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AGENDA Coming Together is beginning Keeping Together is progress Working Together is unity Thinking Together is success Work Session

Agenda October 5, 2011 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers Call to Order Amendments to the Agenda Public to be Heard
Please limit your comments to five (5) minutes, give your name, and address along with the purpose for your appearance before the Council.

Engineers Report Maryellen Saylor Newtown Station Basin Newtown Station Bollards Newtown Station Release of maintenance and establish cash escrow Goodnoe Expansion Budget & Finance Gerard OMalley & Robert Walker 2012 Budget Approval of Professional Services Invoices for August Invoice #2 for Jacobs Engineering Budget Work Session Date October 27, 2011 Comprehensive Plan Matrix Discussion Solicitors Report Phillips Court Update Parking Permits Valet Parking Update SEPTA Lease Meeting Minutes Old Business Website RFP Update

October 5, 2011 Work Session Agenda Page #1

New Business Legislative Update Public to be Heard Motion to Adjourn

October 5, 2011 Work Session Agenda Page #2

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