Jared Swanson's Resume

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Seoul, South Korea http://twitter.com/#!/swansonpilot OBJECTIVE

Flying passengenrs safely to their desired destination creating a friendly bond between fliers and having a positive attitude.


Yongsan International School of Seoul o Was in Varsity cross-country. o Earned honors in all years I was here. o Was in the Ping Pong Club

August 2008-2014


Tutor English January 2010-August 2011 o Volunteered to help a Korean kid learn English. o Read books and helped him out in grammar.

Flew in many Airplanes July 2000-August 2011 o Experienced an airplane and saw what the people did in the airplane. o Read the airplane instruction magazines in the front pocket and learned the components of an airplane.

o o

I play many sports and have good hand-eye coordination. I cooperate well with other people.

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