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A. Chemistry and Composition of Acid Nucleic

- Composition
- Nitrogenous Bases (purine vs pyrimidine)
- Nucleoside vs nucleotide
- Nucleoside mono-, di- and triphosphate
- Polynucleotide
B. Structure of DNA/RNA

DNA/RNA Composition Studies (bases):

1. Erwin Chargaff (1950)

- A=T
- A + G = C + T ↔ (A + G)/(C + T) = 1.0
- but, (A + T)/(C + G) ≠ 1.0
1. X-ray Diffraction

– William Ashbury (1947) – periodicity of 3.4 Å and the

the bases are stacked on top of each other

– Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins (1950 - 1953)

– confirmed periodicity and proposed the helical

structure of DNA

– Linus Pauling visualized DNA as a triple helix

DNA – Watson-Crick (1953)
- Two polynucleotide strands are coiled around one axis forming a
double helic
- Both strands are in anti-parallel orientation
- Sugar-phosphate backbone located on the outside
- The bonded bases of both strands are located within the helix
and are stacked 3.4Å (0.34 nm) apart, and are perpendicular to
the axis
- Nitrogenous bases of each strands are bonded pair-wise to
bases of the other strands via hydrogen bonding (A=T dan CΞG)
- Each complete helical turn is 34Å (3.4 nm) long, so there are 10
base pairs per helical turn
- Presence of major and minor grooves
- The helix diameter is 20Å (2.0 nm)
- Right-handed helical turn
- Type B DNA
Other Forms of DNA:

DNA-A ─ 11 base pairs/helical turns, dameter 23Å

DNA-B ─ 10 base pairs/helical turns, diameter 20Å

DNA-C ─ 9.3 base pairs/helical turns, diameter 19Å

DNA-D ─ base pairs/helical turns, no CΞG pairs

DNA-E ─ 7.5 base pairs/helical turns, no CΞG pairs

DNA-Z ─ base pairs/helical turns, diameter 18Å, only CΞG pairs,

left handed turn
Struktur of RNA

- Mostly single stranded

- Berstruktur sekunder

- Three major Classes:

- ribosomal RNA (rRNA)

- messenger RNA (mRNA)

- transfer RNA (tRNA)

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