لغات الرسل وأصول الرسالات

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) (308.


} : { ) .(57
) (188 .

) (24-5
" " .
) ( .

< : > <

> .

. ).(9


) (11

"Moses Mendelssohn" :" "Herman Cohen
Le Dcalogue


" " ) ( .
} :
{ ) .(13


) (


. " "

)( .

) (
" " ""
. " " )
2200 (.



} :
{ ) (25 .

. 137

. .

180 )( .

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{ ) (79-80


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"" . " "

"" " " "
" .
"" . .

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>) .(14
. 130
17 . 110 .
361 64.

. .





} :

{ ) .(83

) ( . 18
93 . 26 "" " "
( . .

{ ) .(164 )
( .
< :


} : .
{ ) } (84-85
{ ) .(47 .


. 356.

" " " "

"" )(.
319 80.000

"" .

< :
<> .

. .
77 .

12 13

"" .
< : .
. .
" . .

52 40
} : .
. . .
. {) .(34-39


Ninive Assyrie



. } { )




. 99 98

) .(19



} :

{ ) .(19-21
} .
{ ) .(28-30


} : { )


} :

) .(118 :
} { )
} .(42
{ ) .(45
< :
. } :



) (

. ).(23

. 20 21 22
571) .(24


} :
{ ) } .(45
{ ) .(48
} . . . { )

{ ) .(2

. .

} : { ) (68


. .
" " <
>) .(25

. .

: ) ( .

) (26 :


) .(48

} : { )
} .(48
{ ) } .(51
{ ) .(76

} :
{ ) .(29)(19
) (31
. ) (32
. < :



" "


" "




) (34

} : { )
" " <


} : { ) .(109



{ ) } (40-41
{ ) } (120
{ ) (144
} { ) } (54
. .
. { ) -47





} :
{ ) (72


} :
) (40 }
{ ) .(284 < : >)

.(36 } :
{ ) .(251
} { ) .(55
} :

{ ) .(15 } :

) .(44



) .(37 :
>) (38

} :
{ ) .(6

} :
{ ) } (68 { ) (11


} .
. { ) -17
{ ) : (29 )

< :
: : . : :
. : >)(41
< : >).(42

} :
{ ) .(163

< :

Zoroastre ) Avesta (
) . (.
<> ""
) . .( Pythagore
) 399. (. ) 428-347. (.


< :




} : { )


Thomas d Aquin (1225-
1274( "
" .
"" Orientations


< :


) (1 .3271 .4237
) (2 .419 .810
) (3 .1296 .
) (4 1 .75 : .4-17/
) (5 .21257 :
. 11 .32277
) (6 : .24/
) (7 .3088 .3450
) (8 " " .
) (9 .
) (10 .
) (11 : : 4/ .
) (12 .8321
) (13 10 .
8-10 .

) (14 .3138 3041

) (15 .3162
) (16 .1063 .1969
) (17 2 .116
) (18 .6357
) (19 2 .152
) (20 .16-21/
) (21 .3177 .4363
) (22 .2 1/1 .
) (23 17 16 15 2/14
) (24
) (25 .
) (26 164 } :
) (27 4.
) (28 8 .503
) (29 " " 2 19 .
) (30 Spencer . Muller
) (31 1413 1993/ .47
) (32 .
) (33 47 .
) (34 .21257
) (35 .
.2322 .4013
) (36 .144 .4382
) (37 .
) (38 .3413 .8114

) (39 .
) (40 29 .
) (41 .4656 .8923
) (42 < >
) (43 .21257
) (44 .2923 .544
) (45 1951 .43
) (46 La Gurison, Avicenne, traduction latine, d. des Chamoines de St.
.Augustin, Venise, 1808. Traduction arabe, d. 1886
) (47 .
: / .













"" .

)) (1 (24 21 : 10
: .
. ""
"" .
"" ) (2
) (31 : 11 ).(3

) .(4 ) (5 .


" : .
" ) .(1-2 : 2

" :
. :
" ) .(8-9 : 1

" :
" ) .(10 : 1


" : .
" ) (1-2 : 2





. .





(emulus )( )Remus)(7
" "

. 1350.
) +(

" " " "

. ).(8


. " :


. "

)" (9 " ) (10 : 2








) (11
1370. "" )1375 1354
.( 1290. 1720 .

1301 1234.) (12 .

) .(13
1230. .
) (14



. :
" ! ) .(4-5 : 5

) .(15



) (

) .(17


) (18

"" .



" : !
. " ) .(14-15 : 4
": :
" ) (27 : 4 "
" ) .(1 : 7





" :
" ) .(20)(19 : 19
"" "" "" .


" : "
) .(18 : 19
" "
) .(22)(11 : 36





. :






) 700.( )
"" "
" ) .(25)(28 : 18
) .(26

) 586.( .



: :
. :






24 22 .
) (27

. )(
15. . : 14 6. .
: 9 5 ..

11 . . 10 ..
6 . . 5 . .
15 . . 11.
. ) ( 4 . .
4 .).(28


) 5.(

) .(29


) /( ""


" " .
) (

"" ) (
. :

8 10.
) 10 .(

"" )(


"" 1440 .
13 .

54 "


157 .

"" "" )( "" )(

. :
.1 " " "")( .
.2 " " "".
.3 " " )( "" .

"" ).(32

( :
: ) ( 720
. 1842
45 . 1859-1853
730 340

: 820 773
1611).( 33
1890 "" ) ( 1947

Nash .).(35
820 850 .


) (
1488 . )( 1494 .
. 1524
Biblia Hebraica
Rud Kittel 1929 .

) ( .



) ( :
.I :

( Septante ) :

"" ) 283 247.(

. 72
. .


. .

"" .

Aquila 130
. Aquila

Theodotion .
Symmachus .

Origenes 240 245 ) Hexapla(

Aquila Theodotion .Symmachus
Origenes ) Tetrapla(
.2 ( Targume ) :
. 539.

"" ) ( :
.3 ( Vulgatus ) :
Vetus Itala St-Jrme
Vulgatus : .
St-Jrme 390 405
. .
Deutrocanniques :

. .
Gutenberg 1496 .
Trente Sixte Quint 1590
Clment VIII 1592 . 1907 Piex ""
) (Bndictins )(St-Jrme(38
.4 :
Paul De Tella 616 617
. "" ""
Edesse .
.5 :
.6 :
.7 :

. "


" :
. )( .
. .



": )
( :

( ) (
)( . :
)( ).(40
" ) ( : "" )(

) () (41 12 .
" . :
) () .(42 )(
)( )(

" " !

: .
: )( :

) ( ) (
: .(44)...



" ) (45
" :
" .
) 260 :873-874/(
* :




* :
. II :



' La Pliade


) 15-13(
) 18-13().(51

1851 .

1820 1865 39.

1876 1877 .
1879 .

"): (52

< :
> .




1450-1410. 1440-1445 .
1407-1406 . . .

. :
" " ""



( :

" " )


" .


166 .
216 . "" " " " "

" "
63 524

"" "

" "

" . :
" " "

* .
* .

" " .
" .2" :

220 500 .


" ""

" "


" :
* " " " "

( .
* " " )

. .


. ""
"" ) (55

"" .
" " ).(56
.3 :

" "" .

. :
* : .
* :

) ( .

"" . ""
" " " ".
* :

"" )( " " " " ....
"" ) (
"" .

" " )(







) .(57
) (1167

... .

) (

) ( " " .





" ")(58

" "











.3 .
.4 .


. 1350

.6 .



) (63 .

) 1722-1638(

) (65




J. Astruc
"" "" ""

) ( . ""
) (14
) 12: 25 (18 ) .(36

.Welhausen (69
"") .

Eichhorn Astruc
" "


Hupfeld 1853 ) (71
"" .
" " "".
Riehm ) (72
" :" "" "" " ".



Albert Lagrange (1855-1938 )
' "Bible


15 1890 " " 1892
.La Revue Biblique Lagrange

1900 Lagrange

. 1903 ).(73

R. De Vaux ) (74
Lagrange .
" " "
" .
) (75

' 'De Vaux



' 'De vaux

"" ""



) (





.1 "" : "" .
.2 "" : " " .
.3 :

.4 :
. .

) J.E(

)( ) (


... .




Welhausen Astruc Eichhorne Riehm Lagrange .Vaux De



" :

) 9

8.( .

)( ".
' 'P.Brcker




E. Chiera


.(80 " " H.E. Del Medico 81

1929' 'M.M Claude Schaeffer & George Chenet
. .
Charles Virdleaud
)) (82 (
Hans Bauer83 : E. Dhorme84 Del Medico .85
Ch.Gordon 86 Ernest Doblhofer 87 M.Dahood 88 Aistleitner 89
Virdleaud 90 ' 'Sznycer ).(92,91


) .( 93 " H.E. Del Medico
" < :



A. Caquot M. Sznycer : A. Herdner ) (95


.The Ugaritic and Hebrew Parallels Project 97 :


" ...< : "Litterature


) (1 21 : 10 41
) (2 " " "" .
"" .
. .
) (3 .
) (4 :
1992 .66-44
) (5 " "
) (6 .

(7) Histoire des Religions, Encyclopdie de la Pliade ed. Gallimard, Paris, 1970,
Egypte des Pharaons, (Traduction de Henry t.1, p. 376. Emran (Adolphe), L
Wild) Payot, Paris, 1952, p. 224.
allemand par Anne (8) Freud (Sigmund), Mose et le Monothisme, (Traduit de l
Berman), Gallimard, Paris, 1948, Premire partie et ss.

) 1978 2 . ( ) 1979 3 .
( . )
( .

" " )

( .
H.Ringgren, La religion d'Isral, Payot, Paris, 1966, p. 42.

) (9 " "


" )
( "
" )

(10). Werner-Keller, La Bible arrache aux sables, p. 98.

(11) H. Ringgren, p. 43.
) (12
. ) 1312 1398
) (1234-1301 . Bloch Raymond et
Alain Les Conqutes de l Archologie, ed. Hachette, Paris, 1968
: 1526. .1446
. 966.
1446 . .
1290.) . (227 . Pirenne
.La Socit hbraque d'aprs la Bible, d. Albin Michel, Paris, 1965

.(p. 34, 3) .
Egypte des Pharaons, (Traduction de Henry Wild), (13) Erman (Adolphe), L
Payot, Paris 1952, p. 224.
) (14 ... 1. 47 . .48
, Histoire des Religions, op. cit - T.1 (15 .p. 378-48
(16) Erman (Adolphe), op. cit, pp. 201-202.
) (17
1290. 1235.

Bloch (Raymond et Alain) op. cit,
p. 204. Werner-Keller, La Bible arrache aux sables, les Presses de la Cit, Paris,
.1962, p. 97 :

(18) Histoire des Religions, op. cit. T1, p. 397.
(19) Ibid, T1, p. 377.
) (20 " "

) (21 .293 .
) (22 .26 : 18 11 : 36 .13 .24 : 14
(23) Le P.P. Dhorme, O.P., Langues et critures Smitiques. Librairie Orientaliste,
Paul Geuthner, Paris, 1930, pp. 24-25 et note 1 (25), et Avi-Yonah (Michael), La
vraie histoire de la Bible, pp. 7-8.
) (24 73
1980 83-82 .110- 106
)Naville (Edouard), L (25 Evolution de la langue egyptienne et les langues
.smitiques, Paris, 1920, pp. 159-160
) (26 . . 1972 ) 17-16(.

) (27 " :

) .(295 .
) (28 1997

: )( : 1410-1450. . :
.[ 1385
.1406-1407 : .1406-1407 :
: .1050-1375 : 1
1010 [ : 2 930
: 930. . 1
[ : 1 [ 960-1000 : 2 .430 :
.450 : .432-445 : .471-483 :
.1800-2000 : 586-1440. )( . :
. : .935 : . :
.700 [ 627 : .571 : .535 :
.715 : .796-835 : .750-760 : .803-841
: .760-785 : .687-742 : .654-663 :
.589-612 : .621 -640 : .520 : .518-520

La Bible, (la Pliade), op. cit. :

T. 1. pp. xv-xvi
) (29 [ 1994 .
) (30 ""
. :
Mireille Hadas-Lebel, Histoire de la langue hbraque, Publications Orientalistes de
France, Paris, 1977, pp.59-61. P. Paul Joon S.J. Grammaire de l'hbreu biblique,
.Institut biblique pontifical, Rome, 1923, pp. 18-46
) (31 .96-80 .
) (32 .1 :

.2 .

.3 .

.4 .

.5 .
.(Del Medico, p. 12) .

) (33 . ) .( -126 .
) (34 .1950
7 )( .
) Avi-Yonah (Michael) la vraie histoire de la Bible, ed. Mouton, 1962, p. 52 (35
Albright (William Foxwell) L archologie de la Palestine, Traduit de l anglais
.par R. Alapetit, Les ditions du Cerf, Paris, 1955, p. 241
. :
H.E Del Medico, Deux manuscrits hbreux de la Mer morte, Librairie Orientaliste
.Paul Geuthner. Paris, 1951
Vincent (Albert), Les manuscrits hbreux du Dsert de Juda, Librairie Arthm
.Fayard, 1955
Burrows (Millar), Les manuscrits de la Mer morte, Bibliothque des grandes
.nigmes. Paris, 1977
)Kittel (Rud), d. Biblia Hebraica, Textum masoreticum curarvit P. Kahle. (36
.Wurttembergische Biblanstalt Stuttgart, 1973
) (37 : .
1974 ) ( ) (.
) (38 :
.Encyclopedia Universalis - France...CD 1995

) (39 1996 35 .
) (40
36 . .
) (41 .
" .
" " "
" [ .


) (42 "

) (43 .37 "" .
) (44 "" " "
Forma . "" ""
. " " ""
. " " . ) (
"" [ .
) (45 " " .
) (46
" "
) (47 .463-464
) (48 . :
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et Lambert .Paris, V, 1889. Paris, VI, 1894 .
1962 1966
1973 .1976
U.R.A. 1078, C.N.R.S
: ) (

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H. Zafrani, A. Caquot, La version arabe de la Bible de Saadiya Gaon. L'Ecclsiaste
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)La Bible, Ancien Testament, Traduction Edouard Dhorm et autres. (49
.Bibliothque la Pliade. Tome I. 1956. Tome II. 1959
) La Bible, Ancien Testament, (A.T) T. I-II, 1975, (N.T), 1972. Traduction (50
.cumnique, (Le Livre de Poche), 1997

) (51 .100
) (52
Master Media ) (Printed in Great Britain, 1997
) (53 .291 .
) (54
) (55
"" .
) (56 " " 14
4 14 ." "
) (57 ) (1677-1632
) (58 .1960
) (59
).( ) 5(
) (60 : . 1999.
) (61 . 27 1
) (62
"" . ""
"" "" .
) (63 8 .9
) (64
) 586.( ) 36-140.(
) .( .
. .97-88
) Simon Richard (1638-1722 (65 )
.Histoire critique du texte de Vieux Testament, 1678 .Histoire critique du texte de Nouveau Testament, 1689 .Histoire critique des Versions de Nouveau Testament, 1690).A. H. Amack (66
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R. De Vaux (74)
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( "" 75)
)R. De Vaux, op. cit., p. 54. (76
Chaine Joseph, Ren Grousset : "Littrature religieuse (77)
"" .1 22 . ""
. 66 .54 . 42
.1 22 ( 78)

(79) E. Chira, Les tablettes babiloniennes, ce qu on crivait sur l argile,

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. ( 80)
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Les inscriptions cunueiformes de Ras Chamra, Syria, X, 1929, pp. 304-310 (82)
Entzifferung der Keilschrifttaeln von Ras Schamra, Halle/Saale, 1930 (83)
Le dchiffrement des tablettes de Ras Shamra, Journal of the Palestine - (84)
Oriental Society, 1931 ; Recueil Edouard Dhorme, Paris, 1951, pp. 531-536
H. E. Del Medico, La Bible cananenne - (85)
Ugaritic Handbook, Rome, 1947 ; Ugaritic Literature, Rome, 1949, pp. 3- - (86)
103 ; Ugaritic Manual, Rome, 1955 ; Ugaritic Textbook, Rome, 1965 ; Ugaritic and
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Master Media Printed in Great Britain 1997

).( ..1.
" "
) (
. [ .1996
) ( .1980

: / .





" " !



Heinrich Paulus Hug Diez
Macho .
W. argyle
Russel J.K & R. Drapper
Mel Wilson ) (3

. . . . . .J


) 135( )
) (5

. .

Lingua Franca
721 500

A. Meyer

) .(7
G.Y Kutsher



. .
H. Birkeland

. ).(9


. .
" " :
: .
: .
: . )( "" .(10)>...
< : >)
" : " .
: : . : >).(12
< " : ">).(13
< ... " :
< : >).(15
< :
: >).(16

< .

. .

. :

< :

" "
" : " ).(20
) (21
< :
>) .(22 .

. :
" ") .(23

" " )

) ( .

. " :




" " 63 .

) (25




: ""
. "" .



) (27
< >

< : >).(28
< >).(29

. :
" : ! : .



)( .


. :







: :
: .

: :
( :

. "
" Christus .Chrestos )
110( :









( :

" "

. " "


.1 .
.2 .
.3 .
.4 . .

.5 .
.6 .
.7 :
.8 :
.9 .
.10 .
.12 .
. :
< :
: :


: >).(39
: >).(40
< . .


< :



.1 :

.2 :


.3 : .

.4 :
.5 :



: :
) .(46
) .(47 .
) .(48
) .(49 ).(50






< ...>
: 1996
Toute ctiture inspire de Dieu est utile pour enseigner la vrit, refuter l'erreur,
corriger les fautes et former une juste manire de vivre....


< . .


: .

" : " .
" : ").(53
" : ")(54



"" Gospel

. :



< .





. .

. >).(57

. ) (

) .(58 :
< >).(59


) ( .
)( >).(60





) (


. .



" " 150

. .
< .

Marciano 110
180 ).(62

393 .


"" Vulgate


64 70

80 90 .
70 90 90
La plade
Titus .

50 60


< 50-150 ..

) ( .
120-140 >) .(63
) (

24 5300 10000 9300
Vaticanus Sinaitinus .

" " " ".

"" " "

< >.




. :

< .(67)>..


< " :

" :
" : ."...
.3 .
) (


<... : . : . : .



< : .



. :
. .>...
" : "..

" : "

. :

< : >).(69

< : :
: . :


< :
. .
: .

< :

: :
: .
: .
: :
. .
: .


} :

{ ) .(6






Thomas ) .(70

1947 .
Jean Derosse
< : ... !> .

. :
< > ).(71


> . < : > Je suis :
< :

.>ta disciple



. ): (72
* :
* :

. .
* :
* .


* :

* :
* :


< :


Nice 325




) (Jean Rochette 74 :

) ( .


* :

* :

. calvin .

* :
1054 :


* :

* :
1534 Henri VIII .

. .

: .
) 27(.
1833 .
421 Moroni

< :
) (
840 .
100 .
60 .
300 .



Byzantine Greek Text 1991
Wescott 1881
Textus receptus 1550/1894
Reina Valera 1909
Reina Valera 1989
Luther 1912
Original Elbergelder 1905
Darby 1991
Louis Second 1920

New King James Version
King James Version
Revised Standart Version
Translation, John Darby
Translation, Young


Mark Davies ) (30 :


Bible names Dictionary Hitchcok Dictionary of prophecy
terms Jack Van Impe .Baker

} . .

{ ) .(25-26
{ ) .(48

) .(120-112

{ ) .(65-63

{ )


{ ) .(34-15



) (1 .17 :
)2. Expository Times 67, 1955/1956, pp. 92-93
)3. Ibid. p. 246, p. 317
) 4. Historia de la lengua hebrea angel saenz Badillos. pp. 170-171
)5. Fitzmyer, C.B.Q. 32-1970, pp. 504-505
)6. Dalman, G. JESU Mutter sprache, leipzig 1896
: Les langues )7. A. Dupont -Sommer les Aramens, p. 99, Paris 1949
aramennes du Ghabot
) en Die arber in der Altern Welt. Berlin 1966 8. Jesus der Galili
)9. Segert. s. en Aror 25 et 1957, pp. 21-37
) (10 .11 :
) (11 .41-42 :
) (12 .19-22 :
) (13 .38 :
) (14 .13 : .37 :
) (15 .38 :

) (16 .45-46 :
) (17 .1-12 :
) (18 .
) (19 .29 :
) (20 .40-37 :
) (21 .34 :
) (22 .46 :
) (23 .17 :
) (24 .24 :
25. Le christianisme des origines au concile de Nice : Encyclopdie de la pliade
- Histoire des Religions, t. 2, p. 190
) (26
) (27
) (28 .24 :
) (29 .8 : Fray hieronimo :
Roman republicas del mundo. Republica christiana, Folio 69, 73 Tomo I.
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) (31 .7-10 :
) (32 .29 :
33. V. Taylor : The Lige and Ministry of Jsus, London 1954. Goguel M. jsus,
Paris, 1950.
) (34 : .David strauss Ernest
) (35 Volney .
? Did Jesus really live :
www.south com.com.au/..^cam river /didjes.
Christians were in the habit go meeting on a certain fixed day before et was light,
when thez sang in altermate verse of a hymn to Christ as to a God, an bound

themseves to a solemn dath, not to do any wicked deeds, and never to deny a
truth chen they when thez should be called upon to deliver it up.
36. He falsely charged with the guilt, and punished with the most exquisite
tortures, the persons commonly called christians, who hated for their enormities.
Christus, the founder of the name, was put to death by Pontius Pilate, procurator
of judea and the reign of Tiberius : but the pernicious superstition, repressed for a
time broke out again, not only through judea where the mischief originated, but
through the city of Rome also (annals XV)
.96 :
. ( 37)
38. Wow, there was about this time, Jesus a wise man. If be lowgue to call him a
man. gor he wos ader of wonderful works... a eracher of such men as receive the
truth with pleasure. He drew ever to him both many of the jews and many
gentiled. He was the Christ.
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.12 : ( 40)
.21 : ( 41)
.14-15 : ( 42)
.16 : ( 43)
( 44)
.2 1317
. Britanica Encarta ( 45)
.1986 . ( 46)
. ( 47)
.1405 ( 48)
.1986 ( 49)
.4499 ( 50)
.15-17 : ( 51)
.1-8 : ( 52)
.44-46 : ( 53)
.19 : ( 54)
55. Gospel a word of anglo-saxon origin and meaning God s spell i.e word of
god or rather, according to others good spell i.e good news. It is the rending of
the Greek evangelion i.e Good message ... s Bible Dictionary, Eston

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. ( 57)
58. J. W Mc.Garvy, A guide to Bible study
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.1995 ( 60)
.15-16 : ( 61)
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65. Emmanuel Bozzi : La Bible nous est-elle parvenue sans erreur ?
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.2 : ( 67)
.18-19 : ( 68)
.23 : ( 69)
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71. Cheikh Si Hamza Boubakeur, Trait moderne de Thologie islamique, Paris
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. / :

) (1





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{ ) (112<
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): (37
: } : { )
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: } : {
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: } :
{ ) (226 .


} :
{ ) .(69 }

{ ) (45-46
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} :

{ )

{ ) .(255
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} : { ) .(7
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{ ) .(91}

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{ ) .(103 }
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. ) (43
: .



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* :

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" .www.muhaddith.com :






) .(48

) .(49 ) .(50


: :
>) (52


} :
) .(72

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: } :

{ ) .(34



{ ) } .(105

{ ) .(18

) (1 " "

) (2 1/47 236 1/235
) (3 .6472 .4201
) (4 :
) (5 .75
} :
{ ) (3
) 75
1 .(49 )

: )

1/368 299 5/297 300 4/286 .(2/602
) (6 : .
. . :

R.D.I .

) (7 .3524 .4506
) (8 .3353 .4487
) (9 .3526 .4507
) (10 . 1398 1978/ 1 .41
) (11 . 1372 1962/
1 .59
) (12 1 .60
) (13 .3011 .668 .376
) (14 .468 .3011 .668
) (15 .59-60
) (16 .4609
) (17 .4631
) (18 .4603
) (19 .4604 .3029
) (20 . 1404 4 .552
) (21 3244 .4601-4604 .20657
) (22 . 1405 1985/
) (23 . .
1407 1986/ .28-31
) (24 12
13651946/ . 1367 1948/ .
1376 1956/.
) (25 6.31 .1991-1996
) (26 1924 1935
"" .
)Le Coran : Traduction et prsentation nouvelles (exemplaire n! 741) Rabat, (27
) (28
. 2000 .

) (29 164 .
) (30 .
) (31 .3353 .4487
) (32 .2241 .1354
) (33 .4607 .1355
) (34 .932 .1262 .20234-20238
) (35 .
1379 9 28 . .1356 3 54
) (36 . . .
. .1417 1997/.
) (37 "" .
: .
13981978/ . . 1396 /
) (38 .6856 .4832 .3527
) (39 .5326 .10663
) (40 .
) (41 : 2433 .2774 .946
) (42 .508
) (43
) (44 .10
) (45 3906 .89
) (46 .5416 .3898
) (47 .50 .2996
) (48 .5552 .4685
) (49 2262 .4677
) (50 .2332 .2719
) (51 .1

: / .





: .




. .


/ .

. :
)( :
) : (1


) : (2

)( :

) (204 x 70 50 253
)( :


)( .3

A-2 8 300 29 .

KFQ 53

. Rutbi M.s R.N 197

MS .33 .686
. MS.23.1967
. MS.1405
.6 :
* .
* .
* Sotherby's 1984 Lot 147

) 99( .

)( :
.1 ) (3

.2 ) : (6,5,4

.1 . MS.23
.2 . KFQ64
.3 .
.4 . . Ms.E.H. 30

.5 . Ms.Rutbi,198
.6 . Ms.Arab.5178 F III 73
.7 . : 342 8 9 158
) .(7



) 95-75( .


23 / .

) .(8
.2 ) (9

x 13 18


. .
* ) (10 . MS27
* ) .(11




. " "

) (13 .

) (14 . .

1142 1730/
(25 . ) .(15
Sotherby's 1980 Lot 159
) .(16

1698 .

: ) (176 .
560 ) (16 80.
1787 . 1803

1923 1970
. " "

. .

" "



) (
" .1 " 1369 ) ) (7
" .2 " 1425 ) ) (96
.3 1560 F.1426

.4 F.1426
) .( 20
.5 ) .(21

.1 1543 999
) . (21
.2 1830
) .(22
.3 ) .(23

} :
{ ) .(9












.1 ) (.

.2 ) (.
.3 : ) ( 1959
. .
4 . From the world of Arabic Papayri, El-maarif Press, Cairo 1952.
.5 : : .1982
.6 : 1388 .
.7 : .1966
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. :





















} :
{ ) .(13

... .

. < :
> )

1 171 .318 .(1395


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