Practice Paper 3AB

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Practice paper 3A
Text 1
1. E 8. False
2. F 9. Not Given
3. B and D 10. Not Given
4. B 11. True
5. C 12. False
6. D * 13. a region of France
7. True 14. Great Wall: Beijing opera
Benny’s Beach Cafe: children’s show

Text 2
15. B
16. excess
17. F
18. E
19. A
20. B
21. C
* 22. that canned frog is the perfect snack to go with a cold drink
* 23. canned frog with iced lime soda
24. 5
25. D
26. to buy something quickly
27. deep fried
(spicy chilli or sweet and sour)
* 28. He grinned because he wanted the writer to try another strange food / thought that the writer would
be surprised to know that fried crickets are also available as a snack food.
29. D
30. C

Text 3
31. D
32. 4
33. targeting
34. double / twice
35. result
36. see
37. influencing

Answer key

38. diet
* 39. a celebrity or athlete
* 40. He disapproves of it / thinks that marketers are being deceptive / parents should look out for it / it is
wrong because (1 mark)
— children who see celebrities as role models will believe that the unhealthy products endorsed by
them are good / worthwhile. (1 mark)
— it gives children the false belief that, if they buy the product, they will look or perform like the
people who endorse them. (1 mark)
41. B
* 42. their children using their lunch money to buy a healthy lunch
43. D
* 44. Positive result: The revenues are used to support various academic and after-school activities.
Negative result: The deals are putting the students’ health at risk.
45. children
46. (1) (b) athletes
(c) pop singers / stars
(2) (a) advertisements, children’s TV programmes / cartoons
(3) (a) vending machines
(4) (a) interactive games / web sites
47. B
48. D
49. C
50. B

* According to the new HKCEE marking scheme, these types of questions will be marked correct even if
there are grammatical or spelling mistakes as long as the meaning is clear.

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Task 1

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