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Industry life cycle

India power sector is expected to grow at higher speed because there is huge difference between demand and supply if we see power consume by rest of the world we found there is huge gap between India power demand and supply in India per capita consumption is 704 kwh where as the world average is 2300 kwh. That figure shows the difference. India power sector can be categorized in into power generated by government owned company and private owned companies. The statistics says total power generated from government owned companies 22000 GW and private companies contribute 16588.5 Gw power to India growth story. At present, the energy shortage in the India is 10% but there are States where the energy shortage is as high as 25%. To combat this, over 80,000 MW of new generation capacity is planned in the next five years. A corresponding investment is required in Transmission and Distribution networks. A huge capital investment of about US$ 200 billion is required to meet Mission 2012 targets. This has welcomed numerous global companies to establish their operations in India under the famous PPP (public-private partnership) programs. Additional massive capital investment is further required over the subsequent years with the countrys power requisite expected to touch 800,000 MW by 2031-32.

So, I conclude that the Indian power sector is in initial growth stage there is long way to go from the above information


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