Hibernate Nitin Bansal

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What is
Hibernate is a framework that provides tools for objectrelational mapping (ORM) library for the Java language, for mapping an object -oriented domain model to a traditional relational database. Hibernate solves object-relational impedance mismatch problems.
Hibernate's primary feature is mapping from Java classes to database tables. We need to write a simple Java code and create an XML mapping file that describes the relationship between database and class attributes.


Used for storage and retrieval


We have to store the data of Application in tables for multiple use. But there is a mismatch in mapping object oriented programming and Relational Database.

Hibernate is introduced to overcome this mismatch.
It can be used to perform operations on the database like select, insert, update and delete the records in the table automatically and creates the query to perform these operations. Hibernate generates the SQL on the fly and automatically executes the necessary SQL statements. then

The main drawback of JDBC is that it doesnt allow to store objects directly to the database, we have to convert the objects to a relational format.


Hibernat is highly configurable through two types of configuration files. The first type of named hibernate.cfg.xml. configuration file is

The second type of configuration file is a mapping description file (file extension *.hbm)


Hibernate provides a query language HQL similar to the standard SQL and is extremely powerful query language. Hibernate automatically generates the SQL query and execute it against underlying database if HQL is used in the application. Hibernate Query Language is extremely powerful and it supports Polymorphism, Associations, Much less verbose than SQL.

HQL uses Classes and properties instead of tables and columns.

Features of HIBERNATE
Less Development Time
Database independence: Easy database switch without changing any code.

Transparent Persistence: It is the automatic mapping of Java objects with database tables and vice versa using runtime reflection.
Lazy Loading: This feature enable us to get only the required object instead of fetching all the entities associated with that. Hibernate provides Cache mechanism: It provides first level cache (By Session object) and second level cache (By Session factory object)


Extensibility Reliability and Scalability Productivity Maintainability

Hibernate can work with Tomcat Application Server.

Lots of API to learn Difficulty in Debugging

Slower than JDBC

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