Call Center Management System

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Call Center Management System

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It gives us immense pleasure in expressing our sincere gratitude to our benevolent supervisor and guide Abc Kumar, Faculty (Techno Campus) for his inspiring guidance and enthusiasm. We wish to pay humble gratitude to our esteemed teacher Mr. Abhishek Kumar for his personnel interest and providing us valuable suggestions and necessary moral support. Every ship has a captain , so does our department in the form of


Arshad Usmani , Head , Department of Computer Science for his heartly encouragement. This project would not be possible without the valuable guidance and support of

Mr. Abhishek Kumar, who rendered us all sorts of help whenever

required. Words fail us in expressing adequately our thanks to all of them for their immense support they have provided in beginning and showing a path for the successful completion of our project. .

Amritesh Ranjan


Project Title: Call Center Management System
Call centers provide an efficient platform for has become a success mantra for all the leading and infant companies. Call Center Management System will provide the smooth technical support in solving the problems of the end users regarding various products and services, and providing them all the information regarding their queries. Earlier, when the problem came up, end user contacts the project leader or the person who has developed the product, but now, end user can lodge their complaints at the centralized call centre & get the solution to their problems through email or telephone. Through our system customers are brought into light to the new technologies evolved throughout the world so that the customers are able to use them and be in track with the changing times. This project is web-based application. The main idea of this project is to record the details of the end-user, their problems regarding products , & the action taken by various experts in solving/resolving those problems and making customers know about the new products evolved and proving them an information storehouse. The project report consists of two major phases. In the first phase, a case study has been presented regarding the origin, working and current scenario of a call center has been mentioned. Second phase provides the overall development and

implementation of our developed system.

CALL CENTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM We begin with providing an introduction to our system and present a case study of a call center. The Requirement Analysis, which is mainly concerned with study of various requirements, follows next. It also includes feasibility study of the system. Next follows the System Design, which includes the DFDs, E.R diagrams and Database design. Next we will present all the coding involved that leads to the overall development of our system and show the working of our system through snapshots. Following this we will present a list of organizations that provide quality standards that may provide us a base for the implementation of our system Finally a Conclusion about the above-mentioned project will be presented. At the end of all a Reference will be attached which includes a list of books and sites used during the system development.


Call Center Management System .......................................................................................1 .....................................................................................................................1 .............................................................................................................1

..........................................................................................4 TABLE OF CONTENT........................................5 ........................................................................................................................6 MANAGEMENT.........................................................................................16 ACD (Automated Call Distribution).........................................................18 Call Recording & Call Monitoring Solutions...........................................19 Contact Management Software.................................................................20 CRM Solutions............................................................................................20 Help Desk Software.....................................................................................21 Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Technology.........................................21 Phone System Auto Dialers........................................................................22 Predictive Dialling.......................................................................................23 Telecommuting Software............................................................................23


Voice Messaging..........................................................................................24 Voice Recognition........................................................................................24 VOIP.............................................................................................................25

Commonly the BPO service providers are called call centers. Call center is a part Of BPO industry. It is also known as Contact Centers. Origins of the Call Center Industry


Around 30 years ago in the USA, the travel and hospitality industry began to centralize their reservation centers into what we would recognize now as huge call centers. This happened at around the time the first large-scale high-volume premisebased telephone switches became available. Banks have also used them since the 1970s at least, and later in that decade, with the rise of the catalogue shopping movement and outbound telemarketing, call centers became a staple within many industries. Each industry, however, had its own way of operating centers, its own standards for quality, and its own preferred technologies. This trend persisted until early in the 1990s, when call center managers became more recognized as having a consistent set of skills and an operational knowledge. Technologically speaking, call centers have advanced in the last ten years. Earlier, it was just a labour intensive department trying to handle some customer queries. Now, it is supposed to be a vital link in the entire process of marketing and improving customer interaction. Unlike an airline reservation where the queries are generally simple and easy to handle, requirements of a technology customer support are different and need technical knowledge. A pre requisite for any call handling person is extremely good customer relationship skills and command over language accent. India has woken up to the call of Business Process outsourcing and is fast paving its way to become the largest hub of call centers in the world. Taking leverage from this growing phenomenon, Call Centers in India has devised a clear and competent business strategy wherein you post in your query and we act as an intermediary, forwarding your requirements to our concerned call-center-service providers. In this manner, our motive of providing complete support to our customers in terms of answering any of their queries remains fulfilled. Call Centers in India is a leading Indian customer care organization, having alliances with leading BPOs in India who ensure fast and prompt service. We offer a range of blended customer care services including inbound and outbound voice services, E-mail management, telemarketing services, data conversion, claim processing, real-time web-based chat services to global clientele and the like.

A call center is a physical place where customer and other telephone calls are handled by an organization, usually with some amount of computer automation. Typically, a call center has the ability to handle a considerable volume of calls at the same time, to screen calls and forward those to someone qualified to handle them, and to log calls. Call centers are used by mail-order catalog organizations, telemarketing companies, computer product help desks, and any large organization that uses the telephone to sell or service products and services. Two related terms are virtual call center and contact center. Call center is a centralized office of a company that answers incoming telephone calls from customers or makes outgoing telephone calls to customers. They can handle a considerable volume of calls at the same time and can also log calls. It is the focal point of customer service for most companies today. Using a variety of technologies including computer automation, call centers connect the customer and the organization to meet customers need in real time.


CALL CENTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Call centers can be any of the following:

Huge telemarketing centers Fund-raising and collection organization Help desks, both internal and external Outsourcers (better known as service bureaus) that use their large capacity to serve lots of companies Reservation centers for airlines and hotels

BPO [Business Process Outsourcing]

BPO has been the latest mantra in India today. As the current sources of revenue face slower growth, software companies are trying new ways to increase their revenues. BPO is top on their list today. IT services companies are making a quick entry into the BPO space on the strength of their existing set of clients. We hope to address all issues related to BPO in India on this portal. Business process outsourcing is the fastest growing segment in the outsourcing market as of now and involves outsourcing back office operations and other business processes like customer relationship management, customer call centers, telemarketing, Payroll maintenance, finance/accounting management among others to offshore destinations. By outsourcing their business processes the companies can increase their productivity, cut operational costs, provide better customer service, beat competition and in turn concentrate on their main operations by shifting their back office operations to offshore destinations. These are the reasons that companies no matter how big or small they are prefer to outsource their operations and in a frantic pace they have turned this normal phenomena in to a major hype. 1. The basic or traditional type of outsourcing services. It is to curtail direct costs, such as hardware and software maintenance and operation costs. 2. Outsourcing helps lower "indirect" costs and achieve efficiencies in areas related to business processes this is termed Business Process Outsourcing. 3. The Business Transformation Outsourcing. In todays world BPO has changed from definition to buzzword. BPO today directly means to the second type of outsource that is outsourcing the 'lower indirect costs.' Now-a-days companies prefer to outsource these services. It is a new concept. "Call Centers" are the BPOs that outsource only the customer care. In simple language the BPO or Business Process Outsourcing is the delegation of one or more business processes to an external service provider who in turn provides services for the selected process based on certain defined and measurable performance criteria specified by an organization. This generally involves an organization's non-core processes. BPO companies are the companies who extend the services to the outsourcing companies. Companies believe assigning lower cost business processes to the BPOs will provide superior service more responsively at lower cost. As customer care is a low cost and clumsy business process, companies prefer to assign it to outsource to the Business Process Outsourcing companies. 8

CALL CENTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM . Traditionally, BPO is undertaken by manufacturing firms. For instance Coca Cola, where almost the entire supply chain is outsourced and the company is essentially becoming a marketing organization. However, BPO is nowadays rapidly conquering the service oriented firms as well. A well-known example is provided by the Bank of America, who outsourced their entire HR function to Exult, one of the leading Human Resources BPO vendors. BPO is often divided into two categories: BACK OFFICE OUTSOURCING - it includes internal business functions such as billing or purchasing FRONT OFFICE OUTSOURCING it includes customer-related services such as marketing or tech support

BPO saves precious management time and resources and allows focus while building upon core competencies. The list of functions being outsourced is getting longer by the day. Call centers apart, functions outsourced span purchasing and disbursement, order entry, billing and collection, human resources administration, cash and investment management, tax compliance, internal audit, pay roll...the list gets longer every day. In view of the accounting scandals in 2002 [Enron, WorldCom, Xerox etc], more and more companies are keen on keeping their investors happy. Hence, it is important for them to increase their profits. BPO is one way of increasing their profits. If done well, BPO results in increasing shareholder value.


KPO, Knowledge Processing Outsourcing It is essentially an offshoot of BPO. It is the high end activity of the BPO industry and is estimated to have a magnificent growth in the coming years. It is a wave that has lashed the Indian shores and aims to tap the Indian talent in the fields that require expertise and enhanced knowledge. In short, KPO involves off shoring of knowledge intensive business processes that require specialized domain expertise. India's Intellectual Potential India's intellectual potential is the key factor for India being the favoured destination for KPO industry. India has a large pool of knowledge workers in various sectors and their talent is being discovered and tapped by leading businesses across the globe. Cost savings, operational efficiencies, access to a highly talented workforce and improved quality are all underlying expectations in off shoring high-end processes to India. KPO Services Outsourced to India India is a good outsourcing location. There are several services that can be outsourced to India: Research & Development

Business and Technical Analysis


Learning Solutions Animation & Design Business & Market Research Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology Medical Services Writing & Content Development Legal Services Intellectual Property (IP) Research Data Analytics Network Management Training & Consultancy

Challenges in KPO KPO is an outsourcing industry that delivers high value to organizations in terms of domain based processes and business expertise. The industry demands advanced analytical and specialized skill of knowledge workers and therefore faces several challenges. The major challenges faced by KPO are: Maintaining higher quality standards

Investment in infrastructure Requirement of higher level of control Lack of talent pool Enhanced risk management




Call Center may be divided into various types according to their functions and areas of operation. Most commonly call centers are divided into inbound call center and outbound call center. In an inbound call center, agents receive calls from customers who need to obtain information or report a mal function. In an outbound call center, agents initiate a call to a customer mostly to sell a product or a service. Types of call center: 1. CRM Call Center


CALL CENTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 2. Inbound Call Center 3. Interactive Call Center 4. Outbound Call Center 5. Phone Call Center 6. Tele-Marketing Call Center 7. Virtual Call Center 8. Web Enabled Call Center

CRM Call Center

The CRM software integrates all the forms of customer contact into a central history database where they can be retrieved or viewed together. Using CRM software, a customer issue can be tracked from the original point of contact through to resolution. CRM call centers help companies realign their entire organization around customers. And thus, is a strategic business initiative. Sales, Marketing and Service as well as other groups are connected and coordinated through the CRM applications. Before a call is made to the customer, all recent activity for that customer should be reviewed to be informed of recent events. Then a sales strategy needs to plan based upon observed opportunities. The use of CRM software in the call center allows the assignment of a value to each customer if the culture supports that philosophy. With that feature, one can choose how to interact with that customer. CRM helps the company identify most valuable customers and understanding their lifetime values. Using CRM, the call centers design the organization systems and service to best meet the needs of customers and maximize their value. CRM is intended for long-term relationship building. Besides capturing the different forms of customer interaction, CRM allows you to capture and store all available customer information in the central history database. This allows agents the ability to pull up a customer's entire history while the two interact. Communication and service are more effective and efficient. Most CRM products also track trends in purchasing and customer feedback.

Inbound Call Center

An inbound centre is one that handles calls coming in from outside, most often through toll free numbers. These calls are primarily service and support calls, and inbound sales. The services of inbound call centers are designed to handle catalog orders, help desk queries, dealer locations and more. They offer customized services that are designed to meet the requirements of all kinds of businesses. The inbound call centre professionals process calls and integrate Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and/or 12

CALL CENTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Internet services to sell additional products and offer services in a dedicated environment. They also integrate customer care services, predict customer behaviour and take action, while the customers are still on the line. The inbound call center employ a dedicated team of live operators, account representatives and program managers. Offering 24/7 operator availability for the customers, these call centers provide round-the-clock account management. The teams of qualified and trained operators understand the business, products and services and perform to deliver their best. Using advanced telephone service technology and programming, these call centers lay great emphasis on attention to detail in messaging and reporting of all inbound calls. Inbound call centers offer communication services specifically designed to maximize the efficiency of direct marketing efforts or to be a part of the technical support team of the clients. They work together with you as a partner building a strong, successful long-lasting relationship with customers. Inbound Call Center offer Skilled, professional, customer support and technical service representatives

Improved market coverage Faster ramp-up, launch, and roll-out of new campaigns Experience with programs similar to yours Rapid response to market conditions Account management expertise Enhanced reporting capabilities Market testing capabilities

Interactive Call Center

Interactive call center is a central point in an enterprise from which all customer contacts are managed. These include one or more online call centers. More companies are turning to interactive providers to outsource everything from lead generation and survey calls to order processing. They provide great opportunity to improve customer service levels, increase productivity and save money. The only secret behind interactive call centers is a technology known as interactive voice response (IVR) that automates interaction with telephone callers. Customers require high levels of availability and interactivity and IVR is one of the most essential way of providing 24 hours service. Provide 24x7 custom, friendly services, cost-efficiently.

Offer nationwide customer "self service" with optional redirect to live agents. Automate routine and complex transactions that traditionally required processing by an agent.



Eliminate the cost of staffing for unpredictable peaks and valleys of incoming calls. Avoid the expense of training agents and installing cutting-edge call center equipment. Provide high-response capability for weekends and off hours

Outbound Call Centre

The success of the Outbound Call Centers depends on the extensive experience, technological solutions, quality assurance programs and commitment to customer service excellence that further ensures maximum results from the direct marketing efforts. The integrated call management systems in the outbound call centre facilities use, systematic calls to consumers and transfer successful connections to a designated marketing representative (MR) who is dedicated and has been trained for the specific client application. As a call is presented to the MR, the consumer's name, address, and other available information are simultaneously presented on the MR's workstation along with a client's customized script. Services of Outbound Call Centers: Market Intelligence

Database Selling Direct Mail Follow-up Lead Generation \ Qualification \ Management Seminar Population Product Promotion Debt Collection Information and Literature Fulfilment Appointment Scheduling Decision Maker Contacts Up Sell/Cross Sell Campaigns Surveys Customer Satisfaction

The phone call centers offer flexible call routing, superior IVR capacity and predictive dialing systems.

Phone Call Center


CALL CENTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Utilizing advanced telephony and Internet technology; the Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) in the phone call centers provide accurate and timely information for the most complex inbound or outbound programs. The phone call centers offer personalized call management by a team of professional operators who know about the client and his business. The phone call centers provide 24/7 answering and business services that help keep the customers satisfied. This is essential as the call centers could be losing customers because of not answering the phone when they called and also as they expect answers to questions immediately. The customers expect the call centers to work around their busy schedules. The call centers are equipped with top-of-the-line communications technology.

Telemarketing Call Center

Telemarketing refers to the business or practice of marketing goods or services by telephone. It is the act of selling, promoting or soliciting a product over the telephone. Reliable telemarketing is an essential part of the organization's working to enhance sales and increase profits. Combining the best of personnel, processes and progressive technologies, telemarketing call center serve as highly reliable specialist resource for organizations seeking outstanding performance and results. The telemarketing call centers provide customized telephone services that reveal the valued techniques used by successful telephone sales and support professionals. The fully automated, state-of-the-art call center equipments and custom software enables the call centers to field thousands of calls daily for each client with a high degree of professionalism and customization. The clients receive superior quality, experience and courteous service, coupled with the advanced technical capabilities. The call centers are staffed 24x7 and 365 days and they totally concentrate on using the tactical skills and effective processes during inbound/outbound call process.

Virtual Call Center

Virtual call center is a call center in which the organization's representatives are geographically dispersed. These people are not situated at work stations; they rather work from their homes or in small number of groups. People in small groups may open small centers to work. It provides the ability to extend the CSR desktop and telephony support to any place on the planet. Virtual call center is simply defined as an approach to enterprise wide call center management that treats several geographically dispersed call centers as one. These call centers are largely inbound in function and are gaining popularity as companies look for alternatives to running a traditional, in-house call center or using an offshore outsourcer.

Web Enabled Call Center


CALL CENTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM A web enabled call center improves the e-commerce initiatives by offering high quality customer service. Various features offered by web enabled call centers are: Web Pop that automatically provides CSRs with a pop-up screen of client's website, intranet or web script.

Web Callback that helps the visitors of the client's website request a callback from the CSRs by simply clicking and entering their name, telephone information and time for call. Web Chat that assists visitors engaged in a live, two-way text chat directly from client's site to a trained agent. They can obtain answers to questions or resolve customer service issues without having to disconnect from the Internet or use a phone. Web Push allows CSRs to assist client's website visitor to find out information through guided "browsing." Email Management this manages high-volume email inquiries directed to client's mailbox or produced via a Website. The incoming messages are tracked and provided an appropriate auto reply message to the customers letting them know that their email has been received.





Answering Service Software

2. Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) 3. Call Recording and Call Monitoring Solution 4. Call Track Software 5. Contact Management Software 6. CRM Solutions 7. Help Desk Software 8. Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Technology
9. Phone System Auto Dialers 10. Predictive Dialing 11. Telecommuting Software 12. Voice Messaging 13. Voice Recognition 14. VOIP

Answering Service Software Answering service software is software that provides answering service
systems to customers

Telephone Answering Service Applications includes

Account Status

Locator Services



IVR Outsourcing Services Shipment Tracking Employee Testing/Studies Customer Surveys & Loyalty Programs Market Research Payroll Services 800 Service Voice Mail Claims Reporting Emergency Notification Credit Collections Mortgage Marketing Charitable Contributions

ACD (Automated Call Distribution)

ACD facilitates controlling the distribution of telephone calls coming into the department. ACD systems are call routing utilities for incoming calls and can be even used to route calls originated by the predictive dialer to the next available agent. The staff log in/out of the ACD system as they are available, and the system answers the calls and distributes them. When staff are unavailable, the ACD systems holds a call in queue and then forwards it to the first available staff member. Automatic call distribution is ideal for areas where multiple staff answers a high volume of calls e.g. Help desk Appointment scheduling Message taking

Properly managing calls can be key in providing excellent customer service, and the ACD system provides the tools needed to optimally manage incoming calls.

Some of the tools an ACD systems offers are: Call Type Priority

The organization can customize the way its staff answers calls using several variables, including the callers location (on-campus or off-campus, local or long distance) or the purpose of the call (help assistance, appointment scheduling).

Customizable Queue

The organization can record Custom Announcements that callers hear when


CALL CENTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM their call is answered or while they are waiting in the queue. It can also add the Music on Hold feature.

Training Supervision
Supervisors can monitor calls to support employees and evaluate performance.

Call Metrics
The system can capture call statistics (e.g., call volume, length of calls, time in queue, etc.) on a scheduled or an ad hoc basis, allowing further managing the staffing and calling flow. Almost any business can benefit from an ACD system but they are particularly useful to customer service centers, inbound service bureaus (that may be handling infomercials or direct marketing campaigns) and government agencies.

Call Recording & Call Monitoring Solutions

Call recording and monitoring solutions help to train the agents and improve customer service. They are designed to be a complete call center solution including Predictive Dialling, ACD, IVR, and Digital Voice Recording. Call recording plays a significant role in the call centers and help monitor agent performance while performing quality assurance tasks. Order entry verification and confirmation can be easily accomplished when the calls are recorded. Call centers can thus, record and retrieve phone conversations in real time. The recording can be customized to meet virtually any set of business rules. The call recording and monitoring systems are very scalable and flexible Windowsbased voice recorders live monitoring and archiving systems. Besides being fully prepared for all current and future needs, they offer superior voice recording quality and huge recording capacity by effectively using this software system the organizations can manage:

Complete contact management Call history Order entry Literature fulfillment

The features of call recording and call monitoring can also be added to the Computer Telephony (CTI) Soft phone and API library, allowing application programmers to embed call recording and retrieval features in existing PC, Linux/Unix, or Web applications. Call recording can thus, be a standard feature within any existing application that requires a phone interface.

Features of Call Recording and Monitoring Solutions

Call Center recording, logging and monitoring Quality and service assurance Verbal transaction recording: agent training and efficiency improvements follow up information Financial and stock dealing Telephone order applications



Superior voice recording quality Encrypted and access secured voice file storage and playback Fully configurable recording parameters Built in phone book with import facility for your relational database Local and/or LAN/WAN call playback and monitoring Advanced user, application and security / access management Automatic multiple hard disk content and capacity management Extensive search, filter and storage marking capabilities

Call Track Software

Call Tracking Software is software that automates the process of receiving and responding to customer phone calls.

Benefits of Call Tracking Software

Effectively eliminate calls from falling through the cracks and reduce the number of unresolved calls Log calls easily through a Windows interface or Web interface. Increase service levels by resolving calls faster. Decrease the number of calls received by your call center. Provide 24/7 customer support. Automatically escalate issues or notify agents of important changes or details. Provide faster response time to customer calls.

Contact Management Software

Contact Management Software is software that manages all sorts of contact. The software is integrated with Microsoft Outlook, e-mail programs and has the capability to import contacts from other programs. It is also called Address Book Software.

Benefits of Contact Management Software:

Manage an unlimited number of contacts in an easy-to-use list Profile your customers by industry, budget, size, or other criteria by configuring the unique User-Defined Fields. Store all contact details, including multiple phone numbers and e-mail addresses. Ensure complete customer information by setting mandatory fields and maintain accurate customer lists with duplicate record checking. Manage project sales and sales forecasting. Capturing high-volume customer orders or inquiries for rapid processing. Integrate with 3rd party applications like manufacturing, EDI or EpoS, locally and/or over the Internet

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions facilitate firms to create the customer relationship needed to uncover new business opportunities and enhance client service.

CRM Solutions



Advantages of CRM Solutions

Customer Service and Care Screen pop with DNIS and ANI Predictive dialling/auto dialling Remote agent support Customization and integration Literature fulfillment Development toolkit Follow-up date call backs Multiple blended campaigns Online Surveys Call history Contact management System and agent monitoring Data import/export Appointment scheduling Help Desk Application

Help Desk Software Help desk software is an integrated internal solution that acts as a centralized
system. It specialize in providing internal service and support solutions that automate the help desk and service desk function. Typical functionality includes call management, call tracking, knowledge management, problem resolution, remote control, and self-help capabilities. It provides a valuable and easy to use customer service system for companies and organizations.

Benefits of Help Desk Software

Increase customer satisfaction Reduce customer downtime Reduce support call numbers Improve efficiency Improve communications Identify problem areas in your products or service

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Technology

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Systems are designed to provide easy to configure automated call handling systems that can be tailored to individual needs. This comprehensive system leads to distribution of routing information with the help of FAX or pre-recorded voice messages. It includes services like:



Speech recognition Self-service Fax management capabilities

It is also very handy in reducing fatigue, increasing efficiency and decreasing time spent by agents in imparting information. The IVR Systems offer the following:

Click to Run Sample Reports IVR Service Bureau Voice Broadcasting Services IVR Outsourcing Services Campaign Development and Design Implementation Hosting Custom Reporting IVR Software and Database Integration Text To Speech Software Applications Professional Voice Recordings Quality Transcription Services Maintenance

Phone System Auto Dialers Auto dialers are designed to automate the process of making and receiving
telephone calls. It is a system that calls numbers from a list or database when an agent in the pool is available. It in turn calls the targeted numbers and after detecting the answering machine it leaves the perfect message. They are also used to survey customers, notify emergency personnel of crisis situation and so on.

Types of Auto diallers

There are basically two types of auto diallers.

Outbound Dialers: Provide an efficient and effective venue for reaching

a large audience in a short span of time. Inbound Dialers: Accept calls from the outside and distribute them in an intelligent fashion to service agents.

Key Features of Auto Dialer

Smart, Easy to use, reliable, and affordable auto dialing. Automatic dialing with a single click. Touch tone response. Speech command response. Voice message for any response. Record and voice broadcast in your own voice. Detect human pick up and answering machine. 22


Automatic retry for busy line or no answer. Set or schedule broadcast time, auto reschedule. Daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly recurring broadcast.

Predictive Dialling
Predictive-dialer is a computer based dialogic predictive dialling system that handles inbound and outbound phone calls for small to large call centers. It brings about cost savings, improved control, maximized productivity and efficient use of resources.

The Predictive Dialer is extensively used for:

Outbound telemarketing Debt collection Market research Customer service Follow-ups

Features of Predictive Dialling

Preview, Progressive, Predictive Dialer Software Comprehensive List Manager with Data Import Automatic Call Distribution (ACD systems) with ANI and DNIS recognition Interactive Voice Response (IVR systems) Voice Recording System Comprehensive Supervisor Command and Control System Agent Monitoring and Control Remote Agent (work at home employees) Fully integrated with our CRM application TELEMATION Soft phone integration to CTI enable your existing applications Report and graphical presentation of historical phone data

Telecommuting Software
Telecommuting often called telework occurs when employees work away from their standard place of work. Telecommuting software is a phone system for telecommuting and work from home call centers and remote agents. This also answers customer inquiries on its own and can even contact customers or prospects with announcements or alerts.

Benefits of Telecommuting

Less office space and resource requirement. More productive and efficient telecommuter workforce. Increased energy conservation. More motivated and content work at home employees. Broader telework force recruiting base.



Increased worker retention. Remote office interoperability. Less impact from weather conditions. Reduced telecommuter sick leave. Easier peak business workforce management Decreased environmental impact.

Applications of Text to Speech Software:

Customer Satisfaction Surveys Market Research Surveys Message and Recording Services Literature Fulfillment Employee Testing and Evaluation Order Entry Credit Card Processing Voice Mail Inventory Confirmation Account Status Lead Generation & Capture Professional Voice Recording

Voice Messaging
Voice messaging is a voicemail system that provides an efficient and economical way for businesses of any size to capture and manage voice messages. Using voice messaging one can broadcast hundreds and thousands of phone messages and announcements at once. Pre-recorded messages are played to provide various information to customers.

Benefits of Voice Messaging

Providing high volume contacts and notifications Delivering voice mail messages efficiently Expanding hours of operation with telemessaging services Automating routine calls thereby freeing employees to concentrate on more complex duties Speeding response times to message recipients Expanding call capacity faster and at a lower cost Providing multi-lingual support Reducing the cost of employee or call center agent turnover

Voice Recognition
Enhanced voice-recognition functionality promises lower call-center costs facilitates the call-center agents to handle only those calls that require human intervention. There are multiple types of voice recognition such as:

Discrete numeric



Continuous numeric Alphanumeric Speaker dependent Custom

It makes a voiceprint of customers' voices and enables the call center to automatically recognize customers each time they call. This is done once the call center has programmed the voices into the system. Instead of pressing prompts on a telephone keypad, the customer can speak requests and the system can automate them, lessening the burden on call-center representatives. An administrator sets tolerance thresholds that will alert a call-center agent should a person fall below the threshold of probability, adding another layer of security to customer accounts. Voice recognition systems help machines understand a caller's voice and extract meaning from the words. Callers do not have to say specific words such as 'collect' or 'refund' for the technology to understand the meaning of the caller's request. The machine gets a transcription of the text of the customer's request and attempts to classify the request. Depending on the caller's need, help could be provided by a human agent or an interactive voice response system.

VOIP VOIP is an acronym used for voice over Internet Protocol. It is a

technology that enables people to use the Internet as the transmission medium for telephone calls. It can turn a standard Internet connection into a way to place free phone calls. It is a revolutionary technology that has the potential to completely rework the world's phone system. It is also called IP Telephony, Digital

Phone and Internet Telephony. VOIP Calling

There are three different ways by which VOIP calling can be done.

ATA - The simplest and most common way is through the use of a device

called an ATA (analog telephone adaptor). The ATA allows to connect a standard phone to computer or Internet connection for use with VoIP. IP Phones - These specialized phones look just like normal phones with a handset, cradle and buttons. Computer-to-computer - This is certainly the easiest way to use VoIP.

Advantages of VOIP

It is digital and offer features and services that are not available with a traditional phone. One need not maintain and pay the additional cost for a phone line. Talk for maximum time period with much reduced cost. Talk with many people at the same time without any additional cost. Call center agents using VoIP phones can easily work from anywhere with a good Internet



Disadvantages of VOIP

Some VOIP services don't work during power outages and the service provider may not offer backup power. Not all VOIP services connect directly to emergency services through 9-1-1. VoIP providers may or may not offer directory assistance/white page listings. Another issue associated with VOIP is having a phone system dependant on individual PCs of varying specifications and power. A call can be affected by processor drain. VOIP is susceptible to worms, viruses and hacking The nature of IP makes it difficult to geographically locate network users. Emergency calls, therefore, cannot easily be routed to a nearby call center, and are impossible on some VOIP

1.1) Purpose:
The software is for managing working in a call center.

It maintains three levels of users:



Administrator level

Call center executive level

Customer level

The software includes:

Selling products and providing services to customers.

Solving problems regarding usage and functioning of products.

Providing an information base for any type of queries.

Keeping customers informed about the new products evolved.

1.2) Scope:
It can be used by any company or a call center for enhancing customer relationship management, selling and promoting products and services and maintaining customer details.

1.3)Technologies used:
Database design(Oracle 10g)

ASP .Net Framework3.5





CALL CENTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM This System will provide the smooth technical support in purchasing of products and solving the problems of the customers. Earlier, when the problem came up, end user contacts the project leader or the person who has developed the product, but now, end user can lodge their complaints at the centralized call centre & get the solution to their problems through email or telephone


Proposed System Features:

Securing the system from unauthorized access through passwords and

buying the software for a subscription period by making payments. A centralized database is used to store records of products , customers,

company, call center executive and services offered. Centralized data storage help in faster data access & in implementing security measures to secure data stored. Registration of the callers information & their problems. Automatic generation of callers registration number & complaint num ber. List of products and services offered. New, pending & solved problems can be viewed. The list of actions can be viewed by selecting the complaint number. The problem is forwarded to the selected expert through e-mail. The callers information & his/her problem can be updated.


CALL CENTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The status of the problem and delivery of the product gets updated depending upon the action taken. Automatic generation of E-mail format that has to be sent to the expert. The caller can easily know the status of their problems and delivery of his product through e-mail or telephones. The Centralized call centre will send the status of the callers problem and the product bought to the callers email. The email format can be viewed & hard copy can be taken, if necessary. Maintaining the project, expert & project-expert details. Creation of new users to access the functionalities & features of the system.

1.4.2 Proposed System Module: A login module to verify the credentials of users before granting them rights to access and use of the system. This will ensure the security of the data. new call registration module: To store the details of the callers, products they want to purchase, their problems and queries. 29

CALL CENTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM To search the callers information based on registration number, mobile number, landline number& email-Id. call status module to view the progress or status of the problems and products to be delivered. action taken module: To view the action taken against the particular problem and request of the customer.

To update the status of the problem, query, product. To update the callers & their problem information. An expert level module to send the details of the caller & his/her problem to the selected expert through e-mail. A show details module to view the format of the sent e-mail & to take the print out, if required. An expert module to add, modify & delete experts details. A project module to add, modify & delete projects details. A project-expert module to add, modify the project& their experts details. A create new user module to authenticate & authorize new users to access the system.

1.4.3 System Architecture:


CALL CENTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM This system follows the 3 tier architecture: Presentation tier: Consisting of HTML. HTML pages can be used for accepting the data & displaying the final results to the users. Business Logic Layer: Consisting of JSP. It contains the logic to implement the various operations in managing the application & database connections. Data tier: Consisting of MS SQL Server 2005 database to store the rele
vant data.







The aim of a feasibility study is to see whether it is possible to develop a system at a reasonable cost or not and after that a decision is taken whether to proceed or not. Four key considerations are involved in the feasibility analysis:

2.1.1 Technical Feasibility:

Technical feasibility centres on the existing computer system (hardware or software etc) and to what extent it can support the proposed addition. This CCMS software is technically feasible. The primary technical requirement includes the availability of Windows 2000 or higher version of operating systems installed in the network. SQL Server 2005 is also required which was already installed. To develop programs JDK 1.3, JDK/SDKEE server was required which was also available. Reliability, access power and data security was also available. Thus, through all the ends technical feasibility was met.

2.1.2 Economic Feasibility:

Most commonly known as cost benefit analysis, the procedure is to determine the benefits and savings that are expected from the candidate system and compare them with costs. If benefits outweigh costs, then the decision is made to design and implement the system. Otherwise, further justification or alterations in the proposed system will have to be made if it is to have a chance of being approved.


CALL CENTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM This CCMS software is economically feasible. As the hardware was installed from quite beginning, the cost on project of hardware is low. Similarly, the software loaded for this project was used for many other applications. The software cost was under budget. As student trainees are developing the application, there were no major personnel costs associated. Moreover, the technical requirements were already available so there was no further expenditure for buying software packages.

2.1.3 Operational Feasibility:

Issues to be studied are, is there sufficient support for management and users? Is the current method acceptable to users? Will the proposed system cause any harm? This CCMS software is operationally feasible. It is very easy to use the webbased application of extreme. User can navigate through the tool by simply clicking on the menu button. There is a simple flow of data between various screens. This application provides the necessary information to the user such as how to enter the information regarding different operations performed on the database. The application was planned in such a way that no prior knowledge was required to go through the various operations. The user just needed to have the basic knowledge of computers.




2.2.1 Zero Level DFD

Project-Expert info. Entry Caller info. Entry Project info. Entry User Account maintenance

Call Entry Operator

Prob./Prod. Info iii Inf info. Entry

Call Center Management System

Expert info. Entry


Caller Info. Generated Problem info. Generated Call status info. Generated

Expert Info. Generated

Project-Expert info. Generated

Project Info. Generated



2.2.2One Level DFD





Update Proces s



Update Proces s

Call Entry Operator

Caller Info. Mgmt Call Status Mgmt

Problem Info Mgmt Login Source Info. Base Mgmt. Administrator

Executive Info. Mgmt.

Executive Account managemen t

Product Executive Info Mgmt.

Expert Level Mgmt

Product Info. Mgmt.



Figure 2






Access user info.

Display User Account info.

Retrieve user info.

User Account Info.


Enter / Update / Delete user info.

Validate/ Process User info.

Update / Delete user info.


Call Entry operator

Enter uid, pwd

Enter uid, pwd


User Account Info




Call entry operator

Access Caller Info

Display Caller Info.

Retrieve caller info.

Caller Details generated

Caller details

Enter / Update Caller Info.

Validate / Process Caller Info

Update caller info


Call entry operator

Access Problem Info

Display Problem Info.

Retrieve problem info.

Problem Details generated

Problem details

Enter problem Info

Validate/ Process Problem Info.




Access Expert Info

Display Expert Info.

Retrieve Expert info.

Expert Details generated

Expert details Enter / Update / Delete Expert info Update / Delete Expert info.

Validate/ Process Expert info.



Access Project info.

Display Project Info.

Retrieve project info.

Project details generated

Project details Enter Project info.

Validate/ Process Project Info.



Access ProjectExpert info.


Display Project Expert info.

Retrieve project-Expert info.

Expert Details generated

Enter / update Project-expert info.

Project-Expert details

Validate/ Process ProjectExpert Info.


Call Entry Operator

Access Call Status info

Display Call Status Info.

Retrieve Call Status info.

Call Status Details Generated

Call Status details Update Call Status info.

Validate/ Process Call Status Info.



Call Entry Operator

Access Action Taken info

Display Action Taken Info.

Action Taken Details Retrieve Action taken info.Generated

Action taken details Update Action Taken info.

Validate/ Process Action Taken Info.


Call Entry Operator

Display Expert Level Info.

Sent Email Details Generated

Retrieve expert Level info.

Project-Expert details




D_nam e E_nam e Sex Data Analysis

Training & Consultancy

Medical Services


Advertise for


E-Id E_Do B

E_Ad d

Business & Market Research R&D L_sol n.

N/W Mgnt

Belong s To C_Ad d

C_nam e

C_Pno .

Customer Sex CSno.

Fetches Information about









E_Ad d

P_Nam e


Warrant y


Promote s


P_typ e D_name E_SPfn o Sex E_DoB Manf_date

Purchas es

Belon g To

C_Add CLoginId C_fax C-Id


C_Cust omer ADD


Queri es About


C_Emai l

C_PNo . Sex


C_Emai l C_Nam e


C_Phone S-Code



Ccode Company C_Pno C_Add Produc es

C_Nam e Belong s To C_Type S_name State

Dist_Cod e

P-Id Belong s To


P_Name Descriptio n

Buys Login Id Customer Reg-No C_email


P_Date Reg-No Status

Registe rs C_Nam e


C_Pno. C_Add

Assigned to Solve d By

LoginId E_Nam e



Employee Sex


E_email E_PNo




C_Pno No Caller

C_State Has C_Dis t C_Add C_Mobil e

Query_N o


Q_Detai l

Query details

C_Nam e C_Mail

Q_Type Q_Status

Q_Enter time

Q_Ente r by

Belongs to

Takes action on

Belong s To S-No S_Place

Service detail




Manage d By



Inform To E_Code


E_Emai l


Exp_Cod e Consist s Of Act_Date.

Action taken

Employee LoginId E_Nam e E_Phon e


State Detail
Exp_Ac t


CALL CENTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Entity Name Entity Description S.No 1 2 3 4 Attribute state_code District_code Block_code Name State_detail This state_detail table stores the details of state,block & district Type Length Key/constraints Char 2 Not null Char 2 Not Null Char 4 Not Null Char 30 Not Null Description Code of state Code of district Code of block Name



2.2.4Problem Detail

Entity Name Entity Description S.No Attribute 1 2 3 4 Project_code Main_project Sub_project Problem_type

Project_detail This project_detail table stores the details of the project Type Length Key/constraint Char Varchar Varchar Varchar 7 25 50 50 s Primary key Not Null Not Null Not Null Description Code of project Main projects name Sub projects name Problem types name



2.2.5Project-Expert Detail

Entity Name Entity Description S.N o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Attribute Expert_code Project_code Expert_Level Project_Level Service_Status Activate_date Deactivate_date Deactivate_remark

Project_Expert_detail This project_expert_detail table stores the details of expert corresponding to the project Type Lengt Key/constrain Description Char Char Char Char Char DateTim e DateTim e Text h 11 7 3 3 1 ts Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null/ default y Code of expert Code of project Level of expert Level of project Experts service status



2.2.6User Detail 2.2.7

Entity Name Entity Description S.No Attribute 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Login_id Password User_id Role User_detail This user_detail table stores all the

necessary details of various users. Type Length Key/constraint Description Char Char Char Char 8 128 11 24 s Primary key Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null Null 1 Not Null/ default value y Login Id Password Expert code Role of the user Date of login created Date of login closed Status of the user

Login_creation_date Datetime Login_closed_date Status Datetime Char



2.2.8 2.2.9

Action Taken Detail

Entity Name Entity Description

Action_taken_detail This action_taken_detail table stores the actions taken by the experts on the callers project

S.No Attribute 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

problem Type Length Key/constraint 11 11 7 s Not null Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null

Description Registration number Complaint number Code of project Action taken by expert Date of action Code of expert

Registration_no Char Complaint_no Project_code Expert_action action_date Expert_code Attached_file Char Char Text

Datetime Char 11 varchar 50




Expert Detail

Entity Name Entity Description S.No Attribute 1 2 3 4 Expert_code Name Organization Email

Expert_detail This expert_detail table stores the details of the expert Type Char Char Char Char Length 11 50 50 50 Key/constraint s Primary key Not Null Not Null Not Null Description Code of expert Name of expert Experts organization Experts Email Id Experts





Landline number Experts Mobile number Experts

6 7

MobileNo Address

Char Char

11 50

Not Null Not Null Not Null /

address Experts service status

8 9 10 11



default y Null Null

Service_start_date Datetime Service_end_date Datetime Remarks Text






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