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When skies were blue and birds were chirping When all went well with nothing disturbing He knew no creator No higher being above Whom he did owe all, possessions and love When friends surrounded him with fun and laughter When money and fame seemed to last forever He knew no Father No one to fear Whom he did owe his life, which was so dear When earthly possessions were in abundance to him When his soul saw nothing but worldly things He knew no one mightier No greater being than man Whom he did owe all, within the reach of his hand And then came the draught, the storm and famine With its ruthless head, it gulped down everything From happy days of song; to everlasting fun with friends From fame, fortune and belongings; stripped from his very hands Only then did he realize How selfish a life he had lived Only then did he see sense And he asked the Lord to forgive God stretched out his arms with joy And took him into his heart He forgave him for all the wrongs Giving him a fresh new start Like the sun in the morning and the stars at night Gods love is forever, always shining bright Like the air we breathe and the rain we see Gods mercy is everlasting, ready for both you and me

Suliana M Saverio

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