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AS Applied ICT Unit 3


The Organisation

The Air Training Corps (ATC) is a UK cadet force for young

people aged 13 to 22 to find a positive purpose in life. There are now
independent Air Cadet Organisations in many other countries throughout
the world. It is controlled and funded by the Royal Air Force, although
the young people who make up its membership are civilians. It is not a
pre-service organisation; however a significant minority of its members
do go on to join the RAF or other services.
The aims of the Air Training Corps are:
• To promote and encourage among young people a practical interest
in aviation and the Royal Air Force (RAF)
• To provide training which will be useful in the Service and civilian
• To foster the spirit of adventure and develop qualities of leadership
and good citizenship.
The ATC was formed by Royal Warrant in 1941 and sprang from the
Air Defence Cadet Corps, founded in 1938 by the Air League. Although
initially formed to meet the needs of a nation at war, the Corps continues
to thrive as it enters the 21st Century. The ATC motto is: ‘Venture

The System

The system I am looking at is the organisation of cadets to staff and

cadets and staff to the projects or activities they have chosen to
participate in.

Problems with the current system

There is no current system to organise this so as I looked around

the squadron for something to organise and study and there were a lot of
people complaining about other people not remembering what project
group they are in and what staff supervise them. That’s when I thought to
create a database to help people to remember what project groups they are
in, what they are doing in their project groups and what staff supervise
the project groups. I asked my Commanding Officer if it was alright to
create such a database and he approved of it almost immediately. The
database will be stored on the computer in the office that the CO is in sole
charge of.
Centre Number: 62441 Leanne Brown
The Henley College Page 1 of 2 Candidate Number:
AS Applied ICT Unit 3

Centre Number: 62441 Leanne Brown

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