Basic Electrical Lab : EXP NAME: - Series R, L and C Circuit ..

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EXP NAME: - Series R, L and C Circuit... 1. First connect the instruments as per given circuit diagramme. 2. Connect in such a manner that open wire joints should be left open so as to connect the voltmeter with different devices like resistor, capacitor and inductor during experiment for taking reading. 3. Connect three wires with the spare voltmeter ( first with common, second with 150 v which will be used only to take reading against the resistor and third one with probably 600 V). 4. Now take reading across each of the element and go for vector summation. EXP NAME: - Transformation Ratio 1. Connect the variac or auto transformer with a voltmeter and two terminals on the table nos. 6 named as A and B. 2. Now connect the another voltmeter with the terminals a and b(the second next to the terminals in step 1). 3. Take readings of the voltmeter V2 by varying the variac voltage.


EXP NAME: - Potentiometric error detector 1. For dc just fix the POT 2 at 180 degree and change the value of Pot 1 and take the reading of voltage shown on the display. 2. For ac again fix the value of POT 2 at 180 degree and vary the POT 1 VDEM will get displayed on the panel screen and for the Vo value we have to connect the CRO with the potentiometer (one of the wire of CRO will be connected from Rightmost port or ground and the other will get connected with the third port from right) the CRO signal peak will show 2Vp so for rms we have to divide this value from 22.


EXP NAME: - Servo motor 1. To get the value of IL or EC or EO we need to connect one end of connecting wire to INPUT port the leftmost port on panel and the other end to the required Port as IL or EO etc. EXP NAME: -



EXP NAME: - ...

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