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re anim one e a RESTRICTED FQabxce 2, (a) "The car and hence the passenger is undergoing circular motion, “= therefore he is experiencing a centripetal acceleration a= v/r. 1 There are two forces acting on the passenger: of gravity, W = mg, acting downwards; = the force of the seat, R, acting upwirds. Ae ag - Re ave (part of the weight is used as centripetal force) fie. R= aig - vi/r) < ng (force of the seat 1s smaller than veight/normal) ‘Thus the passenger would feel lighter than normal. - were (>) The moment of inertia of a body about soe axis depends on ~ the way in which the aass is distributed; and = the position and orientation of the axis of rotation. The moment of inertia has a role in rotational motion which 1s analogous to that of the mass in linear motion: - The mass in linear motion represents the factor determining the Linear acceleration associated with a particular force. 1 ~ The moment of inertia represents the factor determining the angular acceleration associated with a particular torque. 1 Thus both are factors representing the ‘inertia’ of the > system, which give resistance to the respective motion. 1s (c) The spinning motion will be speeded up as he puts down his ams (angular velocity increases) which leads to a decrease in his monent of inertia I. ‘Aa no external torque acting on the man, his angular momentum will remain constant. By conservation of angular momentum, ee wre say > a (as D2) ‘The man’s rotational k.e. will increase 4 due to the work done by the man A date dade ly I qh > qhal as y (4) As cylinder A.slides down a smooth slope, no rotation occurs so ALL the potential energy 1s converted to translational k.e. 1 As cylinder B rolls down a rough slope, the potential energy is converted to translational and rotational k.e. Since the loss in potential energy is the same for both cylinde the translational k.e. of cylinder A is greater than that of cylinder Hence cylinder A (same mass as 8) has the greater velocity when reaching the bottom of the slope. aa PHY IIS MS Ped ped Marke sacks (a) Huygens’ principle states that each point on the existing wavefront of a wave acts as a source of secondary wavelets. hoo The plane tangential to these vavelets is the new wavefront. hoo (4) (44) (by (4) (4a) At several: points on the initial wavefront, draw spheres of radius r=ct, representing the distance travelled by the jecondary wavelets in tine t (c = velocity of wave). ‘The new wavefront displaced a distance ct from the initial wavefront. Thus, from the diagraa the wave always propagates at right angles to the wavefront. vnc Normal Nt vraag 1 incidbat, wave prot eefradad The incident wavefront has just reached the boundary between the two media at point A. Points A and B act as sources of condary wavi ‘The vave from B, travelling at speed v, in medium_1, moves a distance v,t to point Within the sane time, the wave i at z a slower speed v; in medium 2, moves a smaller distance vt -« to point A! The new wavefront in medium 2 is given by the line through - A‘B! which has clearly been deflected, refraction of wa results. The emission of light fro light source is random. The problem is that no interference pattern is observable with light from two separate sources which are incoherent. ; (cz, it is not possible to have two separate sources in constant phase relationship, {.e. coherent) = DECTDICTERN mika be te) @ (Addy re Instead of using separate sources, Young used tvo sourc: derived from a single source to overcome the problen. ‘The sane wavefront from the single slit reaches the two close and narrow slits, S, and S;. ‘Thus the wa aching the doubld slits are in constant difference, i.e. S, and S, become coherent source: from the two slits have path difference when reaching a certain point on the screen. When the path difference is such that the two vaver superimpose constructively(in phase), bright fringe is observed. When the path difference is such that the two wave superimpose destructively(out of phase), dark fringe is 4 bey a sng eM fogs) Place the testing surface on top of a standard ‘flat’, any unevenné fringes of the testing surface shows up due to air-gaps produced. (Accept other practical ut a) (it) @.9. blooming of lens) Force must be applied to extend a solid, thus it is somehow held together, thus attractive force exists between atons. A solid is hard to compress which shows that if we try to Push atoms still closer, some kind of repulsive force results. When a moderate applied force on a solid is removed, it original shape which reflects the restoring restores to i behaviour of ‘springs’. The curve of potential energy against interatomic separation is as follow: etestiak, Emgy U Extustteme Seperation 7 At a certain temperature, the atoms (with total energy 2) vibrate between A and B with mean separation r,. At a higher temperature, the k.e. and thus the total energy of the atoms incre: Atoms (with energy E;) vibrate between C and D with increased mean separation r,(>r,), as the vibration is asymmetrical with the displacement greater on the extension side - solid expands: DEC TDIATER +0 4 h cy 4 h

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