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Judicial Clerkship

Behind every great judge is his or her law clerk. Now what is a judicial clerk and why is it an invaluable experience in the life of a post-law student? Every judge requires assistance in deciding cases and here comes the role of the judicial clerk who is essentially their attorneys assistants. A judicial clerk basically provides assistance to the judge in conducting research on legal issues before the court and writing options. A judicial clerk's duties and responsibilities generally consist of conducting library research, writing bench memoranda, drafting other materials helpful at oral argument, briefing the judge on fresh matters and drafting opinions. The opinion drafting part of the clerkship is the most rewarding as it exposes the clerk to thinking from both sides of the problem and enables him to discuss substantative legal issues with a judge. Now the question running through the mind is how will this experience help? It not only provides an in-depth look into the procedural workings of the court but is also an excellent opportunity to build up your network in the legal fraternity. It also gives an in-depth exposure to and experience in a few select complex areas such as constitutional law, writs including habeas corpus, administrative law and service matters. Students can be of tremendous assistance at the Supreme Court level. They prepare a summary of facts, conduct general research, look up and update relevant authorities, read briefs and make a record of facts and arguments. They also stand to gain exposure in arbitration matters including foreign awards and international trade. There are two types of judicial clerks law clerk 1 and law clerk 2 at the supreme court of india.

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