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1. Gather basic information on a

Christian witness you chose. 2. Discuss his or her life. 3. Explain why he or she is a true Christian witness. 4. Report via PowerPoint presentation.

ON SPECIAL TALENT or ABILITY What is your special talent or ability? How do you use it? Do you take special effort to develop it more? How do others benefit from your talents?

Jesus gave us the gifts of the

Holy Spirit which enable us to fulfill our responsibility to become witnesses of Christ. To be a Christian witness is to be Christ-like and to be like Christ is to be man for others.


A witness is

someone who sees and speaks of the events happening to the world.

Jesus said to His

disciples: You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes down on you; then you are to be my witnessesyes, even to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8)

To be effective witnesses to Christ and to the Church, we must do the following:

Know the Scriptures and the Church teachings. Take an active part in the Church activities. Share what we believe with others. Be honest, sincere and courageous.

As Christian witnesses, we must become zealous in doing our mission. How do we know if we are responding to our mission?

The Twelve Fruits of the Holy Spirit

a. Charity c. Joy e. Patience g. Generosity i. Faithfulness k. Self-control b. Goodness d. Peace f. Kindness h. Gentleness j. Modesty l. Chastity

We Respond How can I live the fruits of the Holy Spirit?

What is a true Christian

witness? How can the fruits of the Holy Spirit help us in our mission?

Llarenas, Milagros. CLE 5

Workbook. Xavier School.

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