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Engineering Solutions Company

Customer Details
Name of Organisation Contact person

email: Mob:
Telephone email 91 9819124895

Engine Details : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Make / Model No. Nominal Speed No. of Cykinders. Bore Stroke Cylinder arrangment Suction inlet to cylinder Strokes Valve timing

10 Fuel consumption at operation output 11 Relative consumption at generator terminal Turbocharger Details 1 2 3 4 5
No. of Turbochargers Max. Air manifold Pressure Temperature of air after intercooler Speed Governer details Type

inline V-Type single double 2 stroke 4 stroke inlet valve beginning exhaust valve end lit(kg)/hour* g/kWh lit/kWh

Elec. Hydraulic

Mech. El-Hyd-Dr

Generating Set details 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Make / Model No. Manufacturing No Year of installation Running hours per year Total running hours Overhauling period Hours since last overhaul Nominal output Nominal output 8 Operation output at sitekWe

kVA kWe

Gas Details (LNG/CNG) 1 Type of Gas 2 Gas price 3 Available Gas Pressure 4 Net calorofic value of Gas Liquid Fuel 1 Type of Fuel 2 Fuel used for Engine start and stop. 3 Specific gravity 4 Fuel Price 5 HFO viscosity (50 Deg C) 6 HFO Preheat temp

Viscosity (Preheat Temp.)

before TDC after TDC


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