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Service Announcement Rubric

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Team has a clear picture of what Team has a fearly clear picture of Team has brainstromed their Team has spent little effort on they are trying to achieve. Each what they are trying to achieve. concept, but no clear focus has brainstorming and refining a member can describe what they Each member can describe what emerged for the team. Team concept. Team members are are trying to do and generally they are trying to do overall but members may describe the unclear on the goals and how how his/her work will contribute has trouble describing how goals/final product differently. their contributions will help them to the final product. Careful his/her work will contribute to the Very little evidence of reach the goal. No consideration consideration of target audience's final product. C consideration for target of target audience. needs. audience's needs. Storyboard is complete with Storyboard is relatively complete Storyboard has glaring omission in Storyboard is not done or is so sketches for each scence, detailed with sketches for most scence, scene planning. There some incomplete that it could not be notes on titles, transitions, special and notes on titles, transitions, sketches and notes on titles, used even as a general guide. ng effects, sound, etc. Storyboard special effects, sound, etc. transitions, special effects, sound, omission in scene planning. reflects outstanding planning and Storyboard reflects effective etc. Storyboard reflects attempts Storyboard reflects very little organization for the visuals in the planning and organization for the at planning and organization for planning and of the visuals. video. visuals in the video. the visuals in the video. Script is complete and it is clear what each team member/actor will say and do. Entries and exis are scripted as are important movememnts. Script is complete with 5-6 statements. Students meet and discuss regularly. All students contribute to the discussion and all are listened to respectfully. All team members contribute a fair share of the work. Script is mostly complete. It is clear what each team member/actor will say and do. Script shows planning. Script has a few major flaws. It is not alsways clear what the actors are to say and do. Script shows an attempt at planning but seems incomplete. There is no script. Actors are expected to invent what they say and do as they go along. There is no clear message.




Students meet and discuss Not all team meetings are held. regularly. Most students Most students contribute to the contribute to the discussion and discussion and all are listened to all are listened to respectfully. All respectfully. All team members team members contribute a fair contribute a fair share of the share of the work. work.


Meetings are not AND/OR some team members do not contributea fair share of the work.

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