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URSLEGSBY FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY Qa Page tata SECTION A ‘Answer ALL questions in this Section. Write your answers in the spaces provided L (2) @_—_ The first four successive ionization energies of an element A are 578, 1817, 2746 and 10813 1d mot" respectively. To which group in the Periodic Table does 4 belong ? Group If / ITIA / 3 / 3a 1 Gi) The relative atomic mass of bromine is 79.90. It has two isotopes with mass numbers 79 and 81 Calculate the relative abundance of each isotope. Assuming "ar 1 “ar = x: (1- x) 19x + (1 - «)81 = 79.90 x= 0.55 Abundance of er = 558 “ae = 458 G masks) (©) i) What can you deduce from the fact that the spectral lines in the atomic emission spectrum of hydrogen are nor equally spaced ? ‘The energy differences between electron shells in a hydrogen atom are not the sane (converge) Gi) Inthe atomic emission spectrum of hydrogen, the convergence limit for the Lyman series ‘occurs at 3.275 x 10% Hz. Calculate the ionization energy of hydrogen, in kJ mol” (Planck constant, h = 6.626 x 10™ 5s; Avogadeo constant, L,= 6.023 x 10 mol!) eB. = ho = 6.526 X 10™ x 3.275 x 10 x 6,023 x 108 1 = 1.307 x 106 3 mol (2307 te mot) (i 305-1310 KS ne) (4 mark for numerical answer; 4 mark for unit) 1 @ marks) 9S-AL-CHEM 1-2 FABRAXRAEB === FOR TEACHERS? USE ONLY {2 Account for the fact that the carbon-oxygen bond lengths in CO, CO, and CO," are 0.113, 0.116 and 0.129 nm respectively. co C86. / 36 4 co, orczo f CHF CEO. 4 co,” It is a resonance hybrid of the following: é & ‘or ator 4 eae tig Seer cath eevee 5 6 ay (a) The iodination of propanone is catalysed by hydrogen ions. The overall equation is CH,COCH(aq) + Iyaq) > CH,COCH,K(ag) + HIkaq) Using four mixtures B, C, D and E, the progress of the reaction was followed by colorimetric, measurement. The cesults are tabulated below, ‘Composition by volume of mixture / cm Initial rate Mixture | propanone | water | 100MHCI| 0.05M i, in KI | /moldm?s* |. B 10.0 60.0 10.0 20.0 4.96 & 10% © 10.0 50.0 10.0 30.0 3.04 x 10% D 35.0 65.0 10.0 20.0 2.45 x 10" E 10.0 65.0 5.0 20.0 2.47 x10" () Determine the effects of the changes in concentration of each of the reactants (iodine and propanone) and the catalyst (hydrochloric acid) oa the resction rate, Write the rate expression for the reaction. h , use 8, C + rate independent of (12) propanone, use 8, D : rate a (propanone} box a ,use B, Bo: rate a [#7] -2 rate =k (H*) (CH,COCH,] (ii) For mixture B, calculate the rate constant for the reaction at the temperature of the ‘experiment, (Density of CH,COCH, = 0.789 g cm”) si 100_x 0.78 ate = 4.96 x 104 = k (0.2) (ORDER) 1 59.078 x 4.96 x 10" ke = 3665 X10 a ge 0.1 x 100 x 0.789 peter : 4 marks) (4 mark for numerical anawer; 4 mark for unit) 95-AL-CHEM 3 ARAM SE FOR TEACHERS?’ USE ONLY Qa Tase uta (2) The reaction between ethanoic acid and ethanol can be represented by the following equation: CH,COOH() + CHOH® * CH,COOCHAD + H,0() 12.01 g of ethanoie acid are treated with 4.61 g of ethanol in the presence of a catalyst. When the reaction reaches equilibrium at 298 K, 5.04 g of ethanoic acid are found to have reacted. (Name a suitable catalyst for this reaction in the forward direction, concentrated sulphuric(VI) acid/hydrochieric acid/ hydrogen enloride gas 2 (Calculate the equilibrium constant, K, , for the reaction at 298 K. acid + “alechol = eater + water initial no. 12.01 461 7 2 of moles 60.052 5.088 = 0.2 = OL no. of moles 12:01 = 3:08 4.1 _ 0.084 0.084 0.084 at eqn. 60.082 = 0.116 = 0,016 axe 0.089" K. * 3.80 (no unit ) eT ONE OO OT ety) CAceept 3-80 ~3-70) (y for answer; 4 for unity 1 i) What additional mass of ethanol would be required in order to use up a further 0.60 g of ethanoie acid ? 0.6 g of ethanoic acid = 0.01 mole acid + alcohol- * ester + water no. of moles at eqn. 0.106 * 0.094 0.09445 9.094 3-80 = “Q106% woe = 0.0219 mol, 4s need to add 0.016 mol of ethariol = 0.74 g 4 (0-732 00.7423 Gv) Would the addition of more of the same catalyst affect the value of Ke? Explain. No 4 catalyst can affect only the rate of (forward and backward) 4 reaction. (7 marks) 9S-AL-CHEM 4

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