Library Book Kenan Aliyev

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15 Kenan, Aliyev Donate Books RE
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17 Kenan, Aliyev Copy Books G&G
18 Kenan, Aliyev Copy Books G&G
Title Author (s)
Sedimentology& Staritgraphy Sam Boggs, J.
Coring and Core Analysis Robert Skopec
Hydrocarbon Exploaration and Production Jahn Frnak etc
Oil and Gas Exploration and Production (Resrves, costs, contracts) IFP School
Halliburton Logging Book
Well Logging I and II (with charts and appendixes) SPE vol10 -
reservoir Charcterization - 2 SPE REPRINT SERIES No. 27
Petroleum Fluids Willin D. McCain Jr
Calcualus Fanrk Ayers Jr
Differential Equations Richard Bronson
Advanced mathematics for Engineers and scientists Murray R. Spiegel
Applied Drilling Engineering Adam T. Bourgoyne Jr
Petroleum Reservoir Engineering Amyx
several books of Russian and azeri publisher
Project management Terms Leroy Ward
Statistics fro Petroleum Engineers and Geoscientists Jerry L. Jensen
Applied Geostatistics for reservor Charcterization Mohan Kelkar
Year Edition Condition Comments
2001 3rd as new, w/few remarks on pages 200 pages
2006 needs 3bind big folder
1998 Elsevier 46
can be obtained in .pdf file

1990 2nd
1999 4th
1993 2nd
SPE vol 2
needs 3bind folder
2003 2nd

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