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Al-Awraad The wayfarer (Saalik) to Allah must always be steadfast in his obligatory (Fard) and recommended (Sunnah) duties

s prescribed by Almighty Allah and the Holy Prophet saw. Awraad (pl. Wird) are those litannies that the Saalik must recite every day and night. The following are some of them: (1) The Wird mentionned below has been prescribed by the Sufiyyah of Hijaz (Mecca and Medina) among the Ahl al-Bayt (the descendents of the Prophet saw) and from generations to generations it has been recited: 3 times Salat ala an-Nabi 3 times Surah al-Fatiha 3 times Ayat al-Kursi 11 times Surah al-Falaq 11 times Surah an-Naas 3 times Salat ala an-Nabi It is very effective as a protection against all mischiefs and a mean to acquire tranquility, peace of mind and spiritual upliftment. It should be recited and blown on the body 3 times daily: (a) After Fajr prayer (b) After Maghrib prayer (c) Before goining to bed (2) The Azkaar (pl.Zikr) mention below must be read by the Saalik at least 100 times every day and 100 times every night. Astaghfirullah Laa ilaha illallah Swallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam Subhanallah wal Hamdulillah wa Laa ilaha illallahu wallahu Akbar wa Laa hawla wa laa quwwata illah billah hil Ali yil Azweem The blessings of the above Azkaar are illimitable. (3) To read at least a portion of the Quran everyday.

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