Self Assesment

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Last Name 1 Student Name Professor Allison Fernley English 1010 3 October 2011 Self Assessment I decided to write

about the Campos article just because I felt that not many other people would write about it. I read it and realized the reason why is it doesnt really give you much room to use the other two articles that we read to support your ideas. Their topics are similar but not close enough to really warrant the use of the Engler or Balko Articles. I started out drafting with the intentions of being of two minds about the Campos article because I really feel that way about his article. I figured it would not be difficult to put my own voice in my paper because thats really the way I feel about it. Early on in the paper I encountered major problems trying to get my intro to lead into the summary about his article I did a lot of writing and deleting and then rewriting of sentences. I just couldnt get it to sound right and express what I wanted it to. Another problem I ran into was not writing a list summary. The reason being is his paper was so short there really wasnt that much information to summarize but I did my best anyways. I feel my papers strengths lie in the points I make about being overweight and my supporting evidence I used. I also feel that I made it easy for the reader to tell who is talking and what they are saying or implying. Another thing I think my response has is my own voice I wrote some things I normally would not have written but I totally would say if you were in a conversation with me about the topic of obesity.

Last Name 2 My revisions werent too difficult because I spent so much time on my paper in the first place. I had to fix a few sentences that werent as clear as they could have been. I also had to add a website to my works cited page that I left out on my original draft. The biggest thing I had to fix was the end of the second paragraph. I had to add more information to make my claim make sense.

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