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The Conflicts Between Americans and Native Americans

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Table of Contents

Effects from the conflict

How it is related to current day U.S. 3

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Chung Min Smith Mrs. Yoon US History 2 November 2010

The Conflicts Between Americans and Native Americans

I think the communication and disagreement between the Europeans and the Native Americans were both good and bad. This is related to how we would be living if we didnt have conflict. We wouldnt be here. For example the first recorded

contact between Europeans and native people came between the Spanish and the Wichita tribe in what is now Kansas. Contact between the French and British came decades later, and contact between the Americans took longer than that. Very slowly these contacts were changing the lives of people. The arrival of Americans changed the native life forever, but this also affected the history of settlers. Americans tended

to settle around Native American villages, so they were located along travel routes and waterways. Both cultures were affected

and changed, fore example Native Americans converted to Christianity under American influences, and early American settlers utilized native skills surviving in the harsh frontier.

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Many geographic names reflect Michigans Native American heritage. However the arrival of the Americans was a negative affect on the Native Americans. For example in the 1700s, two

thirds of the native population in Michigan was dead from the diseases the Americans brought. Tribes lost a massive amount

of lands to the U.S. Government where they were often neither paid nor compensated. By 1820, the Native Americans lost Most Native

claim to over half of Michigans Lower Peninsula.

Americans and few Americans thought that the relation between the government and Native Americans were marked with

dishonesty, corruption, and deception.

By 1838, most of the

native villages in Michigan were abandoned. How its related to current day U.S. Many people think both positively and negatively. I

think this is caused, because there were both negative and positive effects caused by the contacts and conflicts. For

example there was many disease spread and many people were dead, and this was a very big impact.

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