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GO Green Holiday Presentation Now in teenager version!

By Fellix

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Importance of Go Green Holidays

Go Green Holidays
help us to understand the environment when you travel. The scientist has figured it out that one trip from one place to a another no matter how close it is, it still release thousands of polluted air in the sky and breaking the ozon. To help to fix this problem, Go Green company was created to turn your vacation into a green holiday. Air pollution from airplanes that carries tourist has finally reach its limited and it is also causes global warming. So it is Go Green company job is to help tourist understand how important it is to save our planet by lest traveling.

Air pollution :

Resources of the environment

Water, and especially fresh water, is one of the most important thing to help us survive. The tourism industry generally overuses water resources for hotels, swimming pools, golf courses and personal use of water by tourists. This can end up generating a greater volume of waste water..

What should you think we should do?

A:Stop littering garbage while you can put it in the garbage. B:Start planning trees to help the environment. Every question that you would like to ask, visit Go Green Company website.

Thanks For watching

Go Green company presentation : By Fellix

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