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Match The Following

Question Correct Answer Your Answer

information processing information system planning information system planning

top management resource allocation resource allocation

logistics distribution distribution

personnel salary administration salary administration

finance cost analysis cost analysis

Select The Blank

Question The CSF technique involves a ________ step process of eliciting the critical factors and
then ________ information requirements.
Correct Answer two

Your Answer two

Correct Answer deriving

Your Answer deriving

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question EIS

Correct Answer all of the above

Your Answer all of the above

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question To provide security against external threats the following issues need to be addressed

Correct Answer organizations internet connection , remote dial-in capabilities

Your Answer organizations internet connection , remote dial-in capabilities

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The techniques used for non programmed decisions are

Correct Answer judgment , intuition , business acumen

Your Answer judgment , intuition , business acumen

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Some of the major components that composes DSS are

Correct Answer hardware , user system interface , database and its management

Your Answer hardware , user system interface , database and its management


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