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A. Arvanitis1, N. Moussiopoulos2, S. Kephalopoulos1

1 EC Joint Research Centre, Environment Institute, Italy Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece

Summary The EPAs Models3 aerosol module was incorporated into MUSE the three-dimensional photochemical dispersion model of ZEUS so as to study the dispersion of primary and secondary particles in urban atmospheres. The aerosol module was coupled with a simple gas chemistry scheme of HNO3 and H2SO4 formation. The size distribution of the particles was assumed to have three lognormal modes with variable mean diameter and constant standard deviation. In order to examine its performance, the model was applied to simulate aerosol pollution during a summer day in Thessaloniki, Greece.

Emissions PM10, NH3

MEMO U, T, RH, Dturb

MUSE NO2, SO2, OH, Organics

The aerosol model

Particulate phase reactive species: SO4 (fine), NO3 (fine), NH4 (fine), H2O (fine), OC (fine) Main features internally mixed aerosol SO4-NO3-NH4-H2O in equilibrium the H2SO4 condensation rate is determined by its gasphase oxidation rate the binary nucleation of H2SO4 is included by Wexlers parameterization the intermodal and intramodal coagulation for nucleation and accumulation modes is included the standard deviations of the three lognormal size distributions are held constant condensation of organics is treated according to Odums partitioning coefficients

NO2 + OH HNO3 SO2 + OH(O 2, H2O) H2SO4 + HO2 ORGg + OH OC

The size distribution is described by 3 log-normal modes Particulate phase passive species: EC (fine), Sea salt (coarse), Soil dust (coarse), Other primary (coarse & fine)

Simulation of a summer day pollution in Thessaloniki, Greece

Future work Inclusion of NaCl chemical interactions and natural emissions Shifting from a modal to a sectional model Coupling a lumped gas-phase chemical scheme with the aerosol chemistry Neglecting coagulation and nucleation simulation Sensitivity analysis on emissions breakup Estimation of industrial emissions and fugitive emissions Validation of the model



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