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Headings to Avoid

Wind coming from 090 at 20 kts. Your Safe pedal margin for RCC is 15 kts. Headings to Avoid?

Right Crosswind Component

First we draw a line at the 15 knot wind

Then we go to the wind gust line of 20 knots. Then move upward to the 15 knot line.

Then you move out from that intersection to where the circle intersects with the first line. You will get the azimuth of 51.

To get the reciprocal you subtract 51 from 180 you get 129

To get headings to avoid for the crosswind component subtract the azimuths from the wind direction as follows: (wind direction) - azimuth = heading to avoid 090 051 = 39 090 129 = (360+090) 129 = 321 Headings to avoid are 321 to 39

Should your wind come from 210 210 51 = 159 210 129 = 81 Headings to avoid shall be 81 to 159

Tailwind Component

The Tail wind component is figured when the winds are greater than 10 knots. The Tail wind component is from 260 to 100 azimuth.

To get headings to avoid for the tailwind component subtract the azimuths from the wind direction as follows: (wind direction) - azimuth = heading to avoid 090 100 = (360+090) 100 = 350 090 260 = (360+090) 260 = 190 Headings to avoid are 190 to 350

Should your wind come from 210 210 100 = 110 210 260 = (360+210) 260 = 310 Headings to avoid shall be 310 to 110

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