Sea Turtle Are Huge

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Sea Turtle are huge, air breathing reptiles that live around tropical and subtropical seas throughout

the world. Sea turtles are in different in sizes, shapes and colors. Only females come ashore to lay their eggs in the sand, hence all turtles begin their lives as tiny hatchling on land. Sea Turtles grow slowly and take between 15 to50 years to reproductive and some turtle can live over 100 years. Status of the Species. Sea turtle have existed for over 100 million years. Suddenly they are struggling to survive, due to the demand for turtle meat , eggs, skin and colorful sheels. Destruction of feeding and nesting habitats and pollution of the worlds oceans are affecting the rest of turtle populations. Unless quick action are not taken we can see them only in natural history museums. Save the turtle Sea grass like normal lawn grass needs to be constantly cut short to be healthy and this is done by sea turtles which eats sea grass due to the decline of sea turtles there is decline in sea grass bed which adversely affect many species which are depended upon the grass bed for survivals. Sea turtles lay around 100 eggs in nest and lay between 3 and 7 nest during the summer nesting season. All the unhatchted nest eggs and egg shells provides nutrients to dune vegetation which in turn reduce erosion of soil due to stronger vegetation. If these sea

turtle are not saved and if their eggs declined the eco system would negatively affect human.

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