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By Ainsley, Salim, Sharukh and Kiyan

The film begins with the camera held still and we watch the sun rise. This indicates to the audience that it is the start of a new day. The effect of this is that it leaves the film to be quite mysterious as the rise of the sun can symbolise the beginning of something new. As the sun rises, the credits appear. The credits appear in the same colour and font which allows the audience to see the credits in front of the moving sun in the background. When we as an audience can see the whole sun the title of the film appears (Training Day). Also as the sun rises we listen to a very high pitched sound. This is a nondiegetic sound and it adds to the mysterious effect given by the sun rising.

Once the title fades out, the image of the sun also fades away and we are then take to a close up of Ethan Hawke s characters face which is a reflection on an alarm clock. The close up indicates to the audience that this character could be one of the main characters of the film.

His character then slowly opens his eyes at the perfect moment to turn off his alarm. This indicates to the audience that this is a usual routine for this character and so he is aware that his alarm is going to go off hence why he wakes up. This is also shown in the way he slams the alarm shut before the alarm can make any sort of noise.

After Ethan Hawkes character had turned the alarm off, a high angle shot is taking of him still laid in his bed as he takes a while before he sits up on the bed. The effect of the high angled shot adds to how weak or tired he is feeling.

Once his character decides its time to sit up, he gives out a huge gasp as if he had hardly any strength. A moderate high angle shot is continuously used to add to the effect of the character feeling weak or tired.

As Jake (Ethan Hawke character) turns his head, he says its time, but as his head fully turns around he notices that no one is there. The Mise-en-scene shows a pillow with a dip in the middle which shows that someone had been sleeping there. This then puts questions in the audiences minds as the person Jake wants to talk to isnt there creating a sense of mystery and confusion. This frame has a shallow depth of focus on Jake as Jake is in focus but the pillow isnt, but we can still see the dent in the pillow. This also helps indicate that Jake is a main character to this film.

As Jakes head is still facing the pillow a sudden diegetic sound of someone's voice is heard by Jake. The voice says Hey there and then the voice says Good morning, How are you today. From the voice we can tell it is a women. Jake then slowly turns his head and looks at the other side of the room. This shows that Jake must know who said those words as he is in no rush or panic to turn his head and see who is on the other side of the room. It is now when we see a women feeding her child.

Once Jake has fully turned his head, the depth of field changes to the women and Jake becomes out of focused. This draws all of the audiences attention to the women feeding her child and off Jake. Jake then talks to the women and it is during this convocation when we realise that the women is his wife and the child is his child. Hey, what you doing up? is followed by a response of the women saying Moo. This show that they must have some sort of a relationship as the women replys in a humorous manner. Also the women speaks to the child and says Is that daddy. This immediately indicates to the audience that they are a family.

As you can see Jake has become out of focus and his wife is in focus.

Jake then gets up and again he gasps as he gets up showing how tired and weak he seems to be. We then cut to the women and the child being fed.

After the women says Moo, she looks at something to her right and the camera followers her. Then the camera is still for 3-5 seconds and we as the audience are looking at pictures. The pictures were there wedding photo, a picture of Jake in his army uniform and pictures of religious saints on candle vases. Also there are chains with the holy cross on them. The director has purposely done this. The effect of this is that we are able to see what sort of man Jake is and what his past was about. The audience are able to tell that he is religious, has a family and was in the army from this 3-5 second still.

Jake then walks over to his wife and child and kneels in front of them and he looks up to them. The effect of this is that Jake is made to seem as if he worshiped his wife and child as he is kneeling before them.

An over the shoulder shot is taken to look at Jake as he talks to his child. This helps show how caring Jake is as we as an audience are almost looking down upon Jake.

We then cut to a point of view shot of the wife looking down at the baby. The wife then replies in the voice of the baby to Jakes remark and says Im to hungry for my own good. The wife then talks as herself and says Yes you are. This again shows a sense of humour between Jake and his wife which emphasises how close they are as family.

From the point of view shot, we cut to the over the shoulder shot of Jake again. The scene ends with Jake looking directly into his wife's eyes and saying that he needs to get ready. The effect of this is that we dont know what Jake is getting ready for and again creates that sense of mystery.

Finally, throughout the entire opening sequence. The same soundtrack is played which is the high pitched sound used in during the credits. The only thing that changed is that when we saw Jakes face in the reflection of the clock, the music gets quieter. This enables the audience to hear the convocation between Jake and his wife.

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