OctNewsletter 2001 Sullivan

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Class Flash!
3e anne Mme Power et Mme Jacquie

Whats going on in our class?

Ron Morrish Presentation for Parents and Staff!
Ron Morrish, educator and behaviour specialist, speaks to parents and educators at Captain M. VandenBos . We will learn how to raise and teach children without all the deal-making, arguments and confrontations. Also, we will learn how to set appropriate limits, teach courtesy and respect, and to deal effectively with defiance. Ron will share with us his secrets of discipline in a clear and understandable format. Bring your neighbours and friends. All are welcome!
Wednesday, October 19th at 6:30 pm
* Franais: We are working this month on writing good quality sentences that have M.S.V.C.P. (capital, subject, verb, complement, punctuation). We will also be learning about descriptive writing. The children will write a booklet describing an alien they will create. Their story will provide details about their aliens physical appearance, habitat, diet and reasons for their visit to planet Earth. In November, your child will dress-up and become the alien. He/she will create a guided oral presentation of his/her creation! * Devoirs: The Ministry of Education recommends that children in Grade 3 complete approx. 30 minutes of homework EVERY NIGHT. Some dicte practice should be completed nightly throughout the week. Several nights per week, your child will likely also bring home extra work, especially math, which was discussed/begun in class and was not completed at school. Homework is not marked, but is VERY valuable practice that will be beneficial to your childs learning. Please help your child remember to complete their homework to the best of his/her ability! * Dicte/Verb Quiz is EVERY Friday. Your child should be practising their words for dicte and the verb of the week for AT LEAST 5-10 minutes EVERY night, perhaps longer if they dont have additional homework. The practise worksheets are to be completed over a period of one week and returned to school EVERY Friday in exchange for a new list of words/verb and practise sheets. I look over the new worksheets with the children every Friday before it is sent home. * Home Reading Program/Jaime lire! : Our home reading program will begin the week of October 10th. Parents are asked to be on the look-out for a Zip Lock bag that will contain a book that your child should read aloud to you over several days before returning it to school. A letter outlining the program and expectations will be sent home in the same bag. a process that involves writing down the steps they took to solve the problem. Together, the children and I will be review how to complete the Math Journal. Your child will be encouraged to make the necessary corrections in red in order to show what they have learned. * If your child does not already have a Red/Orange/Pink PEN at school, please consider sending one in!* *Addition/Subtraction: Your child should be practising adding/subtracting at home through drills, games and flash cards. We will begin Math minutes soon! (fast computation). * Science: In October, the children continue to learn about soil, its components and attributes. Ask your child what he/she now knows about dirt! *Social Studies: This month, we continue to learn about Canada and Ontario. The students are reviewing the 7 continents, where Canada is located on the globe, the oceans that surround Canada, where Ontario is situated on the map of Canada, where Whitby is on the map of Ontario and what provinces are our neighbors. The children will soon demonstrate their mapping abilities. * Visual Arts: In our exploration of the elements of design, we are completing our study of colour and will focus on line this month.

Remember to Always have a book on the go!

* Math: A Math Journal will be sent home on Wednesdays, starting October 12th, and must be returned to school by the following Wednesday. Our expectations for the journal are that your child highlight the important parts of the question that will help him/her to better understand what needs to be done. As well, he/she must explain their work in writing. This is

Friendly Reminders:
*Monday, October 3rd: Success Assembly (12:30) & Crazy Hat Day * Monday, October 10th: Thanksgiving Day: No school for students and staff * Tuesday, October 11th: QSP Magazine orders are due * Wednesday, October 13th: Say Cheese! Its Picture Day! * Wednesday, October 19th: Ron Morrish presentation (6:30 pm) * Thursday, October 20th: Popcorn Day *Tuesday, October 25th: Pizza Day * On Monday, October 31st: The students may come to school in the morning dressed in their costumes, however we will have a regular morning in our classroom. We will enjoy a celebration after lunch this day.


Have a fun and relaxing Thanksgiving weekend spent with family and friends!
may not be written down every day, the children should be practicing and completing a portion of this work every night in order to be prepared for the dictation/math journal. As a family, establishing a dicte/journal de math routine for every night would be beneficial.

B O N N E F T E O C T O B R E :

Joshua (3) Elizabeth (29) Hannah (30)

treats are welcome (e.g., fruit and dip, nachos and salsa, chips, cookies) *Agenda: Thank you! The agenda is being signed by most parents daily and most parents are ensuring that homework is being completed (as much as possible within the 30 minutes of time allotted). Please note that even though dicte, mots and journal de math


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