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Name: Emily Bow Age: 10 Interests: Reading, Tennis, Writing

General Information Emilys love for reading and writing means that she is excelling in her PDHPE studies. She understands the content well and is excited when we play outdoors for PE. She could improve on her peer relationship methods however as she is more of a solitary student who does not work the best in team or group situations.

Name: Jack Curt Age: 11 Interests: Basketball, discussion

General Information Jack is an energetic boy who loves to play outside and be with his classmates. He is extremely enthusiastic towards PDHPE as there is a large emphasis on PE. Jack could improve on his literacy skills however, as his reading and writing could be stronger. However, Jacks enthusiasm for the subject ensures that he excels!

Name: Alexis Mint Age: 10 Interests: Netball, Writing, Team-Work,

General Information: Alexis is extremely dedicated to all of her schooling. She particularly enjoys PDHPE as it has an emphasis on PE and many aspects of study which are important in real-life situations within PDH. She enjoys team work both in theory classes and prac classes and her writing skills ensures that her work is at a good standard. To improve, Alexis should focus on her reading skills as her fluency is not as strong as it could be.

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