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1. You must not 5. Honor your 1. You must not 5. Honor your 1. You must not 5.

Honor your
have any other father and have any other father and have any other father and
god but me. mother. god but me. mother. god but me. mother.

2. You must not 6. You must not 2. You must not 6. You must not 2. You must not 6. You must not
make for your- murder. make for your- murder. make for your- murder.
self an idol. self an idol. self an idol.
7. You must not 7. You must not 7. You must not
3. You must not commit adultry. 3. You must not commit adultry. 3. You must not commit adultry.
misuse the misuse the misuse the
name of the 8. You must not name of the 8. You must not name of the 8. You must not
Lord your God. steal. Lord your God. steal. Lord your God. steal.

4. Remember 9. You must not 4. Remember 9. You must not 4. Remember 9. You must not
to observe the testify falsely to observe the testify falsely to observe the testify falsely
Sabbath day by against your Sabbath day by against your Sabbath day by against your
keeping it holy. neighbor. keeping it holy. neighbor. keeping it holy. neighbor.

10. You must 10. You must 10. You must

not covet. not covet. not covet.

Ten Commandment Bookmark L2 © 2007 Fellowship Church

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