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Naam: Biesbrouck Maarten Klas: 4 EE Leerkracht: Dhr.


Vak: Engels

Nr. 1 Datum: 21/09/2011

1.When was Ian Fleming born?
- He was born on 28 May 1908

2.How was he different from his brothers?

- He was the only one who wrote action stories, only his brother Peter wrote another kind of storys, he write travel stories (journalist).

3.Where did he go in 1930?

- He played in the movie Scool For Scandal

4.Why didnt he join the Foreign Office?

- Fleming set his sights on the foreign service exam, but to his grave disappointment did not make the grade

5.Was he working as a journalist when the Second World War started?


6.Which countries did he visit during the war?

- U.K, Spain, France and Africa

7.What kind of lifestyle did he have?

- He wasan unhealthy man

8.Was he a healthy man?

-No he smokes and drink

9.Wath 3 important things happened in Jamaica in 1952?

-They called a airport to him -His married -the permision to use the name james bond

10.When did he die? How old was he?

- He die 12 august 1964 and he was 56 years old. 11.The following numbers are in the interview. What do they refer to?

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