Until We Meet Again

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Cobb County School District

Until We Meet Again

A summary of the book:
This book describes the life of Darcy Wills. Darcy is going through a very hard time in her life. She has to struggle with relationship problems that her and her boyfriend Hakeem are having and the sickness of her grandmother is taking a toll on her life. The thought of having Hakeem leave her makes her very stressed out. Her mother has also been working a lot lately . To add to all that her father has just returned after he walked out on her mother and the family. Darcy isn't really sure on how to react to all the events that are happening but
The things Darcy to has to deal with include:

father walking out on the family grandmothers sickness with Hakeem



she tries her best to keep her sanity.


new babysitting job

The main roles in this story include:

Darcy: 16 year old high school student struggling with a whole bunch of problems Jamee : Darcys younger sister Brian: a high school drop out Hakeem: Darcys Boyfriend Tarah : Darcys best friend This is the author of Until We Meet Again. Anne Schraff

The main parts Inside this issue:

Theme 2

Main Characters

Whose point of view ? Conflicts Research

5 6

Darcys Song Disscusion Que4stions

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Until We Meet Again

The story is told from a Darcys point of view.

If the story was told by anybody else it wouldn't have been as interesting. Darcy was one of the only main characters in this book. Everything that happened in the story was revolved around Darcy. All the others characters weren't constantly in the story. They were talked about for a paragraph or too and then they were out of the story again. The whole story is based on the life and problems of Darcy if it were told by anyone it wouldn't make the story interesting This is Darcy , The main character in the book.

A piece of the book from Darcy's point of view:

When Darcy lied to her father and told him that she was going t babysit he believed her. Darcys whole family was at home eating dinner and she was heading over to Brians for a date. When Bran started to Do stuff to Darcy that she didn't like she began to shout and cry.

Im sorry Darcy pleaded as her parents scolded her for the lie she had told.

To the left : is a picture of Darcy with her boyfriend Hakeem. Darcy and Hakeem used to have some good times together before Hakeems dad got sick.

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Conflicts in the story

Internal Conflict
There are many conflicts in this story but the main conflict is internal. Darcy isn't the only one whose is struggling with a conflict internally. Brian Hakeem and her mother are all also struggling internally.
Darcy goes through many ups and downs in all of the relationships in the book.

External Conflict
When Darcy went over to brains house for their date Brian tried to pull some moves on her. Darcy was very uncomfortable with the way he was treating her. He kept pushing up on her and even though she asked him to stop. To Darcy luck and surprise her father was banging on the door coming to her rescue when he finally busted down the door and saved his daughter from the arms of brian.

In the book Darcy had many problems within herself that she needed to deal with. She had to over come many problems that only she felt . Even though her parents , sister , and friends tried to help her they didn't know what she was dealing with.

Discussion Question Discussion Questions

If I could give Darcy advice about Brian id tell her that she needs to stay away from Brian. He seems to be paying way too much attention to Darcy and her life. It seems like theres something weird about Brian and the way he acts. It seems like people keep trying to warn Darcy about Brian but she just wont listen. Brian just met Darcy and he is already buying her gifts and following her around. Darcy should definitely not get involved with Brian, I also dont think she should speak to him because he seems like bad news.

I think Darcy hasn't told Tarah about Brian because she doesn't want Tarah to judge her. She knows that many people would not agree with her seeing Brian she would probably be very upset. She knows that Brian is bad luck and would not be happy that her best friend was seeing an older guy. If I was Tarah and I found out what was really going on with my best friend I would feel like there wasn't any trust between us.

Discussion Question

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Newsletter Title

Darcy`s and Brian's interview

Interview questions:
1.) Darcy how did you feel when Brian showed up to your door step with the expensive necklace? Darcys reply: The gift that Brian gives me when he comes to my front door is an expensive looking gold chain. I was very surprised by this expensive gift. The only person that was home with me was Jamee when I received the gift was. Jamee also finds out about the gift when she sees it sparkling on my neck.

2.)What was did Darcy tell you she was doing when you came over ? When I first came to the door and I asked Darcy to go to the park she is hesitant. She says she has to stay as she promised her mother and father. She has to stay home with her sister and watch her grandmother. Then after Jamee sees how cute I am, she insists that Darcy go with me and leave Jamee with grandma.

This is a picture of the gold chain that Brian gave to Darcy when he came and visited her at her door step.

This is the park that Darcy and Brian visited when he came and picked her up from her house.

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