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Chapter 8

Respiratory System
Worksheet #3

1. sputum – pathological fluid formed in the lungs or bronchi (p.126)

2. rales, crackles – abnormal respiratory sounds heard in auscultation, indicating pathology


3. compliance – ease with which lung tissue can be stretched (p.125)

4. mucus – viscous fluid secreted by mucous membranes (p.125)

5. pertussis – whooping cough (p.125)

6. Cheyne-Stokes respiration – irregular breathing characterized by alteration in depth of

respiration and apnea (p.125)

7. anosmia – lack of sense of smell (p.125)

8. anoxemia – absence of or decrease in O2 in the blood (p.125)

9. stridor – abnormal sound caused by a spasm or swelling of the larynx or a bronchus


10. coryza – head cold; upper respiratory infection (p.125)

11. atelectasis – a collapsed or airless state of the lung (p.125)

12. epistaxis – nosebleed; nasal hemorrhage (p.125)

Med Term March 29, 2006

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