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- f cA Cow's me a RESTRICTED Pusiactt ‘WeAL-PHY A Marking Scheme i 1 @) tnd Laws The momentum of a body } + i propatioual. : to the dasulant fog acting on the body and this occurs } in the digection of this force. } . (i) + 3rd Law - If'a body,A exerts a force ona body.B. } * then body exerts an eysul but ggpasite force on body A.) ® ision cd ana m2 Before collision m,, u, and sm, uy : 1 time of impact is t and vy > v, = Body Avvall exert a force F on body B for a time t and by Newton's i 3rd Law body B will exert « force 6 on bouy A (opposite direction). § X= By Newt's tad Law, force = cal of change of momentum (ons } of proportionality = 1) Hence F = B= Since forces on #0 mat aah, = uy, ns, afd linear moment No -K.E. muy not be conserve however conwerved} ow ‘The voltage +¥ is varied between the cathode and anode vacuum tube containing Hg vapor. A sinall retarding potential exists between an intermedi i pret elotron esctinganeder Sn From O ~ B electrons accelerate snd current increases, ALB,C,D inelastic coli take place with Hg atoms rising their internal energy tony ‘quantised valve, ‘Current { Yrons 4 loss of KE, of electrons. } RESTRIC TEM hissy Pa ‘ RESTRICTED Puabocte P2 ‘Machine Scheme L G w “ : : a near Emee mo : ot ees aD large range of K.E."s, Since all electrons rent fot sane internat process 3 Py + tulad energy should be constant } ” Hence postulation of auother ‘maig-less* particle - the neuteing’ : to curry rest of encrgy. toe 3 ” as \ ‘Explain the mveanings of Newion's second and third Laws of Motion. (@ uarks) (©) Apply these laws wo the rapid impact between two boule, which were inililly moving with unequal velocities along the same direction, and show that linear momentum it conserved, , Explain whether the (otal kinetic energy ie neceesaity conserved, or nol. (7 mathe) "(@) -, Belely discuss the couscevation of energy in reppeio “| t . () ~ the results of the Franck-Hertz experiment and te (i) the energy spectrum of the Popaticles ented uatucally by some nucle! "(ho experimental circuit‘delails or theoretical details are expected.) vi * on PECTHRICTOEN rears - REST KICT ED UabSctE - : Pa ‘Marking Scheme . i A 2. (8) Kinetic theory assumptions are : (1) ivermotecular forces are negligible, } * except in collisions. .@ Volume occupied by molecules is negligible, } * compared with volume of gas, } G) All eolsionbetven molecule and with the wall of container are elastic (no energy lost). } "Time of contact during collisions 3 4 fr is negligible compared with tine between collsi “4 ! © © 5 . . “ ie i - a : y Molecule A travels to A" rapidly with high average speed. ° t % . However 10 travel from A to B i bas to suffer many collisions 4 and changes of direction 4 = resulting in a slow diffusion rate, z (i) MEP is the average distance moved by & molecule between nh 2 successive collisions with other molecules, ” rc 14 ‘Molecules have lite probability of colliding with their )- ; igbbouring molecule Scr } * since they are all movi in direct 4 = 8 Hence the M.F.P. > > average separation of molecules. } ho} rat _ my aie? RESTRICTED. putpsci?

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