திருவனந்தபுரத்தில் ஸ்ரீபத்மனாபர் திருக்கோவிலில் - பாதாள நிலவறைகளில் பாதுகாப்பாக வைக்கப்பட்டுள்ள பொக்கிஷம் - தமிழ்நாட்டுக்கு உரிமைப்பட்டதாகும்

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142, 143)


- 1975- .

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. (. . 1268 1310) ...

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375, 377)

02.07.2011- . 12)

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The foreign travelers who visited the pandya empire during the reign of Maravarman gives an account of the
country. Marco polo, the Italian traveler, has stated, the king possesses vast treasures and wears upon his person
great store of rich jewells An Arab traveler by name wassaf too visited the country . According to him the king
was healthy and wealthy. His treasury was filled with gold and pearls.(Dr.K.Rajayyan History of Tamil Nadu,
past to present 1995 page 103).


, ,

, ,


. (..

. 50)


-1973 . 5, 59)


, p

(. 1296).

(. .1310).


. (..

. 377)

. (

- . 104)

Maravarman Kulasekara has two sons. Jathavarman Sundara Pandya and Jayavarman Veera Pandya/ of these
the former was the son of the king by his lega queen/ and the latter by a mistress. Kulasekara/ with some partiality
for the latter arranged for his succession after him. Enraged at this outrage, the elder Sundara Pandiya
assassinated his father, drove his half brother from Madurai and ascended the throne. This led to a great civil war
between the two brothers and to the interference of Malikkafur, during his invasion of Ma bar. (A.
Krishnaswamy Iyengar, Annamalai Nagar Topics in South Indian History from Early Times upto 1565 1978
Page 217)

1975 . 377




. 112)


. (


. (..


. 120

J.H. Nelson

The golden idol named Mathurai Nayana Veittha Perumal, which graced the festal processions of god Siva,
had been carried for safety to the Malabar country, when Parakrama fled for his life and there mysteriously lost
together with much treasure. (J.H. Nelson, The Madura Country A. Manual 1868 page 81)

The golden idols which graced the festival procession of god Siva had been carried for fafety to Kerala. The
golden idols were installed and worshipped in Kilukiluppaikadu in Aramboly. Malik kfur would have come to
take back the golden idols, as Aramboly was well guarded the Muslim invasion of Travancore was averted. (Prof:
N. Rajappan, unpublished Ph. Dthesis Chapter IV page 69)


Kaffur went in pursuit of Veera Pandiya, who had fled into deep forest, but soon he gave up the chase because of
incessant rain and the difficult forest terrain There after he made a sudden raid on Madura, but found that
Sundara Pandya had got news in advance and has fled with all his treasure. Some Chroniclers like Firistha and
Haji ud- Dabir, mention that Kaffur reached the extreme south, of Indian Peninsula. It could be that he was able
to go upto Rameswaram, for in his work entitled Ashiga Amir Khusrav speaks of an invasion against Veera
Pandya upto the coast of Ceylon. (A History of Indian Civilization Vol. II Part I K.P. Bhjadur 1980 Page




After these exploits he returned to Delhi in 1311 with enormous spoils which included 312 elephants, 20,000
horses, 2750 pounds of gold, equal in value to ten crores of tanks and chests of jewels. No such booty had ever
before been brought fo Delhi. (History of India (1000 1707) Ashirbadilal Sri Vastava- 1971- Page 126 & 124)

1565 )




.. p


, 1680-


. 1544

, 1712

, 1634

. 1680


While Veera Pandya fled to the woods, Sundara Pandya, collected his treasures and escaped to some unknown
place. There is a tradition that Ravivarma Kulasekara, the ruler of Venad fought against the Afghans and forced
them to retreat (Prof: K. Rajayyan History of Tamil Nadu, past to present 1955 page 111).





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