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Izborni engleski jezik, I godina, nivo: B2 Dragana Vasilijevi 080304, 09


1) Vrste rei Parts of speech
Imenice Noun Glagol Pronoun Pridev Adjective o Prisvojni pridev Possessive adjective Prilog Adverb o Odnosni prilozi Relative adverbs (when and where) o Prilozi za vreme Adverbs of frequency Broj Number o Redni broj Ordinal number o Osnovni broj Cardinal number lan Article o Odreeni lan Definite article (the) o Neodreeni lan Indefinite article (a) Zamenica Pronoun o Lina zamenica Personal pronoun Personal pronoun for subject (I) Personal pronoun for object (Me) o Prisvojna zamenica Possessive pronoun o Povratna zamenica Reflexive pronoun (myself) o Upitna zamenica Interrogative pronoun (who, what?) o Odnosna zamenica Relative pronoun (who, which, that) o Neodreena zamenica Indefinite pronoun (someone) o Opta zamenica Universal pronoun (everywhere, everybody) o Odrina zamenica Negative pronoun (no one) o Pokazna zamenica Demonstrative pronoun (this, that, these, those) 2) Vremena: Tenses prepoznavanje i transformacije iz jednog u drugo Present Simple: I do Present Continuous (Progressive): I am doing Present Perfect: I have done Present Perfect Progressive: I have been doing Past Simple: I did Past Progressive: I was doing Past Perfect: I had done Past Perfect Progressive: I had been doing Future simple: I will do Future Progressive: I will be doing

Izborni engleski jezik, I godina, nivo: B2 Dragana Vasilijevi 080304, 09

3) Vrste zavisnih reenica Types of clauses 1) Relative clauses:

Defining (restrictive): DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES Relative pronouns Subject Who / that Object Whom / who / that Possessive Whose Subject Which / that Object Which / that Possessive Whose (animals), of which Relative adverbs When, where

Persons Things

Primer: This is the house, the roof of which burnt down. Contact clause (without relative pronoun): The man (whom) she married is very poor. Non defining Type Person Thing Possessive Prepositional NON DEFINING CLAUSES Subject Object Who Whom Which Which Whose Whose / Preposition + whom / which Relative adverb: where

It can be left out. It always has coma. Paris is the town where he was born. This is Paris, where he was born. Coordinate It reffers to a clause. It is introduced by which only. Primer: The curtain fell down, which made everyone laugh.

2) Temporal (time) clauses:

Vremenske reenice: Prepoznavanje po smislu i reima tipa when... 2

Izborni engleski jezik, I godina, nivo: B2 Dragana Vasilijevi 080304, 09

3) Conditional clauses: Uslovne reenice prepoznavanje i pretvaranje iz jednog kondicionala u drugi CONDITIONAL CLAUSES Type 1 : real If + present simple If + present progressive Future simple Present simple Imperative Can, may + bare infinitive Would + present infinitive Could + present infinitive Should + present infinitive Might + present infinitive Would + perfect infinitive Could + perfect infinitive Should + perfect infinitive Might + have + past participle

Type 2 : hypothetical

If + past simple If + past progressive

Type 3 : a situation in the past that cannot be changed

If + past perfect If + past perfect progressive

Unless = if ... not Unless ne trpi negativan glagol: unless you go if you dont go On conditiona that: provided, providing, so long as, as long as

4) Purpose clauses:
No change of subject a) With infinitive: I went to the store to buy bread. b) So as to, in order to: In order to obtain a citizenship foreigners have to pass a test Change of subject a) Infinitive with double object verbs: I sent him to buy some bread. b) So that: I will leave her a message, so that she will know where we are.

5) Concession clauses: Prepoznavanje (dopusne reenice)

but, although perhaps, even if on the other hand, while although, inspite although + clause in spite of/dispite + noun or gerund

6) Adverbial clauses of degree: Nisu obavezne, ali su poeljne

So + adjective

Izborni engleski jezik, I godina, nivo: B2 Dragana Vasilijevi 080304, 09 Such + countable nouns: such a nice man Such + uncountable nouns: such bad milk So much + uncountable nouns So many + countable nouns

4) lanovi Articles
SRPSKI Odreeni Neodreeni Nulti ENGLESKI Definite Indefinite Zero OZNAKA The A /

Osnovna pravila (basic rules): Ako posle imenice ide relative clause pre nje ide lan Ako posle imenice ide of pre nje ide lan We use THE: - for superlatives - for rivers, oceans, seas, countryside, mountain chanes - The United States - The Hague - the first - the young, the old - families

5) Izraavanje elje (Subjunctive: I wish/If only)

In these sentences we use the past simple for the present and future and the past perfect tense for the past. Wishes: I wish/If only I lived in France. Indirect speech: She wished she lived in France. Regrets: I wish/If only I had had the chance of going to university. Indirect speech: He wished he had had the chance of going to university. He regreted that he had not had the chance of going to university. Complaints: The conditional tense (would + infinitive) I wish you would look where youre going. Indirect speech: to wish/to complain She wished that he would look where he was going.She complained that he didnt look where he was going.She complained about him not looking where he was going.

6) Causative have/get Uzrono i iskustveno have

Izborni engleski jezik, I godina, nivo: B2 Dragana Vasilijevi 080304, 09


We use it for: a) What we arrange others to do for us: We have had our gate painted. b) Unfortunate experiences: He had his leg broken. 7) Modalni glagoli Modal verbs: prepoznavanje i upotreba u recenici Ability Can could general ability in present Could general ability in the past Be able to particular ability Orders Must, Have to u neupravnom govoru: had to Prohibition Mustnt u neupravnom govoru: wasnt to, werent to Advice Should, ought to general advice (should have done, qught to have done) Had better, had better not immediate suggestion Permision Can, could, may, might (poreani po formalnosti) May might, can could No obligation Neednt Didnt need to prolo vreme radnja nije uraena Didnt have to prolo vreme radnja je uraena, a nije trebalo Possibility Modal Can, could, may, might Modal Could, may, might Sadanjost Present infinitive (bare infinitive) Prolost Perfect infinitive Trajna sadanjost Progressive infinitive Trajna prolost Perfect progressive infinitive

Deduction (logical conclusion) Must positive conclusions Cant, couldnt negative conclusions Glagoli se ne mogu menjati. o Modals are always followed by infinitive

Izborni engleski jezik, I godina, nivo: B2 Dragana Vasilijevi 080304, 09 o U indiektnom govoru can do could do, could do could do o Infinitivi i kondicionali se ne menjaju. 8) Gerund i present participle (glagolska imenica i sadanji particip) Gerund is a word that functions as a noun. It is derived by adding ing to the end of a verb (jog), e.g. Jogging is a good way of exercising. A present participle is formed by adding -ing to the verb, as in reading., e.g. He may be reading the newspaper now. A gerund is used: as the subject of the sentence. Example: Waiting for a bus can take a long time. as the object of a verb. Example: Will you stop crying? as a verbal noun, i.e. as a verb doing the work of a noun. Example: Her scolding frightened her children. after a verb. Example: The gate needs repainting. after busy. Example: She is busy cooking for dinner. with a preposition. Example: We are tired after walking for two hours. after a phrasal verb. Example: If we carry on working, we can complete it today. A present participle is used: immediately after a subject to which it refers. Example: People driving in the rain have to drive carefully. after a verb. Example: He went fishing with his friends. after a noun. It tells us what a person or thing is doing. Example: She heard them talking about her. Example: I saw a rock rolling down the hill. as an adjective. Example: That twinkling star is much brighter than the rest. to show that a person is doing two things at the same time. Example: He is sitting outside the house, watching people pass by. to form the continuous tense. Example: He is washing his car. when one action is followed by another. Example: Walking on the beach, he threw a ball to his friend.

9) Infinitives

Izborni engleski jezik, I godina, nivo: B2 Dragana Vasilijevi 080304, 09 Full infinitive (to infinitive) Present infinitive (bare infinitive) Present Progressive infinitive Perfect infinitive Perfect progressive infinitive To do Do Be doing Have done Have been doing



Saxon genitive: Nouns in singular + s Nouns in plural + Two people sharing one thing (who have one thing in common): John and Marys son Both of them have one: Johns and Marys car Irregular plural + s A personal name ending with s + Norman genitive: Of + noun Double genitive: Combination of two genitives (a friend of Marys) 11) Poreenje prideva i priloga: Comparison of adjectives and

Razlika izmeu prideva i priloga je u tome to prilozi u komparativu nemaju the. Stepeni poreenja (degrees of comparison) - positive - comparative - superlative Vrste poreenja (types of comparison) - synthetic (adding suffixes er, -est) - analytic (adding more, the most) - irregular (adjectives: good, bad, little, much, many, far, old adverbs: well, badly, little, much/many, far)


Direktan i indirektan govor: prepoznavanje i pretvaranje

When we make changes? Kada je uvodni glagol u prolom vremenu Tense changes: Present simple past simple Present progressive past progressive Present perfect past perfect Present perfect progressive past perfect progressive Past simple past perfect Past progressive past perfect progressive Past perfect and past perfect progresive stay the same

Izborni engleski jezik, I godina, nivo: B2 Dragana Vasilijevi 080304, 09 Am/is/are going to was/were going to Will would Can could May might Drugi i trei kondicional, infinitivi i subjunctive se ne menjaju!

Time and place changes: Today that day Yesterday the day before, the previous day Tomorrow the day after, the next day, the following day Now then Tonight that evening Last week the week before, the previous week Next week the week after, the next week, the following week Here there This that These those Ago before Statements We introduce them by say and tell. No change in word order. Orders They are introduced by tell and orded. Bare infinitive changes into to infinitive. Requests They are introduced by ask. U direktnom govoru stoji please. Bare infinitive changes into to infinitive. Questions They are introduced by ask, want to know, wonder. The word order changes (prvo subjekat, pa ostalo). Pitanja koja nemaju upitnu re se uvode sa if i whether.


Aktiv i pasiv (Active and passive voice)

We form the passive voice by making the object subject; we use the auxiliary verb TO BE in the tense of the main verb and the past participle of the main verb. TENSE Present simple Present progressive Present perfect Past simple Past progressive Past perfect Future simple Going to future Modals ACTIVE Make(s) Am/is/are making Have/has made Made Was/were making Had made Will make Am/is/are going to make Could make/must have PASSIVE Am/is/are made Am/is/are being made Have/has been made Was/were made Was/were being made Had been made Will be made Am/is/are going to be made Could be made/must have

Izborni engleski jezik, I godina, nivo: B2 Dragana Vasilijevi 080304, 09 made To make been made To be made


Double object verbs He gave me some money. I was given some money. Some money was given to me. Lista najeih: Give, lend, make, offer, owe, promise, read, refuse, sell, send, show, teach, tell, write


Frazalni glagoli (Phrasal verbs) - prepoznavanje

15) Zbunjujui glagoli: Confusing Verbs: Lie lay lain lying leati, neprelazan (intransitive) Lay laid laid laying poloiti, prelazan (transitive) Lie lied lied lying lagati Regular Verb TRANSITIVE - needs an object VERB FORMS: raise - raised - raised raising TO RAISE = to lift something, to elevate, to bring to maturity, to increase, to set upright by lifting or building Terry raised her hand to wave at her friend. My grandmother raised cotton. I'm raising some tomatoes. The store always raises prices. Irregular Verb INTRANSITIVE - no object VERB FORMS: rise - rose - risen rising TO RISE = to move upward (without assistance) to move upright from a lying, kneeling, or sitting position to return from death Hot air balloons rise. Frank's rising from the sofa. The sun has already risen this morning. Zombies rise from the dead in horror movies!

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