgiveness

Consequences of Sin

- Because of sin we are hopeless and helpless to save ourselves Romans 6:23 - Because of our sin we are condemned to eternal conscious torment in hell Matthew 25:41

Iv. The Promise of Forgiveness

Guilty as Sin Psalm 32:3-4 - Guilt can cause physical symptoms - Guilt can cause emotional distress - Guilt can cause spiritual depression Proverbs 28:13 - Guilt can lead us to repentance 2 Corinthians 7:10

Iv. The Promise of Forgiveness

Forgiveness Psalm 32:1-2 1. Forgiven: to pardon or take away 2. Covered: to not expose 3. Against whom the Lord counts no iniquity: not charged to our account Isaiah 53:6, Micah 7:19

Iv. The Promise of Forgiveness

How Do We Get It? Psalm 32:5-6 1. David acknowledged his sins he confessed 2. David didnt make excuses or blame others 3. David repented Psalm 51:15-16

Iv. The Promise of Forgiveness

God is Faithful - He forgives and cleanses - 1 John 1:9 - He does not condemn those who repent Romans 8:1

Iv. The Promise of Forgiveness

Pulling it All Together Psalm 32:1-6 - Blessed: multiple joys, happiness and peace - Psalm 130:3 we are blessed when we understand our hopeless condition and Gods forgiveness - Romans 5:6-9 we are blessed because God made a way for forgiveness through Jesus Christ

Iv. The Promise of Forgiveness

You dont have to walk an aisle, raise a hand, or sign a card to become a Christian. In fact, you dont have to DO anything. You just have to trust in what Jesus has DONE for you on the cross.

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