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The Business Case Method

Developed in Harvard Business School as a teaching methodology for business students Main method being used for teaching and developing management thinking Prepares students to think like real-life managers (analyze and decide well) Now being used by all MBA Programs

Business Case
A real life problem hidden in the form of a discreet case A shortened version of a business reality/problem Reader is expected to analyze the problem based on case facts and come out with solution or options for solving the problem Reader is trained in business analysis in the process May or may not contain extra info that serves to confuse the reader or may not be relevant to the case Reader should be able to identify relevant info and disregard irrelevant info Recommendation is expected after the analysis is done

Format of Business Case Analysis Report

Case Title Point of View From whose perspective are you analyzing and solving the case? Problem Statement What is the MAIN PROBLEM?
Case may present many problems some may be symptoms only Problem is defined as the difference from WHAT IS vs. WHAT SHOULD BE Problem can be stated as a sentence or a question

Areas of Consideration Relevant facts of the case that matters in analysis, evaluation and in making a decision or recommendation Solution/Options/Evaluation
Main Analysis of the facts of the case Solution, if there is only one way to solve the problem Options, if there alternative ways for solving the problem Discussion of pros and cons of Solution or Options How you were able to arrive at evaluating options and making a decision (i.e. criteria used, decision method followed)


Lets Try Doing a Quick Case Analysis

Organize into 5 small teams Go through sample case analysis handout Try solving the case as a group using the framework and format discussed

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