Loading Data THRG Excel

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Step 1: Instance : EDEVL CREATE TABLE XXTEMP_TABLE( customer_num NUMBER , customer_name VARCHAR2(20) ); Step 2: Create Excel file and

save it as Book1.xls file Sample Excel file

Step 3: Connect to toad with same Instance where u have created table earlier.(i.e Step1) From Menu bar navigate to=>Database=>Import=>Table Data

It Opens

Schema : Apps (Note : If it is custom Schema then you need to select Custom Schema) Object Type : Table In Object Name List : Select table name you have created earlier(I.e XXTEMP_TABLE) Commit Mode : By default Dont commitYou can change the commit option if you want to commit. Then click on Show Data button

If you had already inserted data into the table, then it will show data otherwise it will show empty dataSee below columns Customer_num and Customer_Name are empty..

Click on Excetue Wizard button.. Select Excel file and click on Next button..

Import the file Book1.xls which you have save earlier(Step2) Note : we can give rejected record file name in Rejected record file name column(Need to create one file and attach here)

Click on Next Next Button.You can Ignore the below screen

Click on next button.

In the below Screen,We need to map the columns to Excel

Customer_Num => A Customer_Name => B

Click on Next Button Final click on Exceute Button

Click on Ok Button.

Once Data loaded successful the we will get message

Check : Select * From xxtemp_table;

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