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C# and VB.



Explain the differences between Server-side and Client-side code?

Server side code executes on the server.For this to occur page has to be submitted or posted
back.Events fired by the controls are executed on the server.Client side code executes in the
browser of the client without submitting the page.
e.g. In ASP.NET for webcontrols like asp:button the click event of the button is executed on the
server hence the event handler for the same in a part of the code-behind (server-side code).
Along the server-side code events one can also attach client side events which are executed in
the clients browser i.e. _javascript events.

How does VB.NET/C# achieve polymorphism?

Polymorphism is also achieved through interfaces. Like abstract classes, interfaces also describe
the methods that a class needs to implement. The difference between abstract classes and
interfaces is that abstract classes always act as a base class of the related classes in the class
hierarchy. For example, consider a hierarchy-car and truck classes derived from four-wheeler
class; the classes two-wheeler and four-wheeler derived from an abstract class vehicle. So, the
class 'vehicle' is the base class in the class hierarchy. On the other hand dissimilar classes can
implement one interface. For example, there is an interface that compares two objects. This
interface can be implemented by the classes like box, person and string, which are unrelated to
each other.

C# allows multiple interface inheritance. It means that a class can implement more than one
interface. The methods declared in an interface are implicitly abstract. If a class implements an
interface, it becomes mandatory for the class to override all the methods declared in the interface,
otherwise the derived class would become abstract.

Can you explain what inheritance is and an example of when you might use it?
The savingaccount class has two data members-accno that stores account number, and trans
that keeps track of the number of transactions. We can create an object of savingaccount class
as shown below.

savingaccount s = new savingaccount ( "Amar", 5600.00f ) ;

From the constructor of savingaccount class we have called the two-argument constructor of the
account class using the base keyword and passed the name and balance to this constructor
using which the data member's name and balance are initialised.

We can write our own definition of a method that already exists in a base class. This is called
method overriding. We have overridden the deposit( ) and withdraw( ) methods in the
savingaccount class so that we can make sure that each account maintains a minimum balance
of Rs. 500 and the total number of transactions do not exceed 10. From these methods we have
called the base class's methods to update the balance using the base keyword. We have also
overridden the display( ) method to display additional information, i.e. account number.

Working of currentaccount class is more or less similar to that of savingaccount class.

Using the derived class's object, if we call a method that is not overridden in the derived class, the
base class method gets executed. Using derived class's object we can call base class's methods,
but the reverse is not allowed.

Unlike C++, C# does not support multiple inheritance. So, in C# every class has exactly one base
Now, suppose we declare reference to the base class and store in it the address of instance of
derived class as shown below.

account a1 = new savingaccount ( "Amar", 5600.00f ) ;

account a2 = new currentaccount ( "MyCompany Pvt. Ltd.", 126000.00f) ;
Such a situation arises when we have to decide at run-time a method of which class in a class
hierarchy should get called. Using a1 and a2, suppose we call the method display( ), ideally the
method of derived class should get called. But it is the method of base class that gets called. This
is because the compiler considers the type of reference (account in this case) and resolves the
method call. So, to call the proper method we must make a small change in our program. We
must use the virtual keyword while defining the methods in base class as shown below.

public virtual void display( ) { }

We must declare the methods as virtual if they are going to be overridden in derived class. To
override a virtual method in derived classes we must use the override keyword as given below.

public override void display( ) { }

Now it is ensured that when we call the methods using upcasted reference, it is the derived
class's method that would get called. Actually, when we declare a virtual method, while calling it,
the compiler considers the contents of the reference rather than its type.

If we don't want to override base class's virtual method, we can declare it with new modifier in
derived class. The new modifier indicates that the method is new to this class and is not an
override of a base class method.

How would you implement inheritance using VB.NET/C#?

When we set out to implement a class using inheritance, we must first start with an existing class
from which we will derive our new subclass. This existing class, or base class, may be part of the
.NET system class library framework, it may be part of some other application or .NET assembly,
or we may create it as part of our existing application. Once we have a base class, we can then
implement one or more subclasses based on that base class. Each of our subclasses will
automatically have all of the methods, properties, and events of that base class ? including the
implementation behind each method, property, and event. Our subclass can add new methods,
properties, and events of its own - extending the original interface with new functionality.
Additionally, a subclass can replace the methods and properties of the base class with its own
implementation - effectively overriding the original behavior and replacing it with new behaviors.
Essentially inheritance is a way of merging functionality from an existing class into our new
subclass. Inheritance also defines rules for how these methods, properties, and events can be
merged. In VB.NET we can use implements keyword for inheritance, while in C# we can use the
sign ( : ) between subclass and baseclass.

How is a property designated as read-only?


Private mPropertyName as DataType

Public ReadOnly Property PropertyName() As DataType
Get Return mPropertyName
End Get
End Property

In C#

Private DataType mPropertyName;

public returntype PropertyName
//property implementation goes here
return mPropertyName;
// Do not write the set implementation

What is hiding in CSharp ?

Hiding is also called as Shadowing. This is the concept of Overriding the methods. It is a concept
used in the Object Oriented Programming.

public class ClassA {
public virtual void MethodA() {
Trace.WriteLine("ClassA Method");

public class ClassB : ClassA {

public new void MethodA() {
Trace.WriteLine("SubClass ClassB Method");

public class TopLevel {

static void Main(string[] args) {
TextWriter tw = Console.Out;
Trace.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(tw));

ClassA obj = new ClassB();

obj.MethodA(); // Outputs “Class A Method"

ClassB obj1 = new ClassB();

obj.MethodA(); // Outputs “SubClass ClassB Method”

What is the difference between an XML "Fragment" and an XML "Document."

An XML fragment is an XML document with no single top-level root element. To put it simple it is a
part (fragment) of a well-formed xml document. (node) Where as a well-formed xml document
must have only one root element.

What does it meant to say “the canonical” form of XML?

"The purpose of Canonical XML is to define a standard format for an XML document. Canonical
XML is a very strict XML syntax, which lets documents in canonical XML be compared directly.
Using this strict syntax makes it easier to see whether two XML documents are the same. For
example, a section of text in one document might read Black & White, whereas the same section
of text might read Black & White in another document, and even in another. If you compare those
three documents byte by byte, they'll be different. But if you write them all in canonical XML,
which specifies every aspect of the syntax you can use, these three documents would all have
the same version of this text (which would be Black & White) and could be compared without
This Comparison is especially critical when xml documents are digitally signed. The digital signal
may be interpreted in different way and the document may be rejected.

Why is the XML InfoSet specification different from the Xml DOM? What does the InfoSet
attempt to solve?

"The XML Information Set (Infoset) defines a data model for XML. The Infoset describes the
abstract representation of an XML Document. Infoset is the generalized representation of the
XML Document, which is primarily meant to act as a set of definitions used by XML technologies
to formally describe what parts of an XML document they operate upon.
The Document Object Model (DOM) is one technology for representing an XML Document in
memory and to programmatically read, modify and manipulate a xml document.
Infoset helps defining generalized standards on how to use XML that is not dependent or tied to a
particular XML specification or API. The Infoset tells us what part of XML Document should be
considered as significant information.

Contrast DTDs versus XSDs. What are their similarities and differences? Which is
preferred and why?

Document Type Definition (DTD) describes a model or set of rules for an XML document. XML
Schema Definition (XSD) also describes the structure of an XML document but XSDs are much
more powerful.
The disadvantage with the Document Type Definition is it doesn’t support data types beyond the
basic 10 primitive types. It cannot properly define the type of data contained by the tag.
An Xml Schema provides an Object Oriented approach to defining the format of an xml
document. The Xml schema support most basic programming types like integer, byte, string, float
etc., We can also define complex types of our own which can be used to define a xml document.
Xml Schemas are always preferred over DTDs as a document can be more precisely defined
using the XML Schemas because of its rich support for data representation.

Speaking of Boolean data types, what's different between C# and C/C++?

There's no conversion between 0 and false, as well as any other number and true, like in C/C++.

How do you convert a string into an integer in .NET?


Can you declare a C++ type destructor in C# like ~MyClass()?

Yes, but what's the point, since it will call Finalize(), and Finalize() has no guarantees when the
memory will be cleaned up, plus, it introduces additional load on the garbage collector.

What's different about namespace declaration when comparing that to package

declaration in Java?

No semicolon.

What's the difference between const and readonly?

The readonly keyword is different from the const keyword. A const field can only be initialized at
the declaration of the field. A readonly field can be initialized either at the declaration or in a
constructor. Therefore, readonly fields can have different values depending on the constructor
used. Also, while a const field is a compile-time constant, the readonly field can be used for
runtime constants as in the following example:
public static readonly uint l1 = (uint) DateTime.Now.Ticks;
What does \a character do?
On most systems, produces a rather annoying beep.

Can you create enumerated data types in C#?


What's different about switch statements in C#?

No fall-throughs allowed.

What happens when you encounter a continue statement inside the for loop?

The code for the rest of the loop is ignored, the control is transferred back to the beginning of the

How can you sort the elements of the array in descending order?

By calling Sort() and then Reverse() methods.

Will finally block get executed if the exception had not occurred?


What's the C# equivalent of C++ catch (…), which was a catch-all statement for any
possible exception?

A catch block that catches the exception of type System.Exception. You can also omit the
parameter data type in this case and just write catch {}.

Can multiple catch blocks be executed?

No, once the proper catch code fires off, the control is transferred to the finally block (if there are
any), and then whatever follows the finally block.

Why is it a bad idea to throw your own exceptions?

Well, if at that point you know that an error has occurred, then why not write the proper code to
handle that error instead of passing a new Exception object to the catch block? Throwing your
own exceptions signifies some design flaws in the project.

What's the difference between // comments, /* */ comments and /// comments?

Single-line, multi-line and XML documentation comments.

How do you generate documentation from the C# file commented properly with a
command-line compiler?

Compile it with a /doc switch.

Can you change the value of a variable while debugging a C# application?

Yes, if you are debugging via Visual Studio.NET, just go to Immediate window.

What's the implicit name of the parameter that gets passed into the class' set method?

Value, and it's datatype depends on whatever variable we're changing.

How do you inherit from a class in C#?

Place a colon and then the name of the base class. Notice that it's double colon in C++.

Does C# support multiple inheritance?

No, use interfaces instead.

So how do you retrieve the customized properties of a .NET application from XML .config
file? Can you automate this process?

Initialize an instance of AppSettingsReader class. Call the GetValue method of

AppSettingsReader class, passing in the name of the property and the type expected. Assign the
result to the appropriate variable. In Visual Studio yes, use Dynamic Properties for automatic
.config creation, storage and retrieval.

Why is it not a good idea to insert code into InitializeComponent method when working
with Visual Studio?

The designer will likely through it away, most of the code inside InitializeComponent is auto-

Where do you add an event handler?

It's the Attributesproperty, the Add function inside that property.

e.g. btnSubmit.Attributes.Add(""onMouseOver"",""someClientCode();"")

What are jagged array?

First lets us answer the question that what an array is?

The dictionary meaning of array is an orderly arrangement or sequential arrangement of
In computer science term:
An array is a data structure that contains a number of variables, which are accessed through
computed indices. The variables contained in an array, also called the elements of the array, are
all of the same type, and this type is called the element type of the array.

An array has a rank that determines the number of indices associated with each array element.
The rank of an array is also referred to as the dimensions of the array. An array with a rank of one
is called a single-dimensional array. An array with a rank greater than one is called a multi-
dimensional array. Specific sized multidimensional arrays are often referred to as two-
dimensional arrays, three-dimensional arrays, and so on.

Now let us answer What are jagged arrays?

A jagged array is an array whose elements are arrays. The elements of jagged array can be of
different dimensions and sizes. A jagged array is sometimes called as “array-of-arrays”. It is
called jagged because each of its rows is of different size so the final or graphical representation
is not a square.

When you create a jagged array you declare the number of rows in your array. Each row will hold
an array that will be on any length. Before filling the values in the inner arrays you must declare

Jagged array declaration in C#:

For e.g. : int [] [] myJaggedArray = new int [3][];

Declaration of inner arrays:

myJaggedArray[0] = new int[5] ; // First inner array will be of length 5.

myJaggedArray[1] = new int[4] ; // Second inner array will be of length 4.
myJaggedArray[2] = new int[3] ; // Third inner array will be of length 3.

Now to access third element of second row we write:

int value = myJaggedArray[1][2];

Note that while declaring the array the second dimension is not supplied because this you will
declare later on in the code.

Jagged array are created out of single dimensional arrays so be careful while using them. Don’t
confuse it with multi-dimensional arrays because unlike them jagged arrays are not rectangular

For more information on arrays:

What is a delegate, why should you use it and how do you call it ?
A delegate is a reference type that refers to a Shared method of a type or to an instance method
of an object. Delegate is like a function pointer in C and C++. Pointers are used to store the
address of a thing. Delegate lets some other code call your function without needing to know
where your function is actually located. All events in .NET actually use delegates in the
background to wire up events. Events are really just a modified form of a delegate.
It should give you an idea of some different areas in which delegates may be appropriate:

• They enable callback functionality in multi-tier applications as demonstrated in the examples

above. <o:p></o:p>
• The CacheItemRemoveCallback delegate can be used in ASP.NET to keep cached information
up to date. When the cached information is removed for any reason, the associated callback is
exercised and could contain a reload of the cached information. <o:p></o:p>
• Use delegates to facilitate asynchronous processing for methods that do not offer asynchronous
• Events use delegates so clients can give the application events to call when the event is fired.
Exposing custom events within your applications requires the use of delegates.

How does the XmlSerializer work?

XmlSerializer in the .NET Framework is a great tool to convert Xml into runtime objects and vice

If you define integer variable and a object variable and a structure then how those will be
plotted in memory.

Integer , structure – System.ValueType -- Allocated memory on stack , infact integer is primitive

type recognized and allocated memory by compiler itself .

Infact , System.Int32 definition is as follows :

public struct Int32 : IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible

So , it’s a struct by definition , which is the same case with various other value types .

Object – Base class , that is by default reference type , so at runtime JIT compiler allocates
memory on the “Heap” Data structure .

Reference types are defined as class , derived directly or indirectly by System.ReferenceType


The enum keyword is used when you require a enumeration. A enumeration is a distinct type that
consists of a set of named constants called the enumetor list. Every enumeration type has an
underlying type which can be all integral times except that of a char type.

Declaration syntax:

[attributes] [modifiers] enum identifier [:base-type] {enumerator-list};


• attributes (optional) - this is additional declarative information, look under index A for
more information
• modifiers (optional) - permissible modifiers include: new, public, protected, internal and
private ( the 4 access modifiers)
• base-type (optional) - underlying type for the storage allocated for each enumerator, any
integral type except char (default is int)
• enumerator-list - the enumerators identifiers which are seperated by commas (optionally
including a value assignment)

Key Points:

The default underlying type of the elements in the enumeration is int as previously mentioned.
The first enumerator begins at 0 by default and each enumerator following is increased by 1.
Explicit casts are required to convert from enum type to an integral type.

// create enum for all of the months in a year
enum Months {Jan, Feb, March, April,
May, June, July, August, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec};

// same as above EXCEPT forced to start sequence

// from 1 instead of 0 (default)
enum Months2 {Jan = 1, Feb, March, April,
May, June, July, August, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec};

public void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

// notice the explicit cast required
int x = (int) Months.Feb;
int y = (int) Months.Oct;

Feb is month #" + x);
Oct is month #" + y);

// sequence forced to start with 1 i.e Jan = 1 (in the declaration)

x = (int) Months2.Feb;
y = (int) Months2.Oct;

Feb is now month #" + x);
Oct is now month #" + y);

The following lines of code show you how to retrieve an Enum member, given its integer value or
its name. This can be very useful when you are using Enum types in VB.NET or C#.NET and you
need to set an Enum type value loading, for example, a string configuration setting from a .config

In the following, we suppose to have these .NET namespaces referenced and this custom Enum
type defined:

' VB.NET version

Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Diagnostics

Public Enum MyEnum

alfa = 1
beta = 2
gamma = 3
End Enum
// C#.NET version
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;

public enum MyEnum

alfa = 1,
beta = 2,

How to retrieve an Enum member given its integer value

To retrieve an Enum member given its integer value, simply cast the integer value to your Enum

' VB.NET version

Dim MyEnumVal As MyEnum
Dim i As Integer

MyEnumVal = CType(i, MyEnum)

The result of the Debug.WriteLine() method will be "beta".

Notice that if you try to cast an integer value that is not defined in the Enum, the code will work
without exceptions; in the following code, MyEnumVal receives the value of 4, anyway:

' VB.NET version

MyEnumVal = CType(i, MyEnum)
Debug.WriteLine(MyEnumVal.ToString()) ' The output is "4"
As suggested by Michael Kennedy (thank you!), with some computing overhead, you can test for
defined Enum values using this code:

' VB.NET version

If Not MyEnum.IsDefined(GetType(MyEnum), 4) Then
Debug.WriteLine("The value of 4 is not defined in the Enum")
End If

See below for the C#.NET version:

// C#.NET version
MyEnum MyEnumVal;
int i;

// Retrieve an enum member by its value

i = 2;
MyEnumVal = (MyEnum)i;

// If the specified value is not an enum member,

// MyEnumVal receives the value anyway
i = 4;
MyEnumVal = (MyEnum)i;
Debug.WriteLine(MyEnumVal.ToString()); // The output is "4"

// Test for allowed enum values

if (!MyEnum.IsDefined(typeof(MyEnum), 4))
Debug.WriteLine("The value of 4 is not defined in the Enum");

How to retrieve an Enum member given its name

To retrieve an Enum member given its name, use the ConvertFrom() method of the
TypeConverter class and cast the result to your Enum type:

' VB.NET version

MyEnumVal = CType(TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(MyEnumVal).ConvertFrom("gamma"),
Debug.WriteLine(MyEnumVal.ToString()) ' The output is "gamma"
An alternative way to reach the same goal is using the Parse() method of System.Enum. This
approach, suggested by Dactyl (thank you!), is simpler and 3-times faster than using the
TypeConverter class:

' VB.NET version

MyEnumVal = CType(System.Enum.Parse(GetType(MyEnum), "gamma"), MyEnum)
See below for the C#.NET version:

// C#.NET version
MyEnumVal = (MyEnum) TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(MyEnumVal).ConvertFrom("gamma");
Debug.WriteLine(MyEnumVal.ToString()); // The output is "gamma"

// Dactyl's alternative
MyEnumVal = (MyEnum) Enum.Parse(typeof(MyEnum), "gamma");

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