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FibeAir IP-10

Quick Startup Guide

Aug 2008


1. 2. 3. DOCUMENT PURPOSE ............................................................................................................... 3 DOCUMENT SCOPE .................................................................................................................... 3 STARTUP CONFIGURATION STEPS ....................................................................................... 3 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4 LAUNCHING WEB-MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................ 4 IDU SOFTWARE UPGRADE ....................................................................................................... 5 LOADING LICENSE KEY .......................................................................................................... 10 SAVING UNIT INFORMATION.11

IP-10 Quick Startup Guide

Doc Rev0.1



Document Purpose

The purpose of this document is to describe the basic configuration steps of IP-10 radio link. Refer to the IP-10 installation and management user guides for full configuration options.


Document Scope

This document describes the recommended initial steps in order to connect and manage IP-10 radio link. It includes the configuration steps of the following main sections: Connecting to IDU using default factory setup Launching the web management SW Upgrade License key activation Basic parameters configuration


Startup Configuration Steps

Basic configuration includes the following basic steps: 1. Complete physical HW installation of IDU, IF coax cable, RFU and antenna as per installation instructions. 2. Connect PC to IDU and launch web management. 3. Upgrade IDU SW. 4. Load license key. 5. Configure radio link parameters. 6. Complete link commissioning.

IP-10 Quick Startup Guide

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Launching Web-Management

1.4.1 1.4.2 IDU factory Default Configuration

IP Address:, IP Mask Active management port: port #7 (far right RJ45 port), out-of band management. License: Basic capacity 10Mbps, no ACM, Smart Pipe (only GbE ports, ports #1 or #2) SW package: Basic 1.1.1 Protection: Disabled. 1+0 configuration

1.4.3 Connecting to IDU

1. Verify no Ethernet traffic (cables or fibers) connected. 2. Power up IDU. 3. Connect PC to IDU management port (port #7, far right RJ45 port). 4. PC configuration: IP Address:, IP Mask, no default gateway. 5. Verify connectivity to IDU (ping If no connectivity, verify IDU IP management configuration using Command Line Interface (refer to Appendix).

1.4.4 Launching Web-Management

1. Open Internet Explorer. 2. Type IDU's IP address ( on address field. IP-10 login screen will be displayed. 3. User: admin. Password: admin.

IP-10 Quick Startup Guide

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IDU Software Upgrade

IDUs sent from production are loaded with basic SW version (1.1.1) that requires SW upgrade (via SW download) in order to support all system's features. SW download is based on FTP. The IDU functions as an FTP-Client and external FTP-Server software has to be installed and running on the PC storing the SW download files. Customers may use Windows FTP-Server or any other FTP-Server freeware available.

1.4.5 Storing Download Files on PC

IDU SW files are Linux RPM files (14 files or more). The SW files are available for download from Ceragon's FTP site (zipped together as one SW package). 1. Download zipped SW package (for example, from FTP and save it under C:\updates. 2. Extract the to C:\updates. 3. Remove the file and store it in another location (for example, C:\IP10). 4. Add to C:\updates folder any ODU/RFU file you may want to upgrade as well.

1.4.6 Installing FTP-Server Software

You may install and use any FTP-Server software for SW download. Ceragon recommends using FileZilla_Server-0_9_26 software that can be downloaded from the web (freeware) or from Ceragon's FTP site. 1. Download zipped from the internet or Ceragon's FTP site and store it on the PC (for example, C:\IP-10). 2. Extract the file and run the installation setup. Follow installation process until finished (do not change any of the installation default settings).

IP-10 Quick Startup Guide

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1.4.7 Initial Configuration of FTP-Server Software

After installing the FileZilla, it has to be configured to allow the SW download using FTP. Stopping Windows FTP services In order to use FileZilla, Windows default FTP services have to be stopped. 1. Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools Internet Information Services, if the Internal Information Services dont appear its means that the Windows FTP wasnt install and you may have to proceed without doing so. 2. Use Right-Click to stop the Default FTP Site under FTP Sites.

Configuration of the FTP-Server software User and files path have to be defined on the FTP-Server. 1. Launch the FileZilla Server Interface (go to Files FileZilla Server Interface). Programs FileZilla Server

2. Click OK on the Connect to Server window. The FileZilla Server window will be displayed.

IP-10 Quick Startup Guide

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3. Select Edit


Shared Folders. The Users window will be displayed.

4. Select Add on the Users section and enter anonymous in the Add user Account window.

5. Select Add on the Shared Folders section and select local drive C:\ in the Browse for Folder.

6. Select (check) Read, Write and Delete in the Files section. 7. Verify your configuration is identical to the displayed in the following window:

IP-10 Quick Startup Guide

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8. Select OK and close the FileZilla server. Launching of the FTP-Server software User and files path have to be defined on the FTP-Server. 2. Launch the FileZilla Server Interface (go to Files FileZilla Server Interface). Programs FileZilla Server

3. Click OK on the Connect to Server window. The FileZilla Server window will be displayed.

4. Verify server is running (yellow lightning Bolt on top-left corner highlighted and status is Logged On.

IP-10 Quick Startup Guide

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4.4.1 SW Download Procedure

Once FTP-Server was configured and running, new SW package will be downloaded using the web-management 1. Verify SW files stored at C:\updates. 2. Verify FTP-Server configured and running. 3. Verify Windows Firewall is disabled!!! 4. Connect to IDU and launch web-management. 5. Go to General Versions and check the currently running aidu version to determine if SW upgrade is necessary. 6. Go to Diagnostics & Maintenance Software Management. The Software Management screen will be displayed:

7. In the Remote Server Parameters enter the remote FTP-Server details as per configuration above: a. Remote SW Update server URL: the IP should be the hosts IP. meaning the Lap Top that the SW is being download from b. Remote server login: anonymous c. Remote server password: leave blank 8. Select Download to start the SW downloads. This may take few minutes until completed (this operation will download all files under C:\updates to the IDU but will not activate them). 9. Select Upgrade to install the newly downloaded files. This may take few minutes until completed. 10. Restart the IDU once SW download and upgrade successfully completed.

IP-10 Quick Startup Guide

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Loading License Key

IDUs sent from production are loaded with basic license: License: Basic capacity 10Mbps, no ACM, Smart Pipe (only GbE ports, ports #1 or #2)

Upgrading capacity of feature-set is done by manual entry of license key based on the IDU's Serial number. Contact Ceragon in order to obtain your license key. 1. Verify you have the license key matching the IDU Serial Number. 2. Connect to IDU and launch web-management. 3. Go to General license key. 4. Go to General Unit parameters and verify the IDU's Serial number matches the Licensing and enter the license key in the License Code field.

5. Restart the IDU. 6. Go to General updated. Licensing and verify the correct license parameters were

7. You may use the Demo license (60 days) to have full capacity and feature-set.

IP-10 Quick Startup Guide


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Save Unit Information

3.4.1 Open the IDU and go to: /Diagnostic & management/Configuration management. 3.4.2 Go to Configuration management Parameters: and fill in as follows: Host IP - your computer IP Host Path - // User name anonymous User Password - enter your laptop windows user name and apply.

3.4.3 Lunch FileZilla FTP Server and make sure its running (yellow Bolt) 3.4.4 Under Unit Information click on the Create Archive tab and wait till the browser will disconnect you from the IDU.

3.4.5 Re-Connect to IDU and go again to: /Diagnostic & management/Configuration management. 3.4.6 Under Unit Information click on the Upload Archive tab and watch the FilleZilla FTP server screen and verify that all the files were sent to the path you have specified on the /FilleZilla/Edit/Users/Shared Folder.

IP-10 Quick Startup Guide


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3.4.7 Go to /My Computer/C and look for a file name of xxx and extract it to where ever you choose. 3.4.8 After extracting it go to /Var/Lib/Aidc and the file name is dmae_tech.log


This option allows you to download uploaded files from a host (such as a PC) to the target (IDU). Downloading a configuration involves three steps:

3.4.9 Download archive - This command copies the configuration file from the host to the target. 3.4.10 Install archive - This command installs the configuration file, which will be operational only after a hardware reset. 3.4.11 HW reset - When the system is up and running, the new downloaded configuration will be valid. In the Download Configuration Status & Commands area:
Config download status - indicates indicates whether or not the configuration file was downloaded successfully from host to target. Config install status - indicates whether or not the configuration file was installed successfully on the target. Click Download Archive to download the archive file from the host to the target. Click Install Archive to install the requested archive file on the target. Default Configuration area: Click Activate to set the unit to the default configuration. To apply changes you made, click Apply. To update the information, click Refresh.

IP-10 Quick Startup Guide


Doc Rev0.1

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