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Main principles of the model

The rainfall - runoff model is an hydrological model. It determines the runoff signal which leaves the watershed basin from the rainfall signal recived by this basin. The model used here uses a lagragian approach. The originality of this overland model by direct simulation is that it integrates a maximum of data from satellite Earth observation and from hydrological radars.The following figure summarises the main principles of the model:



Spatial and temporal rainfall heterogeneiti es are taken into account by the model.

This model takes into account the quantity of rainfall estimated from the hydrological radars of Nimes and Toulouse, belonging to the Aramis network of Meteo France, and from rainfall direct measurements realised by the DDE11. So, rainfall can be estimated spatially and temporally, but due to the distance between the radars and the observations, these measurements are not fully accurate.

Digital Elevation Model (DEM)

Knowledg e of ground topograp hy by digital elevation models

The digital elevation model comes from the altimetric data base provided by IGN (BD ALTI ). It covers the Aude department and is essential to determine the trajectory of all the masses of water running over the basin.

Land use maps

Ground roughnes s evaluatio n using a land use map

In addition to the DEM and slopes, this information is essential. It makes it possible to calculate travel time of water particules from one point to the catchment area to another for the rainfall - runoff model and for the hydraulic model in the flood plain.

Outputs : flood hydrographs

The rainfall - runoff model provides flood hydrograph at the outlet of the area catchment (or at any point of the basin). This one makes it possible to evaluate some characteristics like maximum flow and elevation time. These data can be compared to the measurements realised by the DDE11. At this stage of the study, comparisons carried out using the few available data show a good agreement.

Another kind of relevant information can be obtained from the model : determination of the watershed boundaries. The map below shows the superimposition of the Repudre catchment area determined by the DDE11 (by a traditional but not automatic method) and by the model (by an entirely automated method).

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