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Siebel Release Notes / Known Issues

Version 8.1 May 2011 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Siebel Release Notes contain the most current information on known product anomalies and workarounds for Siebel CRM 8.1. This Release Notes document includes important known issues as of version 8.1.1. 5. The information contained in the current version of the Siebel Release Notes document supersedes the content of all documentation provided with or for the Siebel Programs. It is important that you thoroughly review the Release Notes prior to the installation and use of the software to ensure a smooth installation and upgrade process. For a legal notice that applies to Siebel Release Notes, see 547098.1 (Doc ID) on My Oracle Support In some cases, Oracle's Siebel products and features are not available in the release or are not available with certain databases, Siebel Enterprise Server operating systems, or Siebel international localizations. Many of these limitations are due to third-party product support limitations. Product and feature availability exceptions are not documented in the Release Notes database, but are instead recorded in the Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms document, available on Oracle Technology Network (OTN).

Release Notes Categories

Call Center Comm Media Energy Connectors / EAI Consumer Sector Customer Order Management Data Quality Financial Services General Life Sciences Marketing Mobile Solutions Partner Relationship Mgmt Sales Service Siebel E-Commerce Siebel E-Commerce for Comms Siebel E-Support Siebel Self Service Common Siebel eMail Response User Interface Web Service

Query on reason codes does not execute Category: Call Center Subcategory: CTI Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10513685 Querying on the reason codes within the Reason Code pop-up applet while changing the state to NotReady stalls the application. Workaround The behavior does not exist when a query is performed within the application prior to querying the Reason codes in pop-up applet. For example, if the user queries for a contact while on-call and then queries Reason codes after the call is released, the query returns the results successfully.

Call Center



CTI Toolbar not refreshed on FireFox browser Category: Call Center

Subcategory: CTI
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Bug No.: 10512098
CTI Toolbar is not refreshed on FireFox browser. This behavior is only observed on Solaris.
Use Netscape browser on Solaris.


Removes Envox installers and drivers Category: Call Center Subcategory: CTI Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Monday, May 2, 2011 Bug No.: 10538333 Existing Customers - Existing Siebel CTI Connect customers can upgrade and acquire additional licenses until June 2009. Upgrade to updated Envox version and new connector available from Envox (purchase). Consider Oracles Unified Communications Strategy based on Siebels integration with CCA/CCOD. New Customers - Siebel CTI Connect is not available for purchase from Oracle for new Siebel customers. It is recommended that customers consider Oracles Unified Communications Strategy based on Siebels integration with CCA/CCOD. Refer to CTI partners including Envox, Genesys, Avaya, and so forth.


Workaround Future Direction - Envox is expected to create their own driver and it should be available to customers late 2008 to early 2009. Envox plans to sell, maintain and support this driver, just like other CTI partners like such as Genesys, Avaya & Cisco. Customers should contact Envox directly after June 2009.

Chat window not visible Category: Call Center

Subcategory: Other
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Bug No.: 10545712
Chat window is not properly visible when resolution is set to 800 by 600 pixels.
Set resolution to a value higher than 800 x 600.


Error message displays when clicking Save Search Category: Call Center Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Saturday, March 5, 2011 Bug No.: 10527536 (VC7/IE 6.0): Clicking the Save Search button causes an error message to be displayed. Top


Application logs off when indexing category with parentheses () in its name Category: Call Center
Subcategory: Other
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Bug No.: 10530596
Configure for Search: Navigate to Administration - Search, and then Index Settings. The Solution Category has parentheses () as part of
seed data. When a category with parentheses in its name is indexed, the application logs off.
Correct: Solution - Call Center
Incorrect: Solution (Call Center)
Incorrect: Solution [Call Center]


Not able to resize search center in Sun Mozilla 1.7.1 / Solaris 10 U2 Category: Call Center Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Saturday, March 5, 2011 Bug No.: 10528343 SI+: Not able to resize the search center in Sun Mozilla 1.7.1 / Solaris 10 U2



Error after Binocular Search to query within Date field Category: Call Center Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10538479 When users attempt a Binocular Search to query within the Date field, they receive the following error message: "The query could not be run because there is an invalid character in the field '<?>'. Please ensure that the value in the field is formatted correctly with only valid characters. Missing quotes around the search criteria or unnecessary punctuation will often cause an error (SBL-DAT-00403) when they query a Date field with condition < '1/1/2004'. These syntax do not work either: < 1/1/2004, < '2004-01-01', < 2004-01-01. The same search syntax works in 7.5.3.


SearchCenter does not display fields of selected Business Components in SeachCenter pop-up Category: Call Center Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10515782 OnInboundCallReceived SearchCenter displays without Search fields. Workaround Navigate to another Business Component in Search Center, such as Contacts, and select Service Request again. All fields are displayed with Owner populated in Owner field as per the CTI configuration.

Chat Auto Answer and Implicit Save

Category: Call Center Subcategory: Siebel Chat Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 Bug No.: 12537244 ImplicitSave does not work when Chat Auto Answer is enabled. Steps to reproduce: 1. Agent is ready. 2. Agent opens the Opportunity view, creates a new record, but does not enter a name. 3. Chat arrives. 4. Chat is autoanswered. Issue 1: Error Message 'Opportunity Name is a required field....' pops up. Issue 2: After entering an opportunity name and saving, the chat's SR view navigation does not work. Workaround
Agents must try to commit the record or do not use the Chat Auto Answer User preference. Agent must manually accept Chats.



Chat Auto Answer: Chat tabs disabled if SR details change during transfer wrapup Category: Call Center Subcategory: Siebel Chat Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 Bug No.: 12537214 Steps to reproduce: 1. Agent starts two chats (chat1 and chat2). 2. Activate chat1 and chat2 respectively, then click chat1 tab to go back to chat1. 3. Neither customer nor agent need to send a message. 4. Agent transfers chat1 to agent2. 5. After chat1 is accepted by agent2, agent1 starts wrap up. 6. Chat1 modifies SR Summary and does nothing untill wrapup ends after 30 seconds. 7. After wrap up ends, the agent clicks chat2/3 tab, one error message appears and all of the tabs are disabled. 8. When the agent clicks Resume on the CTI Toolbar, it does not work so the chat is lost with no recovery. Workaround Use Resume in the CTI toolbar within 10 seconds before the chat tabs are disabled. If Resume is clicked after 20 to 30 seconds, Resume will fail.

Open Comment window blocks Chat Auto Answer Category: Call Center Subcategory: Siebel Chat Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, May 10, 2011 Bug No.: 12537193 Top

If Chat Auto Answer is enabled and an agent is editing a comment using the Comment popup, when a new Auto Answer chat arrives, the
Auto answer will be blocked. The chat auto answer does not take place while the Comment popup is open.
The new chat only can be answered after the agent closes the Comment popup or the customer sends a message to the agent.


Smart Answer will not support Windows 2008 in FP Category: Call Center Subcategory: Smart Answer Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 Bug No.: 11780738 Smart Answer will not support Windows 2008 in Fix Pack.


Comm Media Energy

CUT_AccountDetails BI Publisher Report: Created Date not displayed under Quotes & Proposal section Category: Comm Media Energy
Subcategory: Accounts
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011
Bug No.: 10537898
CUT_AccountDetails BI Publisher Report: Created Date is not displayed under Quotes & Proposal section. This is due to the mismatch in
the type field between integration and business component tields.
Add Type (from System to Data) for the following fields in the Integration Object Definition.
1. IO=XMLP UT Account Detail, IC=Proposal, Field=Created 2. IO=XMLP UT Account Detail, IC=Quote, Field=Created



Error message displays while releasing variable maps Category: Comm Media Energy Subcategory: Order Management Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10595009 An error message displays while releasing two variable maps Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set and Default Pricing Eligibility Variable Map - Row Set because the active variable map is versioned incorrectly. Workaround

1. Login to the Siebel Application. 2. Go to the site map. 3. Navigate to Administration - Order Management, and then Variable Maps. 4. Query for variable maps, "Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set". 5. Rename this variable map to "Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set - original" . 6. Copy this variable map from the applet-level menu. 7. Name this map "Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set". 8. Lock and release the map. 9. Follow the above steps for the "Default Pricing Eligibility Variable Map - Row Set" variable map.

Cannot add promotion to Shopping Cart with default options selected Category: Comm Media Energy
Subcategory: Other
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011
Bug No.: 10532589
Self Service: When a user selects a configurable promotion, the products or options that are a part of the CP will have defaults set, which
consists of the most common configuration. The user should be able to select "Add to Cart" without clicking "+" to configure the
customizable product. Currently, a user does this, an error appears indicating the need to click "+" to configure the product.
Click the plus sign (+) and then click "Add to Cart" to get all of the default options.


Address picklist not bi-directional in Hebrew Category: Comm Media Energy Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, January 4, 2011 Bug No.: 10536405 Address picklist is not bi-directional in Hebrew



Self Service - Communications - Modify due date in Change Equipment order Category: Comm Media Energy Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10534407 In Change Equipment ABO process flow, the Calendar value selected from the Calendar pop-up on Modify Due Date page is not saved.

This occurs on the Client OS: Mac OS X 10.4 and Browser: Safari 3.0
You can enter the date manually in the Modify Due Date field rather than select from the Calendar pop-up.


Connectors / EAI

Large integration message causes data map to have a runtime error Category: Connectors / EAI Subcategory: Data Transformation Engine Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, May 5, 2011 Bug No.: 12426360 When an integration message has more than 2000 integration component instances (rows) a data transformation will fail with the error,
"Unhandled Exception: Cannot operate on null object Object.CSSEAIIntCompIn_NextRecord line: 579 Service.... Service.EAICallMapFn
... Service.EAIExecuteMap ..."
Break the message into smaller parts where each part is less than 2000 instances (rows).



Java Runtime Version 6 required for Siebel JAVA API Category: Connectors / EAI
Subcategory: JAVA
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Thursday, May 5, 2011
Bug No.: 11660496
Clearly mention Java JRE, Version 6, support for each supported operating system platform.
For IBM AIX, Version 5 has to be used, that means no Fix Pack application.


BizTalk: Validation of the MSMQIN workflow not working Category: Connectors / EAI Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10509577 Validation of the MSMQIN workflow is not working. Therefore, BizTalk is not supported from 8.0 onwards. Top

Consumer Sector

The Baseline Data button does not perform properly Category: Consumer Sector Subcategory: Trade Promotions Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10532619 Baseline Data button had two specific issues leading to performance concerns. These issues were corrected for the 7.8 release, and this fix is being made available to the 7.5 release.


Customer Order Management

Unable to create new sales order in global deployment environment Category: Customer Order Management Subcategory: Orders Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10510800 Unable to create new sales order in global deployment environment such as Japanese or German. Due to inactive list of values or missing translations, the error SBL-DAT-00225 might display when a user creates a sales order in a given language. To support a global deployment environment, create data in S_ORDER_TYPE, S_PARTMVMT_TYPE and S_ORDTYP_MVTTYP for all supported languages. Workaround 1. In Administration - Data, then List of Values: Activate the following LOVs for supported languages: FS_ORDER_TYPE FS_ORDER_TYPE_CODE FS_ORDPART_MVMT_TYPE 2. In Administration, then Order Management: In Order Action Types view, recreate the entries for all languages; in Order Types view, recreate all order types in all languages, and then for each of them, recreate the corresponding associated action types in the same language.

Error in Configurator when clicking Done without changing attribute value Category: Customer Order Management Subcategory: Pricer Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10507921 An error occurs in Configurator when a user clicks Done without changing the attribute value. This error occurs when ABO is enabled for the application and Multiple Dimension Attribute Pricing is enabled with the "Show Error for invalid Combination" flag. During CP Runtime, if the user chooses an attribute that does not have Attribute Adjustment conditions defined, then the user is prompted with an error message as expected. If the user chooses to ignore it, and then clicks Done before selecting the correct attribute combinations, the error message "Cannot Find Active Buscomp" appears. Workaround


Correct the attribute selection during CP Runtime before clicking Done.


Slow performance in quotes while clicking on quote name (drilldown) or adding line items to a quote Category: Customer Order Management
Subcategory: Quotes
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Thursday, May 12, 2011
Bug No.: 10531089
This issue is observed on DB2 v9 only with dictionary sort (UCA400).
Use Oracle database where dictionary sort is supported.


Slow performance in quotes while clicking on quote name (drilldown) or adding line items to quote Category: Customer Order Management Subcategory: Quotes Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10531090 This issue is observed on DB2 v9 only with dictionary sort (UCA400). Top Workaround
Use Oracle database where dictionary sort is supported.


Data Quality

Batch deduplication on Data Quality Matching Server Category: Data Quality

Subcategory: Deduplication
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Bug No.: 10551358
New .dll files for Data Quality Matching Server are required to fix batch deduplication.
Contact Oracle Support for new .dll files and instructions about how to apply them.


Data Quality matching DLL files changed Category: Data Quality Subcategory: Deduplication Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bug No.: 10549168 Data Quality matching DLL files have changed. Workaround
Contact Oracle Support for the latest DLL files.


Index All function ends with error if component does not have records Category: Financial Services Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10523327 If a component does not have records, the "index all" function ends with an error. The error message recieved is, "Error message: Record Count is zero.(sbl-srh-00230)". To reproduce this message, set up the the available components but ensure that one of them does not have any records. For example, no contacts, but Accounts and the following components after Contacts have records. Then click on the Index All. Accounts will be Indexed but the process will quit with the error above when it tries to process Contacts. It will not proceed to the component following Contacts.

Financial Services




Cannot select a pick applet on Deployment Filter field with SmartScript content object Category: General
Subcategory: Application Deployment Manager
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Bug No.: 10511955
While creating a new Deployment Project for "SmartScript" as Datatype Name, clicking on the "Deployment Filter" picklist field displays the
following error, "The data type 'SmartScript' may have special query syntax, please type your deployment filter manually."
Instead of using a PDQ from the picklist, manually enter the filter.


Activation of Webmaster files fails after repeated deployments Category: General Subcategory: Application Deployment Manager Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10515145


If there are repeated executions of Webmaster activations, then these might fail with the following error in the Siebel Management Agent log file: "ACTIVATION_FAILED: New Version specified already exists (SBL-SWP-00138)". Workaround 1. Stop the Web server. 2. Delete the folders created with swfver* under eappweb/public/<lang>. 3. Start the Web server. 4. Carry out ADM copy and activate steps.

In Deployment Project, ADM rejects PDQs > 250 characters in deployment filter Category: General
Subcategory: Application Deployment Manager
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Monday, March 28, 2011
Bug No.: 10578292
The ADM Deployment Filter of Deployment Project cannot have more than 250 characters; if it does, you will receive an error trying to save
or step off the record: The data value for the Deployment Filter field is larger than the 250-character limit defined in the database. Please
type in less information to ensure that your data is committed to the database. (SBL-DAT-00362)
Do not enter more than 250 characters into the Deployment Filter field.


Error code not set correctly for failure of verify command Category: General Subcategory: Application Deployment Manager Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Sunday, March 27, 2011 Bug No.: 10527856 When the 'verify' command returns with an error, the error code (returned to the command shell) is not set correctly. Success or failure of the verify command results in the error code always being set to Zero (success).



Unable to double-click and open a pre-existing AKB file Category: General Subcategory: Business Rules Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, May 3, 2011 Bug No.: 10513980 Unable to double-click and open a pre-existing AKB file.

Instead of double-clicking the AKB file, open Haley and then open the existing AKB file from Haley.


HaleyAuthority will not work without Siebel Client installed Category: General
Subcategory: Business Rules
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Bug No.: 10549202
The Siebel object importer plug-in requires that the Siebel client (dedicated or mobile) is installed on the same machine running
Install the dedicated or mobile Siebel client on the machine where HaleyAuthority is installed.



Estimation of objects on filter view incorrect Category: General Subcategory: CRM Desktop Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10586552 Open the Filter control panel and observe the estimations for objects. They are incorrect. Workaround There is no workaround available. It is not possible to accurately predict the number of child objects without actually performing the sync itself. Note that the estimation is more inaccurate for Child Objects than primary objects.

Missing and Incorrect metadata files imported during installation Category: General Subcategory: CRM Desktop Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, February 24, 2011 Bug No.: 11804504 There are several metadata files missing from the seed data for CRM Desktop, including: autoresolver.js forms.js forms_11.ja_JP.xml forms_12.ja_JP.xml md5.js mvg_dialogs.js toolbars_11.xml

toolbars_12.xml toolbars_14.xml There are also several unnecessary records, including: toolbars.xml control_utils.js event_disable_controller idle_processing.js Workaround 1. Manually add the following records as LOVs of type PIM_METADATA_FILE_TYPE: OL 2003 Forms JPN OL 2007 Forms JPN OL 2003 Toolbar Definitions OL 2007 Toolbar Definitions OL 2010 Toolbar Definitions OL Autoresolver OL Form Script OL MD5 Scripts OL MVG Dialog 2. After adding these values, refresh the LOV Cache. 3. On the CRM Destkop Administration Screen / Metadata File Types View, add the following records: FILE TYPE FILE NAME OL 2003 Forms JPN forms_11.ja_JP OL 2007 Forms JPN forms_12.ja_JP OL 2003 Toolbar Definitions toolbars_11 OL 2007 Toolbar Definitions toolbars_12 OL 2010 Toolbar Definitions toolbars_14 OL Autoresolver autoresolver OL Form Script forms OL MD5 Scripts md5 OL MVG Dialog mvg_dialogs 4. Delete the following obsolete Metadata File Types: FILE TYPE FILE NAME OL Control Utilities control_utils.js OL Event Disable Controller event_disable_controller.js OL Idle Processing idle_processing.js OL Toolbar Definitions toolbars.xml

Different Contact lists shown in different Outlook contact views Category: General Subcategory: CRM Desktop Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 Bug No.: 11770763 There are a different set of contacts shown in the Outlook client depending on the view the user selects in Outlook. The following Contact


views are defined in Outlook as delivered by Microsoft: --Business Cards --Address Cards --Detailed Address Cards --Phone List --By Category --By Company --By Location Each of these has its own search specification, grouping characteristics, and so on. CRM Desktop adds the following view: --CRM and Personal Contacts This view displays all contacts shared with Siebel AND those contacts the user has elected not to share. It does NOT show "indirectly visible" contacts (that is, those assocaited to a user's account to which the user does not have direct visibility). If a user goes to a native view, that user will see not only the shared and personal contacts, but also all indirectly visible contacts. The reason for this is that it is not possible to change the search specifications on the native Outlook views. Workaround There is no workaround, as this behavior is native to Outlook. It is recommended that users use the custom CRM Desktop view to avoid any confusion.

UNABLE TO SHARE CONTACTS IF NO OUTLOOK ADDRESS BOOK DEFINED Category: General Subcategory: CRM Desktop Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 Bug No.: 11770881 If a user attempts to share a native Outlook calendar entity and there is no Outlook Address Book defined, the user will be unable to share the contact in offline mode. Workaround The user must specify an Outlook Address Book in order to share in offline mode. Typically, this would be the Offline Address Book provided by the Exchange Server, but could also be the user's Contact folder. Review the Microsoft Outlook documentation for information on defining an Outlook Address Book.

Digital signature for CRM Desktop installation is from "Avora Holdings" Category: General Subcategory: CRM Desktop Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10586938 Top The digital signature for the CRM Desktop MSI file refers to Avora Holdings, not Oracle. Workaround

Although CRM Desktop is an Oracle product, Avora Holdings is a third-party contract that helped develop the CRM Desktop client and, as the client binaries were compiled by Avora, it is not possible to include an Oracle signature. As long as the digital signature indicates "Avora Holdings, Ltd." and the client was downloaded as part of an Oracle delivery package, the CRM Desktop client can be assumed to be legitimate.

Meetings accepted from calendar can result in duplicate activities Category: General
Subcategory: CRM Desktop
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Bug No.: 10586898
If a CRM Desktop user accepts a meeting request from another CRM Desktop user from his/her calendar (rather than the inbox), a
duplicate Siebel activity is created
Accept meetings from the inbox.


Appointments created and later modified by external organizer can cause duplicates Category: General Subcategory: CRM Desktop Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10586882 If an external organizer invites a CRM Desktop user to a meeting and later invites an additional CRM Desktop user, duplicate activity records are created.


"Invalid Pointer" error during initial extract if Outlook toolbars customized Category: General Subcategory: CRM Desktop Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Friday, February 25, 2011 Bug No.: 11810470 If the Outlook standard toolbars have been modified before the installation of CRM Desktop, the First Run Assistant fails during installation with an error when CRM Desktop attempts to customize them. The error message is displayed near the CRM Desktop icon in the Windows Task Tray and is not specifically informative as to the problem, stating, "Invalid Pointer."

Before installing CRM Desktop, ensure that the Outlook toolbars are reset to their standard settings:
1. Start Outlook 2. Select menu, Tools > Customize 3. Select tab, Toolbars 4. Select the "Standard" Toolbar and click Reset 5. Select the "Menu Bar" Toolbar and click Reset 6. Close Outlook 7. Install CRM Desktop.

Default Siebel URL for CRM Desktop installation always eai_enu Category: General Subcategory: CRM Desktop Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 Bug No.: 11743056 When installing any language version of CRM Desktop, the default URL for connecting to the Siebel Server will contain the English language address ("eai_enu") rather than the string appropriate to the client language (that is, "eai_fra", "eai_jpn" and so forth). Workaround During non-ENU installation, specify the SIEBEL_SERVER_COMPONENT parameter on the command-line for the installer. See Siebel Bookshelf for more information on specifying parameters for the installation process. Example (French language): msiexec.exe /I CRMDesktop. SIEBEL_SERVER_COMPONENT=eai_fra

Deleting last occurrence of series is not synched downstream Category: General Subcategory: CRM Desktop Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10586901 After creating a recurrent appointment in Siebel, if the last instance is deleted in Siebel, that is not reflected in CRM Desktop clients.
Rather than delete the final instance, change the end date.



Required field validation rule missing on "Task" Category: General Subcategory: CRM Desktop Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bug No.: 10586818 It is possible to save a Shared Task in Outlook without fields required by Siebel. This results in an error at sync time. Workaround
Ensure that all required fields are populated.


Right-click options for custom objects are not case-sensitive Category: General Subcategory: CRM Desktop Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 Bug No.: 10586949 If a user right-clicks in the view area in a list view when viewing custom CRM objects in Outlook, such as Opportunity or Accounts, the
options for new objects assume that the list view shows contacts rather than the custom objects.
Create new objects using the custom CRM Desktop toolbar.



Duplicate contact errors Category: General Subcategory: CRM Desktop Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 Bug No.: 11770681 When creating a contact using the out-of-the-box configuration, users may receive "Duplicate Contact" errors unexpectedly. For example, attempting to enter a contact with the same first and last name as an existing contact will throw an error. Note that these errors are expected with the out-of-the-box configuration, but may not be appropriate for certain customer scenarios. In the previous example, it may make sense to have two "John Smith" records representing different contacts. Workaround For the example described here, it may seem that adding "email address" to the unique key would address the issue. However, what if email address is not a required field? Similarly, adding "account" to the unique key would have the same issue (what if account is unknown?) as well as a different problem: what if there are two "John Smiths" at the same account? In order to work around this issue, customers must consider the appropriate unique keys for their working environment, based on which
fields will be required and therefore populated. Once the solution is determined, edit the contact section of the forms.js file to indicate the
desired behavior.
For example, assume that the combination of first name, last name, and email address should be the unique key.
Change the existing:
validation.validate_unique_fields(new Array("First Name", "Last Name"), null, "msg_contact_name_unique");
validation.validate_unique_fields(new Array("Email Address"), null, "msg_contact_mail_unique", true);
To a single rule:

validation.validate_unique_fields(new Array("First Name", "Last Name", "Email Address"), null, "msg_contact_name_unique");


Possible to move objects to invalid folders Category: General Subcategory: CRM Desktop Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10586534 It is possible to drag an account into a contact folder (and other parallel scenarios). This does not throw an error, but record is no longer synced. Workaround Users should be instructed not to move the custom CRM items to other folders. Top


Buttons incorrectly available to user when new object does not yet pass validation Category: General
Subcategory: CRM Desktop
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Bug No.: 10586556
When creating a new object (such as an account) that does not yet pass validation (for instance, does not have an account name), it is
possible to attempt to add a contact or other related item. Only after adding the item is the user presented with an error indicating that the
parent (in this example account) item should have been saved before attempting to add the child object.
Manually save new items before attempting to add or associate child records.


"Save and New" does not inherit parent attributes Category: General Subcategory: CRM Desktop Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10586559 When creating child objects (such as "Account Activities") from the part form (for instance, a particular account's form applet), the child object inherits the parent attributes for the first item only. The second item does not inherit the attributes. For example: 1. While in an Account object, click "Add Activity".
2. Fill in "Act1" as description and pick any activity type.
3. Click "Save & New".
4. Fill in "Act2" as description and pick any activity type.
5. Click "Save & Close".
In this case, "Act1" will be associated with the account, while the second activity, "Act2", will not.

Do not use the "Save & New" feature of Outlook. Use "Save & Close", then create a new object from the parent form.


Invalid metadata package locks up CRM Desktop client Category: General Subcategory: CRM Desktop Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10586943 After an invalid metadata package is published (such as a metadata file of the wrong type included in a package), the client fails and does not provide a graceful recovery mechanism. Workaround 1. Thoroughly test package creation to avoid incorrect package publication. 2. If a package is incorrectly published, the end user must have the downloaded package manually deleted so that a new package can be downloaded.



Outlook reading pane shows Contact form for custom CRM objects Category: General
Subcategory: CRM Desktop
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Bug No.: 10586945
When the Outlook "Reading Pane" is turned on, the pane shows the standard Outlook Contact form, even if a custom object, such as
Opportunity or Account, is selected in the list applet.
Turn off the reading pane for custom objects.


Error thrown if duplicate opportunities with no account created Category: General Subcategory: CRM Desktop Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, February 24, 2011 Bug No.: 11804575 If two opportunity records are created--one in Siebel and one in Outlook--with the same name, but no account specified, an error similar to the following will occur in the syncronization control panel: EAI Adapter call failed with the error "Insert Operation on integration component 'Opportunity' because a matching record in business component 'Opportunity with search specification [Name] = XYZ & [Primary Organisation ID] = 'xxxxxxx'" was found (SBL - EAI - 04383).


The cause of this issue is the deduplication key on the Opportunity object, which consists of Opportunity Name and Account. Since neither record has an Account, it is not possible to deduplicate the record. As an Opportunity would typically have an Account on it (although it is not a required field, this is standard usage of the opportunity entity), this would not happen normally. Workaround There is no single workaround to this issue, as it is dependent on customer preference. Possible solutions include: A) Remove Account from the Deduplication Key so that Opportunity names must be unique. The negative effect of this approach is that it will not be possible have two opportunity records with the same name for different accounts, which is quite common. B) Require the Account field to be populated on Opportunity records. As this is not a requirement of the out-of-the-box Siebel product, it will be introducing a business rule in CRM Desktop inconsistent with the base product. If a customer chooses to take this path, it is recommended that an account be required in Siebel as well as CRM Desktop for consistency.

Account Name not updated in quick links Category: General Subcategory: CRM Desktop Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Friday, May 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10564874 After updating an object (for instance, Account) name external to the Siebel object layer (such as in CRM Desktop, Client Sync, or EIM), existing quick links from the object home page (for instance, Account Home Page) are not updated to reflect the new name.


Drag and drop of attachments not working as expected Category: General Subcategory: CRM Desktop Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10586543 When dragging and dropping an attachment onto any CRM object, the attachment is not added as expected. This occurs whether dragging onto an object on a list applet (for example, Opportunities) or the attachment area of a form (for example, Opportunity Attachments). Top Workaround
Save the attachment to the local file system (for example, the Desktop) and use the "Add Attachment..." button to associate an attachment.


Contact information not populated when related object created using context menu Category: General Subcategory: CRM Desktop Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bug No.: 10586548 In the contact list view in Outlook, right-click on a contact, then choose "Create", then "New Message to Contact" (Outlook 2007) or "New Message to Contact" (Outlook 2003). The item is created, but it is not shared and not associated to the contact. The same applies to task, meeting request, and so on. Workaround Two options: 1. Manually associate the contact to the created item. 2. Instead of using the right-click context menu, open the contact and select "Email to Contact" or "Meeting with Contact" button.

Custom objects not available in the Outlook "Advanced Find" feature Category: General Subcategory: CRM Desktop Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10586563 When bringing up the Outlook "Advanced Find" feature (by a menu or Shift-Ctrl-F), the custom object types, such as "Account" and "Opportunity" are not listed in the "Look for" options. Workaround All custom objects, such as "Opportunities" and "Accounts" are searchable using the Outlook native "Contact" data type. Users can search for "Contacts" or "Any type of Outlook item" if they are looking for a non-Outlook-native item and it will be retrieved.

Extraneous sections on Outlook 2007 ribbon toolbar Category: General

Subcategory: CRM Desktop
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Bug No.: 10586519
On the Outlook 2007 ribbon toolbar for custom objects, inappopriate sections, such as "Show", "Communicate", and "Options" appear that
do not apply to the custom objects.
Ignore these items.



Tooltip on New button does not reflect folder type Category: General Subcategory: CRM Desktop Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10586531

The New toolbar button tooltip shows "New Contact", even if the folder is Opportunities, Accounts, or some other custom object.


Share bar not adjusted to respect changes to Windows color scheme Category: General Subcategory: CRM Desktop Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10586812 When the Windows color scheme is changed to something other than the standard (for example, High Contrast) for accessibility or other reasons, the share bar remains the golden/orange color.



Custom objects print on standard Outlook reports Category: General

Subcategory: CRM Desktop
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Bug No.: 10596432
A user is able to print an Account, Opportunity, or other custom object from within Outlook with CRM Desktop installed. However, the
report format is a simple "Memo" format standard to Outlook.
This is expected behavior, CRM Desktop does not support any print features.


Repository Import script attempts to import all languages Category: General Subcategory: CRM Desktop Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10587730 When importing the various SIF files required for CRM Desktop, the repository import batch file imports all languages. If the underlying database code page is non-Unicode, errors will be thrown. Workaround Oracle is working on a fix for this issue. For customers who cannot await a fix, the SIF files can be manually edited to remove characters incompatible with the code page before importing.



Options to create new custom items missing from menus Category: General
Subcategory: CRM Desktop
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Bug No.: 10586521
The Outlook Office button does not provide options for creating custom items, such as accounts or opportunities.
Use the appropriate toolbar buttons to create custom items.


Extraneous exceptions in sync log Category: General

Subcategory: CRM Desktop
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Bug No.: 10586538
The sync log contains errors that do not actually reflect problems.
Ignore errors in sync log unless a sync error is generated to the user.



Cannot select start or end of appointment with mouse to move start or end time Category: General Subcategory: Calendar Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 Bug No.: 10569721 On the daily calendar view, it is not possible to select the start or end of an appointment with the mouse to move the start or end time. Workaround It is possible to drag the entire appointment, so if the duration of the meeting is not changing, drag the entire meeting. If only the start or end time is changing (that is, the duration is changing), drill down on the appointment to change the start or end time using the form applet.

Clicking Calendar hyperlink multiple times in Site Map causes application to fail Category: General Subcategory: Calendar Product Version: Siebel 8.1

Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10514366 When users launch the application in Internet Explorer 7, navigate to Site Map > Calendar, and click the Calendar hyperlink multiple times, the application fails.


The calendar always shows 12:00 AM as the start of the day instead of the start time chosen in the user preferences Category: General Subcategory: Calendar Top Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 Bug No.: 10569748 Calendar always shows 12:00 AM as the start of the day instead of the start time chosen in the user preferences.


When users drill down on a calendar item, the threadbar is not updated correctly Category: General Subcategory: Calendar Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 Bug No.: 10565424 When drilling down on a calendar item, the thread bar is not updated correctly.


LS Pharma Activity HI Calendar Applet does not appear in IE7 Category: General Subcategory: Calendar Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10528614 Top In Calendar, the Pharma Calendar Activity List Applet appears on the right side of the screen but the LS Pharma Activity HI Calendar Applet does not appear on the screen. This works properly on Internet Explorer 6.


Custom Contact / Proposal objects do not generate properly Category: General Subcategory: Correspondence Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 Bug No.: 10546110 After configuring Proposals for the Contact entity, navigate to Contact Proposals view, create a new Proposal record, and then click Generate Draft. The context to the Contact record is then lost.


Mismatched database client Fix Pack version in Siebel 8.1.1 EVT output file Category: General Subcategory: Installation Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Sunday, March 27, 2011 Bug No.: 10547983 When running EVT in 8.1.1, the following critical error displays: Critical Failures: Database Setup Checks Required IBM DB2 Fix Pack for Siebel is not installed. Required Fix Pack version is 14866. Fix Pack 16 is the expected version for Siebel 8.1.1.


OUI-based Installer for Siebel Tools end-of-installation screen error Category: General Subcategory: Installation Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Monday, March 28, 2011 Bug No.: 10549624 When installing Siebel Tools using the OUI-based Installer, the end-of-installation screen does not show the complete modules and languagues installed. Workaround Check your OUI log file for the complete modules and languages installed. Or launch the Installer again and check the product inventory from there.

Client Summary Install screen lists English as Product Language although not selected Category: General
Subcategory: Installation
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Monday, April 18, 2011
Bug No.: 10549330
The Client Summary Install screen lists English as the Product Language even though it is not selected.
Check log files for the correct language installed or check the product inventory by invoking the installer again.


Cannot launch Mobile Web Client Category: General Subcategory: Installation Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, February 17, 2011 Bug No.: 10549597 When launching Mobile Web Client, an error message, The user ID or password that you entered is incorrect," might appear. Check the SEAW data source to make sure the server name does not contain an 8.1 string. Workaround 1. Bring up ODBC Data Source Administrator and select the System DSN tab. 2. Select SEAW Local Db default instance and click Configure. 3. Select the Database tab and change the Server name from "D__8.1_Client_21103Win_local_sse_data_db" to "D__8_1_Client_21103Win_local_sse_data_db". 3. Click OK to close all ODBC Administrator windows.



Uninstallation of mobile Web client does not clean up Siebel Quick Start service from registry Category: General Subcategory: Installation Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Monday, March 28, 2011 Bug No.: 10554034 Uninstallation of mobile Web client does not clean up Siebel Quick Start service from registry. Workaround 1. Delete content from the previous install folder. 2. Install the new mobile Web client using exactly the same path and the same folder name.

Siebel Web Client Patchset PTG language not applied correctly over 8.1.1 SIA Category: General

Subcategory: Installation Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 Bug No.: 10583322 Siebel Web Client Patchset PTG language is not applied correctly over 8.1.1 SIA.



Summary screen of OUI installers always displays English Category: General

Subcategory: Installation
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Sunday, March 27, 2011
Bug No.: 10548170
When installing Tools and Mobile Web Client using OUI Installers, the summary screen always display English as the product language,
irrespective of the language being installed.
There are two ways to verify the actual languages installed:
1. Review the OUI installation log file. 2. Launch the installers again and review the installed product list.

Keep ODBC Data Source name when removing Siebel Server configuration Category: General Subcategory: Installation Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Sunday, March 27, 2011 Bug No.: 10548867 During Siebel Server configuration removal option, there is an option for the user to remove the Siebel Server and the ODBC DSN name. If the user removes the DSN name at this stage, the enterprise reconfiguration will not work, as the Enterprise reconfiguration looks for the same DSN name. This issue is applicable to both 8.1 and 8.1.1. Workaround The user should not select the option of removing the ODBC DSN. Top


Siebel Strong Encryption Pack installation fails on Win2008 Category: General Subcategory: Installation Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Monday, March 28, 2011

Bug No.: 10565869 While installing "Server Infrastructure - Data Encryption" in on Win2008/SQLServer2008, the installation of Siebel Strong Encryption errors out with the following error message, "This setup can only be run Windows. (SBL-STJ-00128)". Workaround Modify the compatibility mode of the setup.exe file to Windows Server 2003 (service pack 1). Refer to Siebel CRM Applications Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Database (Article ID 758656.1) on My Oracle Support for a detailed workaround.

Mismatched database client Fix Pack version in Siebel 8.1.1 EVT output file Category: General
Subcategory: Installation
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Sunday, March 27, 2011
Bug No.: 10547982
When running EVT in 8.1.1, the following critical error displays:
Critical Failures:
Database Setup Checks
Required IBM DB2 Fix Pack for Siebel is not installed. Required Fix Pack version is 14866.
Fix Pack 16 is the expected version for Siebel 8.1.1.


Screen not translated to Polish during Web Server installation Category: General Subcategory: Installation Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Sunday, March 27, 2011 Bug No.: 10549298 When you change locale to Polish (PLK) and install the Web Server, a screen pops up during the Web Server installation asking whether or not to restart Web Server. The string is not translated to Polish but appears in English.



When creating network image, choose correct application base Category: General Subcategory: Installation Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Sunday, March 27, 2011 Bug No.: 10564125

When creating an network image, users must choose the right application base. If a user chooses the wrong option during image
creation (for instance, choosing an SIA fix pack for an HOR base), and applies the fix pack on the client side, the fix pack installation will
proceed without any error. However, the user will not get the product fix delivered through the fix pack.
To reapply the HOR fix pack, uninstall the SIA fix pack and base and then reinstall.


Siebel Application may not launch after successful SWSE configuration on Windows Category: General Subcategory: Installation Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Sunday, March 27, 2011 Bug No.: 10530801 The Siebel Application may not launch even after a successful SWSE configuration on Windows. This is because the Execution Successful
dialog box is displayed before the script creates all of the virtual directories. If a user selects OK in the Execution Successful dialog box,
some of the virtual directories will not be created. This issue is specific to the Windows platform.
Do not select OK in the Execution Successful dialog box until all of the virtual directories are created during SWSE configuration.



seed_find.dat and seed_find.inp not created in dbsrvr\ENU directory from[20412] patch. Category: General
Subcategory: Installation
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Monday, March 28, 2011
Bug No.: 10533730
The seed_find.dat and seed_find.inp are not created in dbsrvr\ENU dir from[20412] patch.
Use the seed_find.inp and seed_find.dat from the HOR installation.


Prerequisites Check screen in English regardless of locale Category: General Subcategory: Installation Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Monday, April 18, 2011 Bug No.: 10549348 The Prerequisites Check screen displays the checks in English regardless of the current locale. This might happen when installing Siebel Tools and Siebel Mobile Web Client in 8.1.1. Top


Cannot uninstall 8.1.1 SWSE in Windows 2008 R2 Server Category: General

Subcategory: Installation
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Thursday, May 5, 2011
Bug No.: 12385616
When uninstalling 8.1.1 SWSE in Windows 2008 R2 Server, uninstaller might hang.
Apply the[21228] patch, then do the full uninstallation.


Disabled server component groups listed when running Server Manager list compgrp command Category: General Subcategory: Installation Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Sunday, March 27, 2011 Bug No.: 10531252 Disabled server component groups are listed when running the Server Manager list compgrp command. This can happen when the server machine is running very low configuration. Workaround Restart Siebel Server and connect to Server Manager CLI. Execute the "list compgrp" command again. The Server Manager displays only the enabled component groups.

Siebel Tools and Client installation fails Category: General Subcategory: Installation Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Monday, March 28, 2011 Bug No.: 10537618 The Siebel Tools and Client (Dedicated and Mobile Web client) installation fails or enters into an infinite loop on some machines. This is observed when the installer screen/window has been minimized during the language pack copying step. The installation works if the focus is not changed from the installer screen until the installation is completed. Workaround Do not minimize the Installer screen window until the installation is completed. (Do not move the focus away from the installer screen.)



MS .NET and IIS required when installing Haley using silent mode Category: General Subcategory: Installation Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Sunday, March 27, 2011 Bug No.: 10548323 When installing Haley using silent mode, MS .NET and IIS are required for the Haley installation to be successful.


Adding a new language to the existing installation Category: General Subcategory: Installation Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Sunday, March 27, 2011 Bug No.: 10548193 To add a new language to the existing installation installed through OUI, complete the following steps: 1. Run the OUI Installer again and point it to the same Oracle Home. 2. In the Select Languages screen, add a language to the existing installation.



Uninstaller and JVM not created during Siebel 8.1.1 installation on HP-UX B.11.31 Category: General
Subcategory: Installer
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Monday, March 28, 2011
Bug No.: 11682389
When installing Siebel 8.1.1 on HP-UX B.11.31, the uninstaller is not created. This is due to an issue in InstallShield. The issue only occurs
on HP- UX B.11.31.
To uninstall Siebel 8.1.1 on HP-UX B.11.31:
1. Run Siebel Server Configuration Wizard to remove Enterprise and Server configurations. 2. Remove Siebel 8.1.1 installation directories.

Unable to send alert email using Siebel Messages and Alerts Category: General Subcategory: Message Broadcasting

Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 Bug No.: 10547600 Siebel Alerts functionality is not behaving as expected. Unable to send alert email using Siebel Messages and Alerts. Top


Upper ASCII characters corrupted in eDocuments presentation generator Category: General

Subcategory: Office
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Bug No.: 10512499
When a user creates presentations using Siebel Presentations and Proposals and a mapped field contains upper ASCII characters, the
characters become corrupted.
Review the generated presentation and correct the corrupt characters.


A single line of script in ST engine causes runtime error Category: General

Subcategory: Other
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Bug No.: 10551390
After adding a single line of script to an object, compiling the object to the .srf and running the client, when the script executes, a run-time
error prevents the client from continuing.
Add more than one line of script to an object.



Unable to load enterprise / server information. Category: General Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10518698 Refer to Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows > Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server and Related Components > Configuring Siebel Management Agent and Siebel Management Server > Using Perl Scripts to Register Additional Siebel Management Agents and

Configure Siebel ADM. Follow instructions under the section titled, "To register additional Management Agents" to successfully configure
the Management Server (including Step 8). Check the configuration file and try again.
Perform the following steps:
1. Copy the configuration.agents.xml file from the <MgmtSrvrInstallDir>\pref\system folder to the
<MgmtSrvrInstallDir>\tomcat\webapps\DiagTool\WEB-INF folder.
NOTE: The target folder above is created after you run the Management Server for the first time.
2. Restart the Managment Server to take effect.


Organizer receives notification when calendar updated in Siebel Category: General Subcategory: PIM Server Integration Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10598739 When a meeting is updated in Siebel (such as adding an attendee, deleting an attendee, changing the time or description, and so forth), this information is sent out by Exchange. In the preconfigured Exchange configuration, this sends a notification email to the organizer in Exchange. Workaround 1. Ignore the email. 2. Suppress the notification email using the updated ssse_exchange2k7_permissions.sql file or through manual execution of SetMailboxCalendarSettings -Identity -RemoveForwardedMeetingNotifications $true.

Changing organizer in Siebel results in incorrect tracking data Category: General Subcategory: PIM Server Integration Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10598822 Organizer A (sync-enabled) creates a record in Outlook inviting User B (sync-enabled). After accepting and syncing, correct results are shown in Siebel. In Siebel, change the owner from User A to User C (some other user), removing User A. After sync, in User C's calendar, User B's tracking status is "None" instead of "Accepted."



dmutl2.exe changes to read-only after database initialization Category: General Subcategory: Remote Product Version: Siebel 8.1

Last Modified: Tuesday, May 17, 2011 Bug No.: 10594850 Steps to reproduce: 1. Install 8.1.1 Siebel Client. 2. Check client\bin\dmutl2.exe. It is not marked as read-only. 3. Create a mobile client. 4. Run GenNewDb and Dbxtract. 5. Run Dbinit. 6. Verify the same file, now it is marked as read-only. 7. As a result, applying the fix pack will fail. Workaround If the customer already has MWC installed: 1. Install the 8.1.1.* fix pack. 2. Empty this folder: Example: C:\Siebel\<mwc_8114>\UPGRADE 3. Run dbxtract and dbinit. dmutl2.exe becomes writable. Note: It is only necessary to empty the folder in Step 2 once.

When Mobile Web Client upgrade fails, client will not launch automatically in read-only mode. Category: General Subcategory: Remote Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Monday, March 28, 2011 Bug No.: 10515448 Top When Mobile Web Client upgrade fails, the client will no longer launch automatically in read-only mode.
Modify the component name in the cfg file (uagent.cfg) to launch the client in normal mode after the upgrade failure.


Failing compensation for three-way merge test Category: General

Subcategory: Remote
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011
Bug No.: 10530357
This only occurs when three records are merged.
Merge only two records.


Cannot run multiple language reports on a single object manager Category: General Subcategory: Reports Server Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 Bug No.: 10520088 It is not possible to run multiple language reports on a single object manager. For example, the DEU application on the DEU object manager cannot generate reports in ENU. Workaround Log in to the correct language object manager to run reports in the required language.



Cannot open or save Siebel 8.1.1 BI Publisher report after execution using IE+D54 6 Category: General Subcategory: Reports Server Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10582835 Steps to reproduce: 1. Launch the Siebel CRM 8.1.1 Application, that is, Siebel Call Center. 2. Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the My Accounts List View. 3. Click the Reports icon and select 'Account List' Business IntelligenceP report. 4. Select an Output Type, such as PDF (you can select any output type). 5. Click Submit to execute the report. 6. A Windows File dialog box appears showing the Report Output file name and 'Open', 'Save' and 'Cancel' buttons. 7. Click Open or Save. The application freezes. Workaround
Remove Microsoft Security Patches (in this case, they are related to KB974455 and KB976749).


Within Siebel Tools > Object Explorer, the Reports option should not display Category: General
Subcategory: Reports Server
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Monday, March 28, 2011
Bug No.: 10548789
The out-of-the-box Reports repository objects are visible in Siebel Tools. Report objects and View > Reports objects are not used.
These objects can be deleted manually, if necessary.


Applet Search specification not applied when running a report Category: General Subcategory: Reports Server Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 Bug No.: 10550113 The Applet Search specification is not passed as part of the query when executing a report. Workaround Get the business component name from the applet. Create a new Predefined Query by giving the following inputs: Select the BO name in the Objects field. Give the PDQ name as View name by preceding with BI Publisher. The Query must be specified in this format: 'Business Component Name'.Search = "applet search spec" If the applet Search Spec includes any double quotes, replace the double quotes with two double quotes. Select the newly created PDQ in the Saved Queries drop down list and run the report.



Search Specification field is read-only for primary IO in Report Template Integration Objects view Category: General Subcategory: Reports Server Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 Bug No.: 10549253 The Search Specification field is read-only for the primary integration obect in the Report Template Integration Objects view. The query for the primary integration object is taken from the applet at report generation time. As a result, it is not possible to hard code a search expression on a primary integration object.


Actuate Reports section present in application .cfg files Category: General Subcategory: Reports Server Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, February 17, 2011 Bug No.: 10549586 The Actuate Reports section appears in the application .cfg files although these parameters are redundant.



Reports not launching with Actuate Reports Server on Novell SUSE Linux Category: General Subcategory: Reports Server Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 Bug No.: 10513908 Reports are not launching when the Actuate Reports Server is installed on Novell SUSE Linux. Before installing Actuate (i.e., before using fcntsrvr8 executable), make sure these System libraries are in either the X11 or X11R6 directory:, , ,, ,, and Workaround POST INSTALLATION TASKS FOR 8.0 ON SUSE LINUX: The following tasks need to be followed after installing 8.0 Reports Server installer : 1. Go to /$Actuate Installed Location$/activeportal/WEB-INF. Delete web.xml and rename web.xml.<Timestamp> to web.xml. 2. Go to /$Actuate Installed Location$/activeportal/actuate_http_service/conf. Delete server.xml and rename server.xml.<Timestamp> to server.xml. 3. Restart the Actuate services. 4. Apply the Patch.

The context (right-click) menu behaves improperly in EOC Category: General Subcategory: SSSE Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, April 21, 2011 Bug No.: 12356099 When an Embedded Outlook Calendar view displays a Task applet, right-clicking on the header of the Task applet displays context items relevant to Calendar items, not Tasks. Workaround Right-click below the existing tasks (in the blank area) to get a context menu containing Task actions. Top


Find object names not consistent Category: General Subcategory: Search Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Friday, February 25, 2011 Bug No.: 10528201 Find object names must be consistent with the display strings.


Cannot import pem-encoded certificates into mainwin registry through mainwin control (UNIX) Category: General Subcategory: Security Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10496635 Convert the certificates in .pem format to .der format and then import using the mainwin control.


SWSE - SecureLogin does not work for HP-UX IPF Category: General Subcategory: Security Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10514295 SWSE - SecureLogin does not work for HP-UX IPF.



If /p option is specified during Server Manager crash then password will be exposed in crash file Category: General Subcategory: Security Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10642765 If the /p <Password> option is used while connecting to the server manager and the server manager crashes at that time, then the password will be written in the crash.txt file. Anyone having file access privileges will be able to see the password. Workaround Run srvrmgr without specifying the /p argument on the command line. You will be prompted for the password and, if this srvrmgr process crashes, then the password will not be written to the crash.txt file.

Manually update the httpd.conf/obj.conf for additional language deployment Category: General Subcategory: Server Extensions for UNIX Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Monday, April 18, 2011


Bug No.: 10537525 When a user attempts to deploy multiple languages in SWSE, there are two scenarios where the httpd.conf / obj.conf is updated based on the deployment platforms. SCENARIO 1 FOR LINUX / AIX / HP UNIX PLATFORMS When a user selects only one language (for example, ENU) in Linux / AIX / HP UNIX platforms, the httpd.conf will be updated as follows: <IfModule mod_swe.cpp> AddHandler swe_service .swe .swef SWEConfigFile eapps.cfg SiebelHome /export/home/qa2/21032/eappweb Alias /ecustomer_enu /export/home/qa2/21032/eappweb/public/enu Alias /erm_enu /export/home/qa2/21032/eappweb/public/enu Alias /ermadmin_enu /export/home/qa2/21032/eappweb/public/enu Alias /ermemb_enu /export/home/qa2/21032/eappweb/public/enu ... ... ... <Directory /export/home/qa2/21032/eappweb/public/enu> DirectoryIndex default.htm Options Indexes MultiViews AllowOverride none Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> </IfModule> If the user prefers to add one more language using "Add language support" (for example, Japanese) option, then the above entries will be replaced by JPN languages entries as below instead of appending the same. <IfModule mod_swe.cpp> AddHandler swe_service .swe .swef SWEConfigFile eapps.cfg SiebelHome /export/home/qa2/21032/eappweb Alias /ecustomer_jpn /export/home/qa2/21032/eappweb/public/jpn Alias /erm_jpn /export/home/qa2/21032/eappweb/public/jpn Alias /ermadmin_jpn /export/home/qa2/21032/eappweb/public/jpn Alias /ermemb_jpn /export/home/qa2/21032/eappweb/public/jpn ... ... ... <Directory /export/home/qa2/21032/eappweb/public/jpn> DirectoryIndex default.htm Options Indexes MultiViews AllowOverride none Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> </IfModule> SCENARIO 1 FOR OTHER UNIX PLATFORMS

When a user selects only one language (for example, ENU) in UNIX platforms, such as Solaris, other than Linux / AIX / HP UINX platforms,
the obj.conf will be updated as follows:
<Object name="default">
Service method="(GET|HEAD|POST|PUT)" type="application/x-swe" fn="swe-service"
NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/ecustomer_enu"
NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/erm_enu"
NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/ermadmin_enu"
PathCheck fn="find-index" index-names="default.htm"
AuthTrans fn="match-browser" browser="*MSIE*" ssl-unclean-shutdown="true"
NameTrans fn="ntrans-j2ee" name="j2ee"
NameTrans fn=pfx2dir from=/mc-icons dir="/export/home/qa1/21032/web/ns-icons" name="es-internal" NameTrans fn=document-root
PathCheck fn=unix-uri-clean PathCheck fn="check-acl" acl="default"
PathCheck fn=find-pathinfo PathCheck fn=find-index index-names=",home.html,index.jsp" ObjectType fn=type-by-extension
ObjectType fn=force-type type=text/plain
Service method=(GET|HEAD) type=magnus-internal/imagemap fn=imagemap
Service method=(GET|HEAD) type=magnus-internal/directory fn=index-common
Service method=(GET|HEAD|POST) type=*~magnus-internal/* fn=send-file
Service method=TRACE fn=service-trace
Error fn="error-j2ee"
AddLog fn=flex-log name="access"
If the user prefers to add one more language using "Add language support" (for example, JPN) option, then the above entries will be
replaced by JPN languages entries as below instead of appending the same.
<Object name="default">
Service method="(GET|HEAD|POST|PUT)" type="application/x-swe" fn="swe-service"
NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/ecustomer_jpn"
NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/erm_jpn"
NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/ermadmin_jpn"
PathCheck fn="find-index" index-names="default.htm"
AuthTrans fn="match-browser" browser="*MSIE*" ssl-unclean-shutdown="true"
NameTrans fn="ntrans-j2ee" name="j2ee"
NameTrans fn=pfx2dir from=/mc-icons dir="/export/home/qa1/21032/web/ns-icons" name="es-internal"
NameTrans fn=document-root root="$docroot"
PathCheck fn=unix-uri-clean
PathCheck fn="check-acl" acl="default"
PathCheck fn=find-pathinfo
PathCheck fn=find-index index-names="index.html,home.html,index.jsp"
ObjectType fn=type-by-extension
ObjectType fn=force-type type=text/plain

Service method=(GET|HEAD) type=magnus-internal/imagemap fn=imagemap Service method=(GET|HEAD) type=magnus-internal/directory fn=index-common Service method=(GET|HEAD|POST) type=*~magnus-internal/* fn=send-file Service method=TRACE fn=service-trace Error fn="error-j2ee" AddLog fn=flex-log name="access" </Object> SCENARIO 2 When the user selects more than one language at the same time for deployments, the httpd.conf / obj.conf will get updated with the first language in the list and entries for the other languages are missing. Workaround
Open httpd.conf/obj.conf file and append in the new section the missing languages as below.
The typical entries should be:
<Object name="default">
NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/ecustomer_enu" dir="/export/home/qa1/I6021032/eappweb/public/enu"
NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/ecustomer_jpn" dir="/export/home/qa1/21032/eappweb/pu
<IfModule mod_swe.cpp>
Alias /ecustomer_enu /export/home/qa2/21032/eappweb/public/enu ... </IfModule>

Database Configuration Screen message refers to ENU language code for French, Spanish and Italian Category: General Subcategory: Server Infrastructure Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Monday, April 4, 2011 Bug No.: 10538789 The Database Configuration Screen message refers to ENU language code for French, Spanish and Italian when Multiple Languages are installed and MLOV has been run. While configuring the Database Server, when the user chooses the option, Yes I have multiple languages installed and have run MLOV conversion, the message, Yes ENU language was added to the database, is displayed. This should instead read, Yes FRA language was added to the database for French, or substitute ITA for Italian and ESN for Spanish.


Server Component Parameter values cannot contain strings longer than 255 characters Category: General Subcategory: Server Infrastructure Product Version: Siebel 8.1

Last Modified: Tuesday, May 3, 2011 Bug No.: 10642682 Server component parameter values, including profile parameter values, cannot exceed 255 charaters. In the Admin - Server Config > Profile Parameter view, you can enter strings up to 300 characters, but subsequent retrieval of the value will only display 255 characters. Top Workaround This is currently a product limitation on the server manager GUI screen. To enter parameter values longer than 255 characters, use server manager command-line mode.

Mobile Web Client applying the Upgrade Kit fails when database schema are merged (Oracle deployments only) Category: General
Subcategory: Siebel Anywhere
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Monday, March 28, 2011
Bug No.: 10513695
(Applies to Oracle Database deployments only.) This failure is due to schema inconsistency between logical and physical layers for the
S_AUDIT_ITEM.ITEM_IDEN_NUM column. Such inconsistency is a valid scenario for certain database platforms as these databases
handle IDENTITY or SEQUENCE columns differently. Especially for ORACLE RDBMS, sequence columns are not required to be of a
particular data type. Siebel 8.0 database utilities are unable to handle IDENTITY or SEQUENCE columns differently, depending upon the
database platform.
Step1: Manually modify ddl.ctl, PRE-UPGRADE or PRE-DB INSTALL. For upgrade, this step should be part of development upgrade.
Following are the steps to make changes to ddl.ctl file:
1. For Windows explorer, go to ddl.ctl file. Ddl.ctl file is located at <dbsrvr>\<ORACLE> folder. 2. Open ddl.ctl using Notepad editor. 3. Search for Name = S_AUDIT_ITEM. 4. Find ITEM_IDEN_NUM column, it should be the first column. 5. Remove AUTOINCREMENT word. Replace it with DEFAULT 0. 6. After making changes, column definition should look like: Column 1 = ITEM_IDEN_NUM NUMERIC(15,0) NOTNULL DEFAULT 0 7. Save and close the file. 8. Continue with upgrade or fresh database install. Step2: Update Siebel Repository to set ITEM_IDEN_NUM column SequenceObject property to Null. Apply the following SQL statement POST UPGRADE or POST DB-INSTALL for the production database. SQL needs to be applied before gennewdb / dbxtract process. SQL statement, update S_COLUMN set SEQ_NAME = NULL where TBL_ID = (select ROW_ID from S_TABLE where NAME = 'S_AUDIT_ITEM' and REPOSITORY_ID = (select ROW_ID from S_REPOSITORY where NAME = 'Siebel Repository')) and REPOSITORY_ID = (select ROW_ID from S_REPOSITORY where NAME = 'Siebel Repository' ) and NAME = 'ITEM_IDEN_NUM'; To execute the sql statement 1. Open a command window. 2. Change Directory for software installation to siebsrvr/bin folder.

3. Connect to the database using ODBCSQL, command is odbcsql /u tableowner /p tableownerpassword /s odbcdatasource 4. Execute the above SQL. 5. Execute commit; 6. Exit out of odbcsql and command window. Open Siebel Tools and verify that S_AUDIT_ITEM table, ITEM_IDEN_NUM column, SequenceObject property has NULL value. Step3: Re-compile SRF
The issue is also seen with table S_ESCL_REQ. The error you recieve is: (error message is [Oracle]ORA-01442: column to be modified to
NOT NULL is already NOT NULL).
Workaround for this error:
When upgrade stops with error for table S_ESCL_REQ , execute SQL "Alter table S_ESCL_REQ modify "REQ_ID" number(15,0) null"
from odbcsql or sqlplus.


BI Publisher installation on Windows 2008 Category: General Subcategory: Siebel Reports Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Saturday, April 2, 2011 Bug No.: 12317043 An error occurs when attempting to run the BI Publisher installer on Windows 2008. Steps to reproduce: 1. Download and install the latest OC4J software 2. Download BI Publisher installation for Windows platform. 3. Install and run setup using setup.exe, for example <Unzipped path>\Windows\Oracle_Business_Intelligence_Publisher_Standalone. 4. An error displays saying it is not supported. Workaround
Install BI Publisher Server manually rather than using the setup installer. Consult the BI Publisher documentation.


Pause function not working on Task UI for Enrollment Category: General

Subcategory: Task UI
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Bug No.: 10533995
The length of the inserted value is larger than the maximum limit.
Complete one of the following:
--Move the table in 32K bufferpoool.
--Make the column S_WFA_INST_PROP.LONG_VAL as CLOB.
Work with DB2390 DBA for both workarounds.



View sequence changes after applying QF0A06 BugID: SBA: 10228022 Category: General Subcategory: Tools - View configuration Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, May 12, 2011 Bug No.: 12346489 When view sequences are set in Siebel Tools, after applying QF0A06 BugID: SBA: 10228022, the actual view sequence in the client application will not match what is defined in Siebel Tools.


JREDownloadUrl parameter in Name server must be changed Category: General Subcategory: Tools / Configuration Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 Bug No.: 10517527 The recommended version of JRE for Siebel applications is JRE 1.5.0 and the current JREDownloadUrl string in the Name server points to
a 1.4.2 location. The string value needs to be changed to download JRE 1.5.0, not JRE 1.4.2.
See Alert 1307 (Article ID #475457.1) on My Oracle Support.



Expression builder shows square boxes for non-1252 characters Category: General
Subcategory: Tools / Configuration
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Monday, April 18, 2011
Bug No.: 10515259
Expression builder is part of the Expression Designer in Personalization views. The Expression Designer does not show text correctly if
Regional Settings are not set to the language that is currently running.
Change regional settings when not using a client machine with a localized operating system.


Blank pop-up dialog box at dedicated client launch Category: General

Subcategory: Tools / Configuration Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Bug No.: 10548609 A blank pop-up dialog box appears while trying to launch the dedicated client through Siebel Tools after compiling. This issue is seen only when no instance of the dedicated client is open and the user tries to launch the dedicated client with the Auto start Web client check box checked while compiling an object. Workaround
There are two workarounds possible:
1. DO NOT enable the Auto start Web client check box during compilation and launch the dedicated client manually. 2. If the Auto start Web client check box is checked, open another instance of the dedicated client while compiling.


Utility genbscript ignores application .cfg file Category: General

Subcategory: Tools / Configuration
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Bug No.: 10519502
The genbscript utility will ignore the application .cfg file given as a command-line parameter and compile the scripts anyway.
There is no workaround since the scripts will still compile.


Watch window for workflow process is blank if debug instance started Category: General
Subcategory: Tools / Configuration
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Bug No.: 10515197
The Watch window for workflow process is blank if there is a debug instance started.
Close any existing siebel.exe instances and then restart the workflow simulator instance.



Change JREDownloadUrl parameter in Name server Category: General Subcategory: Tools / Configuration Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10517526

The recommended version of JRE for Siebel applications is JRE 1.5.0 but the current JREDownloadUrl string in the Name server points to
a 1.4.2 location.
Change the string value to download JRE 1.5.0, not JRE 1.4.2. See Alert 1307 (Article ID #475457.1) on My Oracle Support.


Cybersource Adaptor Service business service does not work with new ST eScripting engine Category: General Subcategory: Tools / Configuration Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10514600 The SElib.peek command only works with the old T eScripting engine, it does not work with the new ST eScripting engine. This applies to UNIX only. Workaround Only use the Cybersource Adaptor Business Service with the T eScript engine. Refer to the Siebel eScript Administration Guide on Siebel Bookshelf for instructions on switching between the T and ST eScript engines.

EIM partitioned tablespaces included in additive process instead of non-additive process of zSeries upgrade Category: General Subcategory: Upgrade Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10556171 EIM partitioned tablespaces are included as part of the additive process of a zSeries upgrade. Interface tables are dropped later in the upgrade process so when the additive process is applied on target, users receive a -601 sqlcode error, that is a duplicate error. Workaround 1. Before executing the additive file, verify that the partitioned tablespaces for partitioned tables are not already defined in the additive file. 2. If the tablespaces are already defined, remove the DDL for the tablespaces and place the DDL into a separate folder. 3. Execute the additive file. 4. Proceed with the upgrade. 5. When executing the non-additive process, verify that the tablespaces are in the non-additive tablespace file. If they are not, add the ddl along with a drop statement.



ICL merge failed Category: General Subcategory: Upgrade Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Monday, April 4, 2011 Bug No.: 10492817

The ICL merge failed with the error message: If you would like to enter a new record, please ensure that the field values are unique. (SBL DAT-00382) Workaround Delete the Channel Partner Home Search Virtual Form Applet from the new Customer Repository and the new Siebel Repository before starting the ICL Merge.

Pre-upgrade Audit Trail Data Is Missing from Application Category: General Subcategory: Upgrade Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, March 9, 2011 Bug No.: 11845987 Top This issue exists in FP. The pre-upgrade Audit Trail data is missing in the user interface (Audit Trail Items view), and missing in the
Audit Trail tab of the respective entity (that is, Service Request > Audit Trail, Account > Audit Trail). The "BC_BASE_TBL" column of
S_AUDIT_ITEM that has to be populated with the base table information (for instance, S_SRV_REQ for Service Request business
component), is not populated for any historic records. As a result, these records will not be visible when the Audit Trail Item business
component is used as a child business component, that is, in the case of Service > Audit Trail.
Modify the script to update S_AUDIT_ITEM in 'preschm_sia.sql'. Currently the script is as follows:

(SELECT ROW_ID from S_REPOSITORY WHERE NAME ='Prior Customer Repository'))



UNLOAD and LOAD cards not generated properly for 7.5.3 to 8.0 Upgrade path run on Keybank Clone D65-- DOES THIS APPLY TO 8.1? Category: General Subcategory: Upgrade Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10527517 When a table contains a LongVarChar column and columns are added to the table, the table has to be dropped and recreated. Initially, when the table is dropped and re-created, the table remains in the same bufferpool and, to add any additional columns, the LongVarChar column length is decreased by the sum of sizes of the added columns. When the load job is executed, the job fails, stating that the LongVarChar column is invalid for the load process. The LongVarChar column is invalid because the column length that was unloaded is now longer than the new length, and the length of the unloaded data will not fit. Workaround To correct this, the table has to be dropped and re-created in a larger bufferpool. If the table is already in a 32k bufferpool, the LongVarChar column has to be changed to a CLOB and reload it.

ICL merge post-merge tasks (for upgrades from version 7.7.x SIA onwards) can fail with SBL-DAT-00381 error Category: General
Subcategory: Upgrade
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Monday, April 4, 2011
Bug No.: 10524175
Applicability: Siebel upgrades from version 7.7.x SIA (and following, such as version 7.8.2.x SIA) to version 8.0 SIA where the ICL option is
chosen for the merge process. In these cases, the post-merge task may fail with the 'SBL-DAT-00381' error in the uirestore.log.
This is due to unique key violation errors happening with four drilldown objects for the 'Channel Partner Home Search Virtual Form Applet'
available in the New Customer Repository:
--All Channel Partner Across Org
--All Channel Partner List View
--Channel Partner List View
--Manager's Channel Partner List.
To prevent this, in preparation for the merge, delete the drilldown object in question from the New Customer Repository: delete from
Repository')). Once these objects are deleted it will be possible to start the ICL merge.



Unload jobs truncates column lengths Category: General

Subcategory: Upgrade
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Bug No.: 10512465
Unload jobs truncates column lengths
to uninstall Siebel 8.1.1 on HP-UX B.11.31: 1. Run Siebel Server Configuration Wizard to remove Enterprise and Server configurations.
2. Remove Siebel 8.1.1 installation directories.

Series z drops triggers twice during an upgrade Category: General Subcategory: Upgrade Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10556731 While applying the non-additive changes to the target, the triggers are dropped at two different locations; once during the DROP TRIGGER step of the upgrade and then again during the application of non-additive table changes. Workaround The DROP TRIGGER step tries to drop the triggers against the target, but uses the staging environment trigger names. Because the staging environment trigger names do not exist on the target, the job completes without dropping any triggers and does not issue an error. During the non-additive phase, the step that drops and re-creates the tables also drops and re-creates the triggers. Because the end result is achieved without making any changes, the upgrade can be ran as-is.

Error Message: No \*.swt files found in directory - <siebel_tools root>\REPPATCH\WEB_TEMPLATES\80.' Category: General Subcategory: Upgrade Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Monday, April 4, 2011 Bug No.: 10538645 This issue applies to ICL customers only. During the Post Merge Utilities execution, the utility attempts to access Web templates files from the location <siebel_tools install root>\REPPATCH\WEB_TEMPLATES\80. However, no such (..\WEB_TEMPLATE\\80) directory exists. Hence, the Post Merge utility exits with an error.I61 Workaround Create a directory, \80 under ..REPPATCH\WEB_TEMPLATES\, and then copy all .swt files from \WEB_TEMPLATES to \WEB_TEMPLATES\80 before ICL Post Merge process.



Unicode Migration on DB2 for z/OS fails with SQLCODE xxx Category: General
Subcategory: Upgrade
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Monday, April 4, 2011
Bug No.: 10515296
Crossloader fails during Unicode Migration with error: "SUM OF INPUT COLUMN LENGTHS FOR CURSOR C1 IS TOO LARGE".
Compare columns for the source and target table. If the target table contains a LOB column, change the Xloader control cards to cast the
column from the source table as a LOB. Refer to Alert "z/OS Unicode Migration: Column lengths too large for tables" (Article ID 556154.1)
on My Oracle Support, for more information on this issue.


Siebel 8.x support for Web server IBM HTTP Server 7 on AIX Category: General Subcategory: Web Server and SWSE Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Friday, April 1, 2011 Bug No.: 12316215 Web server version compatibility update for 8.X on AIX: 1. Siebel CRM Web Server has been upgraded on FP and FP to IBM HTTP Server 7 for AIX platform. 2. Web Server supported prior to Siebel CRM FP and FP is still IBM HTTP Server 6.1. 3. IBM HTTP Server 6.1 is not supported for Siebel CRM FP and FP onwards. Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) plug-in installation and configuration: 1. Install base SWSE, skip configuration. 2. Apply or FP, whichever is applicable. 3. Configure SWSE after successful patch installation.



Siebel 8.x support for Web server Oracle HTTP Server 11g on Linux Category: General Subcategory: Web Server and SWSE Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Friday, April 1, 2011 Bug No.: 12316138 Siebel 8.x supports Oracle HTTP Server 11g through FP and FP onwards with no backward compatibility on Linux platform: 1. Siebel CRM Web Server has been upgraded on FP and FP to Oracle HTTP server 11g for Linux platform. 2. Web Server supported prior to Siebel CRM FP and FP on Linux is still Oracle HTTP server 10g. 3. Oracle HTTP server 10g is not supported for Siebel CRM FP and FP onwards .

Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) plugin installation and configuration: 1. Install base SWSE, skip configuration. 2. Apply or FP, whichever is applicable. 3. Configure SWSE after successful patch installation. 4. During SWSE configuration, you must provide the complete path of an OHS component when prompted for Web Server Instance path. The path must be of format, "<Web server instance>/OHS/<Web server component name>".


Using Date function in escript causes runtime error Category: General Subcategory: scripting Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Bug No.: 12346460 Using Date functions in escript with a Siebel server on Linux causes a runtime error. Top

Life Sciences
Sales representative cannot apply Smart Calls in non-ENU Siebel setup for newly created products Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Activity Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, February 17, 2011 Bug No.: 10551487 During call planning/recording, the user cannot apply a smart call template in non-ENU environments.


No option to add attachments if new Meeting created from Calendar screen Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Activity Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, February 17, 2011 Bug No.: 10544091 If a user creates a new meeting from the Calendar screen (Calendar > New Meeting) and then drills down into the details, there is no


option to add attachments.

In the Activities tab, select the specific Meeting activity and then drill down into the Details. Here, attachments can be added.


Incorrect currency sign or error on selecting any currency type other than USD for Budgeted Cost in Activity Templates Details view Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Activity Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10533685 This error appears under the following conditions: 1. Create a New record in Administration Data > Activity Templates, and drill down on the record.
2. Select the Activity Template Details tab.
3. Create a new Record.
4. Click on the Budgeted Cost (of type SiebCalculator).
5. Select a currency type(other than $).
6. Enter a value.
7. Step off the record.
Either $ sign is populated for other currencies, or the following error is displayed: Cannot convert formatted string to its internal
representation. Please check if your data is in correct format.
Workaround Repository fix: Add the following pick map to the 'Template Activity' business component. Field: Budgeted Cost Currency Code Pick Map - Field: Budgeted Cost Currency Code Pick Map - Picklist field: Currency Code

Validate incoming status value against "Display Value" not "Language Independent Code" in workflow Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Clinical Manager Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 Bug No.: 11930445 As part of ACR713, the subsequent statuses for the payment record (sent) are received from the target system. The WF "SWI LS Clinical Payments Inbound" exposed as a webservice processes the Status for the payment record in Siebel. The workflow has a subprocess workflow, "LS Clinical State Validation," which validates whether the incoming status value is existing in the List of Values for the Type "FUNDRQ_STATUS". However, the query in the subprocess workflow is not against the "Display Value" but against the "Language Independent Code". Currently, the values for "Display Value" and the "Language Independent Code" for the Type "FUNDRQ_STATUS" are the same. For example, the Display Value "Paid" also has the same value keyed in the "Language Independent Code", that is, "Paid". Change the Display value, for instance, Display Value "Paid123" and "Language Independent Code" - "Paid". Now execute the inbound Webservice for a payment record with the status "Paid123".

As part of the inbound workflow, the Status Value extracted is "Paid123" and in the subprocess workflow, the query is against "Language Independent Code" (now the value is "Paid"), which will not retrieve any records and hence the workflow fails. The behavior is the same when a different Language (other than ENU) is used for testing, that is, the workflow fails. This is not the expected behavior. Workaround 1. Login to Siebel tools 2. Go to the "LS Clinical State Validation" workflow process 3. Revise the workflow 4. In the query step, change the InputParameter to "Display Name" instead of "Language Independent Code" 5. Publish and Activate the workflow. Cannot undo record after selecting template in Trip Report Details view Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Clinical Manager Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10545478 When a user selects a trip report template in the Clinical Trip Report Detail view or LS Clinical Trip Report Detail view without CRF view, a list of checklist items is created. If the user tries to undo the record before committing it, the checklist items remain. If the template is selected again, a new set of checklist items will be created on top of the existing one, resulting in duplication.



Team history does not always capture assignment when user added to Team MVG Category: Life Sciences
Subcategory: Clinical Manager
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Thursday, February 17, 2011
Bug No.: 10545202
A user can be added to a team multi-value group (MVG) either by using the Add button or by double-clicking the record. The assignment
history is properly captured when using the Add button, but not when the record is double-clicked.
Always add a user to the Team MVG using the Add button.


Subject enrollment information does not roll up correctly for protocols with no regions Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Clinical Manager Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, February 17, 2011 Bug No.: 10544148

Subject enrollment information does not roll up correctly when there is no region between Sites and Protocols. Top Workaround Always set up a region between Sites and Protocols for Data Rollup to work

Sample Transactions BI Publisher reports do not use applet search specifications Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, February 17, 2011 Bug No.: 10551560 These Sample Transactions BI Publisher reports display all data but do not display data based on the user's query in the applet search specification: Pharma Sample Tranfer Out Report, Pharma Sample Invoices Report, and Pharma Sample Adjustment Report.


Sample signature images do not display in HTML or Excel report outputs Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, February 17, 2011 Bug No.: 10550689 The sample signature images in the Signature Administration and Sample Receipt BI Publisher reports do not display when the reports are generated in HTML or Excel format.


Sample signature images do not display in BI Publisher on UNIX Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, February 17, 2011 Bug No.: 10550331 The sample signature images in the Signature Administration and Sample receipt BI Publisher reports do not display when the BI Publisher Server is running on a UNIX environment.



Currency codes not displayed properly in BI Publisher reports Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, February 17, 2011 Bug No.: 10547563 The BI Publisher reports related to Life Sciences are not displaying some currency codes, such as "UAH" (symbol "rph"), properly.


Cannot drill down on Target List Applet Records with non-ENU languages Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, February 17, 2011 Bug No.: 10551116 On the Home page, clicking the Target List Applet Title and Name field link in line items does not work for non-ENU languages. If the application is ENU, in the home page: "Target List Applet", the applet title and the Name field in the applet for the records show up as links. When a user clicks on the name, the appropriate view comes up based on the Target List Type. - for Target List Type 'Contacts', the LS Contact Target Query View comes up.
- for Target List Type 'Accounts', the Account Target Query view comes up.
- for Target List Type 'Account Contacts', the LS Pharma Account Contact Target Query view comes up.
When a user clicks the Applet Title link, the LS Contact Target Query view comes up.
For non-ENU languages, this does not work.
Workaround Modify the following objects in the Repository: Business Component: "List Mgmt Lists" New Calculated field, Name: List Type LIC Value: LookupName ("LISTMGMT_LIST_TYPE", [List Type]) Type: DTYPE_TEXT Applet: LS Pharma Target List Applet For the Drilldown Object 'Name', modify all Dynamic Drilldown Destinations and change the Field property from "List Type" to "List Type LIC".



Pharma Professional can have only one license entry per state Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, February 17, 2011 Bug No.: 10541324

If a Pharma Professional has a California state license that expired in 2005 and then a new license that expires in 2010, a user will not be able to enter that second record because it violates the user key ( CONTACT_ID+ STATE_CD): Cannot be same for both records.


Call-Per-Day BI Publisher report in Pharma Manager displays incorrect date format on UNIX Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, February 17, 2011 Bug No.: 10550885 Pharma Manager's Call-Per-Day Business Intelligence Publilsher report displays incorrect date formats in the report output when BI Publisher is running on a UNIX environment.



If a meeting is created from Calendar screen, correct day is displayed, but current system time displays rather than time selected for meee Category: Life Sciences
Subcategory: Other
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Thursday, February 17, 2011
Bug No.: 10544098
Navigate to the Calendar user interface, select a day/time and create a meeting. The meeting is created for the correct date but with the
current system time, instead of the time marked on the calendar.
Adjust the time manually in the Meeting Activity field or drag the meeting to a new time slot on the calendar to see the correct time.


Life Sciences BI Publisher reports does not display Creater Name/ID Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, February 17, 2011 Bug No.: 10544540 Life Sciences-related BI Publisher reports does not display Creater Name/ID at the bottom of reports. To show Creater ID, complete the steps listed in Workaround before the report can be generated. This needs to be done only once for a given report. Workaround

1. Ensure that the Primary Integration Component has a LoginUser field in the Integration Object associated with the report in Tools. Add a new Integration Component field LoginUser if it is not available for the Primary Integration Component. Make sure the value for XML tag is Login as specified in the report template. 2. Ensure that the field is available in the business component with the calculated value as LoginName() 3. Compile IO and business components. 4. Upload the report template file.


Data migration service returns error when executed from workflow Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, February 17, 2011 Bug No.: 10550624 When a server job is created using the Workflow Process Manager component to run the workflow in LS Pharma Data Migration for LS Pharma 8.1.1, the process terminates with an error. The task log shows some fields are not activated and the Sequence business component is required.


Change the Field property of List Columns and Controls from Inactive Field Host Company to Active Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, February 17, 2011 Bug No.: 10534559 Change the Field property of a few list columns and controls from Inactive Field Host Company to Active, and similarly, Field Host Groups. Also update Display Name/Caption accordingly. In the eEvents Event business component, the field Host Company is inactive. However, another Active Field Host Group is based on the same join and column of this inactive field. So, all applets whose list columns or controls are based on the inactive field can be changed to point to the Active Field Host Group. Where applicable, change Display Name to Host Group. Workaround 1. Lock/Checkout the applets (InfoCenter Explorer List Applet - Events, Related Events List Applet, Track eEvents Event Pick Applet, User Catalog List Applet - Events, eEvents Event Assoc Applet, ePortal Upcoming Events List Applet, eEvents Upcoming Events List Applet, eEvents Event QBE Applet, eEvents Event List Applet and eEvents Event Registration List Applet). 2. For each of above applets, navigate to List Columns section and query in Field column for Host Company. 3. Change the Field Property value from Host Company to Host Group. 4. If applicable, change the Display Name Property value from Host Company to Host Group. 5. Lock/Checkout the applets (eEvents Event Form Applet, eEvents Parent Event Detail Applet and eEvents Parent Event Form Applet). 6. For each of the above applets, navigate to the Controls Section and query in the Field column for Host Company. 7. Change the Field Property value from Host Company to Host Group. 8. If Applicable, change the Display Name Property value from Host Company to Host Group.

These steps are also applicable to any list or form applet whose list columns or controls are based on Field Host Company of the eEvents Event business component.

Life Sciences Oracle BI Publisher reports do not use applet search Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, February 17, 2011 Bug No.: 10551359 These Life Sciences Oracle BI Publisher reports display all data but do not display data based on the user's query in the applet search
specification: MDV Report and Pharma Sample History Report.
Complete the following steps:
1. Get the business component name from the Applet. 2. Create a new Predefined Query by giving the following inputs: Select the BO name in the Objects field. Give the PDQ name as View name preceding with BI Publisher. The Query has to be specified in the following format: Business Component Name'.Search = "applet search spec" 3. If the applet Search Spec includes double quotes, replace the double quotes with two double quotes. 4. Select the newly created PDQ in the Saved Queries drop-down list and run the reports.



Primary flag in Parent Product multivalue group not checked Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Product Issues Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10533848 1. In Siebel Pharma, navigate to Site Map > Administration - Product > Products. 2. In the SIS Product List Admin applet, create a new record and fill in data. 3. Click the Parent Product field to pop-up the Parent Product multivalue group. 4. In the multivalue group, select a parent product record and click Add. 5. The selected record is added as a parent product. However, the Primary flag is NOT automatically checked for the record. 6. In this case, manually check the check box of the Primary flag. Workaround The "Parent Product" is a multivalue group that allows users to associate multiple parent product records. The Primary flag needs to be checked manually by the user. (Optional) configuration fix: In the "Internal Product - ISS Admin" business component, select the "Pharma Parent Product" multivalue link . Change the value to Default for the "Auto Primary" property. This will automatically set the Primary flag for the first product the user adds to the multivalue group.

Applying protocol amendment creates incorrect activities for subjects Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Protocol Builder Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10530893 Top Incorrect visits are created when a new version of a Subject Visit template is applied to a subject that has already been applied to an old version.


BI Publisher report unavailable for 3500A regulatory report Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Regulatory Reports Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, February 17, 2011 Bug No.: 10543556 The BI Publisher report for the Life Sciences 3500A FDA Medwatch regulatory report is not available in this release.


Samples compliance Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Samples Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, May 17, 2011 Bug No.: 12371899 1. Login to SAMPLE Pharma application as user SMILLER. 2. Navigate to Sample Compliance > Employee Based Tracking > My Team's Employee view. No records are displayed. 3. SMILLER is associated to position "District Manager".
There are two positions reporting to SMILLER, that is, Specialty Sales Representative and Primary Sales Representative. A total of three
records should have been displayed (SMILLER, JKIM and SPORTER).
Workaround 1. Log into Siebel Tools. 2. Query for Business Component 'LS Pharma Compliance Employee'. 3. Select BusComp View Mode 'Sales Rep'. 4. Change the property 'Visibility MVLink' from 'Sales Team' to 'Position'. 5. Change the property 'Visibility MVField' from 'Sales Team' to 'Position'. 6. Compile the object into srf and restart the server.



New LOV value needed Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Samples Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, February 17, 2011 Bug No.: 10551132 Add a new LOV LS_SI_CALENDAR_FIELDS and its value. Workaround 1. Log in to the Siebel Web Client and navigate to Administration-Data, and then click List of Values view. 2. Add the following 7 records in List of Values List Applet: Type:LOV_TYPE Display Value: LS_SI_CALENDAR_FIELDS LIC: LS_SI_CALENDAR_FIELDS Active: Y Type:LS_SI_CALENDAR_FIELDS Display Value:Type LIC:TYPE Order:1 Active:Y Translate:Y Type:LS_SI_CALENDAR_FIELDS Display Value:Description LIC:DESCRIPTION Order:2 Active:Y Translate:Y Type:LS_SI_CALENDAR_FIELDS Display Value:Planned LIC:PLANNED Order:3 Active:Y Translate:Y Type:LS_SI_CALENDAR_FIELDS Display Value:Planned Completion LIC:PLANNED COMPLETION Order:4 Active:Y Translate:Y Type:LS_SI_CALENDAR_FIELDS Display Value:Meeting Location LIC:MEETING LOCATION Order:5 Active:Y Translate:Y Type:LS_SI_CALENDAR_FIELDS Display Value:Comment LIC:COMMENT Order:6 Active:Y Translate:Y

On the DB2-390 platform, Recreate Receipt records do not appear in Sample Compliance reports Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Samples Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, February 17, 2011 Bug No.: 10550881 DB2-390-specific issue: Using a Sales representative login, create a Call, drop Samples, submit the Call and try Recreate Receipt. If you log in as an administrator with the SCA Responsibilities and navigate to the Sample Compliance screen, Report, and then the Performed Recreate Receipts applet, the Recreate Receipt transaction record is not found.


Sequence number keeps increasing on modifiying the local condition Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Territory Management Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10514221 The sequence number keeps increasing on modifiying the local condition.


Save the record first and manually reset the sequence number to the previous one.


Error when rendering Administration views or picklists containing more than 128 rows on DB2 for z/OS. Category: Life Sciences Subcategory: Territory Management Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10512650 When a user attempts to render Administration views or picklists containing more than 128 rows using DB2 on z/OS, an error message displays, "There were more rows than could be returned. Please refine your query to bring back fewer rows". Siebels Object Manager keeps database cursors open in order to allow users to scroll through data. DB2 on z/OS has an active connection limit. When the active connection limit is reached, user requests are queued, and performance and scalability degrades. To prevent this, Siebel restricts rows returned to 128 by default on DB2 for z/OS. Rows over 128 are discarded and the active connection is freed by Siebel Object Manager. This allows greater performance and scalability on DB2 for z/OS, but is not always desirable to users.


Retro: Processing comment not displayed for retro txn for a member - with pending tier approval Category: Loyalty Subcategory: Loyalty Engine Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10533012 The overall retro logic will be revamped in a future release to address all retro processing-related issues, which includes processing comments for members with pending tier approval.



Loyalty Engine takes a long time to start up if transaction table is large Category: Loyalty Subcategory: Loyalty Engine Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10507768 When starting the Loyalty Batch Engine, a query is fired during the start-up process that scans all records (not just records queued status) in the transaction table. For large tables, this scan can take a very long time causing the start-up process to be lengthened.

Workaround Consider modifying the query that is fired during engine startup to remove the reference to the S_LOY_SRV_MAP table. Contact Siebel Technical Support for more information.

Point Type Retro Processing Category: Loyalty Subcategory: Loyalty Engine Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10532680 Point Status Type is not getting calculated correctly for Qualifying points. This is a retro processing case. The overall retro logic will be revamped in a future release to address all retro processing related issues. Top


Allocation applet horizontal scrollbar stops responding Category: Marketing

Subcategory: Campaigns
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011
Bug No.: 10511763
Intermittently, the horizontal scroll bar on the Allocation applet stops responding to the mouse and does not move left or right. This applet
is displayed under Site Map > Campaign > Design tab > Segments/Lists or Site Map > Campaign > Design tab > Segment Trees.
Try one of the following:
1. Right-click on the scrollbar with the mouse and select one of the menu choices, such as Scroll-left or Scroll-right. This reactivates the scrollbar. 2. Navigate away from the view and then navigate back.

Campaign load remains in progress when generating source codes during load Category: Marketing Subcategory: Campaigns Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 Bug No.: 10538461 The Campaign Load process will remain in Pending status if the load process is using the Load Behavior option Create New Wave as well as Generate Source Codes During Load.


Recurring campaigns with start date prior to current date might execute multiple times Category: Marketing Subcategory: Campaigns Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10529773 In the Campaign Scheduler, a Campaign Stage scheduled on a recurring basis with a start date prior to the current date will execute all of the instances between the start date and current date immediately. For example, if the start date is January 1 and the current date is February 1 and the campaign stage is scheduled to execute at a daily frequency, then the stage will execute 31 times immediately, one for each of the days in January.



Prospect Promotion does not populate the Industry SIC code from the account Category: Marketing Subcategory: Campaigns Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10527480 When a user promotes a prospect, the industry of the prospect (SIC) is not promoted. If the user provides the SIC code of an industry to the "Prospects" using the List Management Screen and then imports and promotes the prospect, after drilling down on the Account, no industry field or SIC are displayed for the promoted prospect.


Disabling UTC in Siebel with SQL Server causes campaign execution timing issues Category: Marketing Subcategory: Campaigns Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10528590 When Siebel Server and SQL DB Server are set to EST time zone and UTC is set to 'false', then the submitted request is added to the S_SRM_REQUEST table. CREATED,ACTL_START_DATE,ACTL_END_DATE,LAST_UPD columns are updated with UTC format, only SCHED_START_DATE is entered in EST time zone. This issue is causing an error with campaign execution timing.



On UNIX-based platforms, one contact is missed during first campaign wave assignment Category: Marketing
Subcategory: Campaigns
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Bug No.: 10550033
During Campaign Load on UNIX-based platforms (Linux, AIX, Solaris), one contact is not assigned a wave number. Therefore, during the
wave launch, that contact will not be included in the list output.
Manually assign a wave to the missing contact.


Required fields marked Required rather than Asterisk in web surveys Category: Marketing Subcategory: Email and Web Marketing Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10522861 Required fields are marked Required rather than Asterisk in web surveys Top Workaround To replace optional with an asterisk for optional questions, follow the steps for changing a translatable message by updating the properties files. In this case, the string to change is 'optional'. The properties files containing translatable strings are named where XX is the Java language code. 1. For the files, the first line in the 'question level instructions' section reads (for English): optional = Optional Replace the second optional with an asterisk (*) so the line now reads: optional = * 2. Once all the properties files have been updated, restart the Web Surveys daemon so that it picks up the changes. Note: Currently, optional questions are designated with (optional). The steps documented here will change that to (*).
Note: Asterisks (*) may display differently in different character sets, so a different solution is probably required for other languages, such
as kanji.


Web Survey Confirmation Page design does not include header, footer, left and right panels Category: Marketing Subcategory: Email and Web Marketing Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10522864 The Web Survey designer allows users to pick a standard set of HTML files for left and light panels as well as for headers and footers. However, these do not apply to the Confirmation page.

Workaround A separate template is supplied for the Confirmation page, and this template is a full-page template. This gives more flexibility to the Web page designer. If desired the template can include the same content as the separate header and footer, and side bar templates. However, if the contents of the header, footer, or sidebar is not desired, the Web page designer can simply leave the contents out of the Confirmation Page template.

Responses not filtered to the Siebel side when Relay ID is ON Category: Marketing Subcategory: Email and Web Marketing Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10531563 Create an Email Treatment with the landing site URL added as a trackable URL and the relay id check box checked. When the campaign which uses the email treatment is launched and a survey is taken, no responses are seen in the application. However, when the relay id is off, embedded URLs in mail messages produce responses on the Siebel side.


Modifying location of Start and Submit buttons Category: Marketing Subcategory: Email and Web Marketing Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, February 24, 2011 Bug No.: 10531474 The location of the Start and Submit buttons on Web Surveys can be modified only through custom tags. The system expects users to manually add the $SUBMITBUTTON tag in content to change the location of the Start and Submit buttons.



Database cursors left open after launching email campaigns can result in "ORA-1000" errors Category: Marketing Subcategory: Email and Web Marketing Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10533831 When launching many parallel email campaigns, the database cursors may be left open after completing the mailing. This can result in "ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded" errors in the campaign launch process. Workaround

Restart the Siebel Server component.


Increase standard field size for Trackable URL name in SRF Category: Marketing Subcategory: Email and Web Marketing Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, March 9, 2011 Bug No.: 10578210 The standard field size for Trackable URLs is set to 100 characters in the preconfigured 8.1.1 data model. This will cause an error to
appear when saving email treatment HTML content, since it has an automatic URL detector that tries to use the full URL as the default
name of the Trackable URL. (This issue affects all customers on Fix Pack or higher.)
Increase the size of the Trackable URL reference name field and compile the SRF.



Field incorrectly placed on Event Plan form applet (Industry Applications) Category: Marketing
Subcategory: Events
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Bug No.: 10515052
The Related Initiatives field is misplaced on the Event Plan form applet (eEvents Parent Event Detail applet). This issue is specific to the
Industry Application version of Siebel (SIA).
This applet can be found on the Events screen > Event Plan > Details tab.


Incorrect list export file when using multiple vendors with same naming convention Category: Marketing Subcategory: Marketing Server Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10523506 If multiple vendors are associated to a campaign using the List Distribution view, the output files generated can be incorrect if the list formats for multiple vendors have the exact same file naming convention. For example, if two vendors have a list format naming such as: Standard-@{campaignCode}{}-@{waveCode}{0}-@{loadNumber}{1} @{timestamp}{}-@{fileCounter}{1}.dat This will not give a unique file name across the two vendors, which can cause incorrect results. Workaround Consider adding an element to the List Format naming convention to make it unique. For example, you can add Job ID: Standard



List import does not automatically merge detected duplicates Category: Marketing Subcategory: Marketing Server Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10523181 During a list import, when data quality matching is enabled, the import process will detect account and contact duplicates. The process will log these detected duplicates in the Data Quality results schema. However, the import process does not invoke any process to automatically merge the detected duplicates. Therefore, the Siebel administrator should run batch deduplication on the data on a regular basis to remove these duplicates. Workaround The Siebel Administrator can implement a custom business service or workflow to call the UCM Survivorship process each time a duplicate account or contact is detected.

Campaign Load not updating Load Count when loading external tables Category: Marketing
Subcategory: Marketing Server
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011
Bug No.: 10527013
When using Campaign Load to write to an external table rather than S_CAMP_CON, the Campaign Load workflow does not update the
Load Count field for the campaign wave record in the transaction system. The count remains at zero, which incorrectly implies that records
were not written, when they were successfully written to an external table.
Create a report that queries the Custom Campaign History table so that users can confirm that records were loaded successfully.



Campaign load associates overlapping contacts to lower priority segments Category: Marketing Subcategory: Marketing Server Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10529567 During Campaign Load, if two segments include overlapping contacts, the campaign load process will associate the contact to the lower priority segment. This occurs because the load process loads the higher priority segments first. The EAI Integration Object behavior is to update fields when a matching record is found, so when the lower priority segment file is loaded, the Segment ID for the overlapping contacts are overwritten with the ID of the lower priority segment.


Landing site deployment buttons not working Category: Marketing Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10531481 To iterate new revisions of a landing site users need to bring down the existing site. The necessary buttons to generate Test URLs are deactivated when the site is active.


Certain fields not updated during lead import in Update Mode Category: Marketing Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 Bug No.: 10548697 During Lead Import, the following fields are not updated during the import process when using Update Mode: Main Entitity: Account -> Field : Organization Id Main Entitity: Account -> Field : Primary Organization Id Main Entitity: Account -> Field : Position Id Main Entitity: Lead -> Field : Assigned to Position Id Main Entitity: Contact -> Field : Alternate Phone Main Entitity: Lead -> Field : Lead Partner Main Entitity: Contact -> Address fields This issue is specific to Siebel Industry Applications only.



List Import in Update Mode gives EAI errors when object ID is not part of mapping Category: Marketing Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10547955 Running an import job with the Import Mode set to Update existing records and Match resolution set to Overwrite records will give EAI errors if the ID is not included in the file.

To update existing Lead records in the database, include the Lead ID in the file.


Lead or Response stage shapes with constrained connector to another Stage or Wait not supported Category: Marketing Subcategory: Programs Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 Bug No.: 10548035 Top When a stage is associated with Lead or Response shape, then a constrained connector from that stage to another Stage or Wait shape is not supported, though it does not validate it in the Program flowchart.


Mobile Solutions

Installing Whistler build on WM6 device pops up Unknown Publisher error message Category: Mobile Solutions
Subcategory: Handheld for Windows
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Bug No.: 10538373
Installing Whistler build on WM6 device pops up "Unknown Publisher" error message.
Click Yes to continue the installation.


Integrated Sync and non-ENU installation Category: Mobile Solutions

Subcategory: Handheld for Windows
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011
Bug No.: 10529635
With non-ENU Siebel Mobile Client installed and integrated sync started, siebsync does not start.
In the Mobile Web Client Installation directory:
1. Copy the content of bin/<language> (example bin/FRA). 2. Create a new folder named enu under bin and add the copied content.



New SynchNodeId generated when using different case for username in companion sync mode Category: Mobile Solutions Subcategory: Handheld for Windows Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10520168 1. Start CS from a laptop SynchManager shortcut, enter username (lower case) 'sadmin'. 2. Synch completes. 3. Check SynchNodeId in registry, and HHSync folder. 4. Start CS from laptop again, enter 'SADMIN' as user. 5. Synch starts, new filters prompt appears. 6. After completion, a new SynchNodeId and HHSync corresponding folder appear. Workaround
Use only one case for the username.


CS Sync does not work when Sync is initiated from a laptop for HTC WM6 device Category: Mobile Solutions Subcategory: Handheld for Windows Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10536528 CS Sync does not work when Sync is initiated from the laptop for HTC WM6 device Workaround Perform sync again.



CS Sync not working when sync initiated from laptop for HTC WM6 device Category: Mobile Solutions Subcategory: Handheld for Windows Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10536529 CS Sync does not work when sync is initiated from the laptop for an HTC WM6 device. Workaround Perform sync again.

Application version not updated after running Patch deployment through CS Category: Mobile Solutions Subcategory: Handheld for Windows

Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10527333 After running Patch deployment through CS, the application version is not updated to the latest.
Check the version after launching the application.



Configurable Audible Alerts do not work on HTC WM6 device Category: Mobile Solutions
Subcategory: Handheld for Windows
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011
Bug No.: 10536522
Configurable Audible Alerts are not working on the HTC WM6 device.
Use the default WAV file.


Application version not updated after running patch deployment through CS Category: Mobile Solutions Subcategory: Handheld for Windows Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10527334 After running a patch deployment through CS, the application is not updated to the latest version. Workaround Check the version after launching the application. Top


PDA Installer not working when Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 used on Vista OS Category: Mobile Solutions
Subcategory: Handheld for Windows
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011
Bug No.: 10536518
The PDA Installer does not work when Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 is used on Vista operating system.
Use XP with Active Sync to create the CAB file and then install the handheld client.


Patch rollout for Handheld does not work Category: Mobile Solutions
Subcategory: Handheld for Windows
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Bug No.: 10511311
Virtual directory "cepatch_enu" is not automatically generated during installation for IIS as expected. This prevents patch deployment
functionality from being used to deploy product patches to Handheld users.
Manually generate the directory by running the "metabaseedit" command to generate the cepatch_xxx virtual directory, where xxx =
language code such as ENU or JPN. Refer to Technical Note 456 on My Oracle Support for details on how to generate this virtual
directory using metabaseedit.exe program.


Patch Agent returns message that no patches are available when patches are available Category: Mobile Solutions Subcategory: Handheld for Windows Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10511293 The registry key used by the Patch Agent to check for patches is missing from the installer. This prevents the Patch Agent from finding any
patches and returns "No Patch Required" even if there are patches available on the server. The registry key, "PatchVirtualDir," is missing
from the installer.
Confirm the version after launching the application.



Replication Manager: Regional Server fails when upgrade kit distributed Category: Mobile Solutions
Subcategory: Other
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Bug No.: 10520380
Replication Manager: Regional Server fails once the upgrade kit is distributed.
On both headquarters and regional machines:
1. Set Min Version = "0" for the Siebel Upgrade wizard component in Administration - Siebel Anywhere, and then the Upgrade Component List screen. 2. Remove the Siebel Upgrade Wizard component record from Administration-Siebel Anywhere, Upgrade Kits, and then the Upgrade Components screen.


Partner Relationship Mgmt

Error while launching URL (Safari 3.0.2/Vista) Category: Partner Relationship Mgmt Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10528073 URL is not launched on Safari 3.0.2 with Vista operating system.
Launch the application using a different browser.



Error running Actuate Report for Current Month in Calendar screen Category: Partner Relationship Mgmt Subcategory: Partner Manager Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10527054 The Current Month Actuate report fails to run or return the correct appointment records in the Monthly tab view of the Calendar screen.


Partner Report Card Oracle BI Publisher Report format Issue Category: Partner Relationship Mgmt Subcategory: Partner Manager Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10550997 The Main Fax field of the Partner Report Card in an Oracle BI Publisher report is not aligned for HTML and Excel format. Top


Multiple Lines displayed after clicking New in Partner Programs View of Partner Manager in SI+ Mode Category: Partner Relationship Mgmt Subcategory: Partner Manager Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bug No.: 10551191 Multiple lines are displayed after a user clicks the New button to create a new record in the Partner Programs list view of the Partner Manager when running in SI+ mode.


Fields in form view of Opportunity screen are not aligned for PRM Partner Manager in SI+ Mode Category: Partner Relationship Mgmt Subcategory: Partner Manager Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10551185 Fields in the More Info form view of the Opportunity screen are not aligned in the PRM Partner Manager when running in SI+ Mode.


Opportunity transfer error Category: Partner Relationship Mgmt Subcategory: Partner Manager Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 Bug No.: 10529456 When attempting to transfer an Opportunity to a Partner, the following error message is displayed, "Error running sub-process 'Opportunity Sharing External Create' at step 'Send Opportunity'.(SBL-BPR-00183)". This issue occurs only in Siebel Industry Applications versions of Partner Relationship Management.



Opportunity transfer error Category: Partner Relationship Mgmt Subcategory: Partner Manager Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10529455 When attempting to transfer an Opportunity to a Partner (from the Partner Manager application), the following error message is displayed, "Error running sub-process 'Opportunity Sharing External Create' at step 'Send Opportunity'.(SBL-BPR-00183)". This issue occurs only in SIA versions of Partner Relationship Management.


Fields such as Probability and Sales Cycle are absent from Opportunity Screen of PRM Manager in SI+ Mode Category: Partner Relationship Mgmt Subcategory: Partner Manager Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10551179 Fields such as Probability, Sales Cycle, Probability, Last Name, and so on, are absent from the Opportunity Screen of PRM Manager in SI+ Mode. In addition, there is no check box for Commitments and Available Offline fields.



When attempting to transfer Shopping Cart (through Partner Portal), an error message appears Category: Partner Relationship Mgmt Subcategory: Partner Portal Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10529398 When attempting to transfer the Shopping Cart (through the Partner Portal), the following error message appears, "Error running sub process 'Transfer Cart Outbound Request Process' at step 'Transfer Shopping Cart'. (SBL-BPR-00183)". This issue occurs only in SIA versions of Partner Relationship Management.


Unable to specify URL as attachment when running inside VC7 container in IE7 Category: Partner Relationship Mgmt Subcategory: Profile Management Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10529607 Under the specific combination of the application running in a VC7 container and using an IE 7.0 browser on a Vista or Windows XP SP2 platform, a URL cannot be specified as an attachment. Workaround
Run the application without the VC7 container or using a browser other than IE 7.0.




Webservices-Word: Cannot fetch contacts using Opportunity business component Category: Sales Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10513202 Cannot fetch contacts using Opportunity business components.



"Update Geocode & Address" button not displayed in non-ENU languages Category: Service Subcategory: Siebel Field Service to ORS Integration Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Bug No.: 12424275 While Geocoding an address using the "Get Geocode" button in the Activity Schedule View or the "Geocode Start Address" and "Geocode End Address" buttons in the Employee Service Details view, the popup which displays the matching Geocodes does not show the "Update Geocode & Address" button in a non-ENU language. Workaround Extract the file and import the XLF file located in the appropriate folders through Tools based on the Language Pack deployed for your Siebel Application.

Siebel E-Commerce


Action codes might be shown incorrectly while modifying assets in Editable Promotion Category: Siebel E-Commerce
Subcategory: Assets
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Bug No.: 10544607
An end user adds a new Simple Product to the Editable Promotion, then adds and edits a Configurable Product configuration by changing
the attributes. On the Summary Changes page, only the lines which have been modified should display the "Update" action code.
The deploying company can make the Configurable Product first in the sequence of Editable Promotion steps.


Asset configuration might not be defaulted when created for secondary user's individual account Category: Siebel E-Commerce Subcategory: Assets

Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10546155 Asset configuration might not be defaulted when created for a company's secondary user's individual account. This happens only when the individual account of the secondary user is selected for any of the Ship-To / Bill-To / Sold-To accounts. Workaround The deploying company can display an inline message requesting that the end user to choose their company account instead of their individual account.

Ship-To Address or Bill-To Address might not be displayed Category: Siebel E-Commerce Subcategory: Assets Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 Bug No.: 10545862 Ship-To address or Bill-To Address might not be displayed on a Modify Ship-To and Modify Bill-To page.
The deploying company can enforce that B2B-created accounts have an associated primary address.



Update Action might not be displayed for Assets Category: Siebel E-Commerce Subcategory: Assets Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10551437 "Update" Action might not be displayed for Assets which are Simple Product with Editable attributes.


A Restart Task error might be displayed if end user logs in from Promotion Details page Category: Siebel E-Commerce Subcategory: Browse and Select Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10551339 Top An end user navigates to the Promotion Details page from the Hot Offers bin, Promotions bin, or the Catalog. The end user adds an item to his cart and then clicks Login. After login, an error might be displayed, "Restart Task: Since you were idle for too long, please restart the

task by navigating back to the initial page." Workaround The end user can click the Products tab and then continue to the Promotion Details page as before. Alternatively, the end user can log in before navigating to the Promotion Details page.

"No items found" warning when clicking Product Details from Cart, and then Add-To Cart Category: Siebel E-Commerce
Subcategory: Browse and Select
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Bug No.: 10550366
If users add an item to Cart, view Cart, and then click that item, the Product Details page is displayed. If they then click Add-To Cart, a "No
items found" warning may be displayed.
Note: The item is still added to the cart and the end-user can still Place Order.
Add additional quantities to a cart item by changing the Quantity field in the cart.


Configurable Products with boolean attributes might not honor "N" or "None" option Category: Siebel E-Commerce Subcategory: Browse and Select Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10551353 Configurable products (as Product or Asset) with boolean attributes have the option of "Y" or "N" (or potentially "None", depending on the deploying company's setup). If an end user chooses "N" (or "None") for an attribute, that attribute might still be displayed in Checkout and Order Status. Workaround The deploying company can set up configurable products using "Enumerated List" instead of "Boolean".



Able to browse or search product in E-Commerce site with disabled E-Commerce Category: Siebel E-Commerce Subcategory: Browse and Select Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10536503 Users can browse or search products in a E-Commerce site, even though E-Commerce has been disabled, but E-Support is enabled. They can disable E-Commerce through the Oracle Installer or by setting the parameter ENABLE_ECOMMERCE = N in

Workaround In the Merchant user interface, do not make the Siebel Self-Service E-Commerce Home page the Siebel Self-Service E-Service Home page.

Hot Offers bin might display all promotions instead of appropriate subset when returning to Products tab from Promotion Details tab Category: Siebel E-Commerce Subcategory: RTD Integration Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 Bug No.: 10543063 The Hot Offers bin might display all promotions instead of the appropriate subset when returning to the Products tab from the Promotion Details tab. If, after clicking on the More Info link in the Hot Offers bin and viewing the Product Details page, you return to the Product list by clicking the Products Tab, the Hot Offers bin might display all of the promotions associated to a catalog instead of displayin+I251g only the promotions associated to the currently-viewed configurable promotion(s). Workaround Use the Back button to return to previously-viewed products from the Promotion Details page if you navigated there using the Hot Offers bin Promotion. This issue should not occur if the deploying company clears the Self-Service cache.

Cannot create new cart if Shopping Cart has error and Save fails Category: Siebel E-Commerce Subcategory: Shopping Cart and Checkout Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10547144 If an end user's cart contains an address which has an address validation error, the Cart will not place-order and it will not be saved. Also,
the end user cannot create a new Cart without resolving the current cart's error.
The deploying company should implement an address validation process before Place-Order.



Payment Profile chosen during Checkout is made default, even if not requested Category: Siebel E-Commerce Subcategory: Shopping Cart and Checkout Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10533689 The Payment Profile chosen during Checkout may become the defaulted option for subsequent order lines, even if the check box "Make this my default payment method" is not selected. Workaround

Change the desired payment method from the list of values.


On submitting Saved Carts, Bill-To Address might be empty in Order-Review and Order-Confirmation pages Category: Siebel E-Commerce Subcategory: Shopping Cart and Checkout Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10551563 An end user creates and saves a cart and logs out. He or she then logs back in and re-loads that saved cart. If the user then makes modifications before submitting that cart, the Bill-To address might be empty on the Order Review and Order Confirmation page. Workaround The end user must reselect the Bill-To Address before placing an order.



Shopping Cart allows duplicate cart names Category: Siebel E-Commerce Subcategory: Shopping Cart and Checkout Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10545764 The Shopping Cart allows an end user to save a Cart with a name identical to an exisitng Cart. Both carts can exist with identical names. Workaround Rename either cart using Shopping Cart Action LOV.

Call-Center Quotes might default to Ship-to Multiple Locations in Self-Service Category: Siebel E-Commerce Subcategory: Shopping Cart and Checkout Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10531371 For quotes coming from Call Center, the Ship-to Multiple Locations check box is set to Yes by default. Workaround If the User does not want to ship to multiple locations, he or she can change the Multiple Locations value to No on the Shipping page. Top


Products may be retained in Shopping Cart after placing order Category: Siebel E-Commerce Subcategory: Shopping Cart and Checkout

Product Version: Siebel 8.1

Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Bug No.: 10547529
An end user's cart is created by the deploying company's order administrator by way of the Call Center. If the deploying company's self-
service MAX_SAVED_CARTS parameter is exceeded for that end user, after a Place-Order, the end user's cart contents might not clear.
Either the deploying company's agent or the end user can remove the extra lines from the current end user Shopping Cart.


When first logging in, Add New Contact Address button may be disabled at Line level Category: Siebel E-Commerce Subcategory: Shopping Cart and Checkout Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10551425 The first time an end user logs in, the Add New Contact Address button may be disabled at the Line level. Workaround If the end user selects the Account Address radio button and then re-selects the Contact Address radio button, the Add New button is enabled. End users can also add a contact address in their address book before checking out.

Address not added when full length specified in either address line field at order line level Category: Siebel E-Commerce Subcategory: Shopping Cart and Checkout Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10536940 At Checkout, click the Change Shipping Information button. A pop-up appears. Click Add Address button on this pop-up. Add full length in
either of the following fields: Address Line One, Address Line Two, or Address Line Three, and then enter details in all other mandatory
fields. After clicking Save, the pop-up disappears, but the entered address is neither saved nor populated on the Change Shipping
Information popup.
Specify an Address Line 1 of a length less than 200 characters and Address Line 2 and 3 of a length less than 100 characters.



Siebel E-Commerce for Comms

Changes to billing profile Category: Siebel E-Commerce for Comms Subcategory: Assets Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10545187

Changes made to a billing profile during an edit promotion are not saved to an asset.
Add or change the billing profile through "Update Payment Method on a Service."


Billing profile error Category: Siebel E-Commerce for Comms Subcategory: Shopping Cart and Checkout Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10550087 After creating and saving a new billing profile, the details are not displayed in the payment Details section. Workaround Click Back on the Billing Details page and click Next on the Shipping details page. Billing profile details will now be displayed in the Payment Details section.



Siebel E-Support

Error might occur under high user load Category: Siebel E-Support Subcategory: Service Request Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 Bug No.: 10530628 Error might occur under high user load, "Unable to perform this operation due to internal server error, if problem persists please contact technical support."


Siebel Self Service Common

Order errors when sorting the Sites list in Merchant settings Category: Siebel Self Service Common Subcategory: Administration User Interface Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10546064 Sorting the Sites list in Merchant settings by Default locale might not order correctly. This might happen when a double-byte character language (such as Chinese) is a default locale along with sites with other locales. Top Workaround
The deploying company can access the Administration user interface with a nondouble-byte locale to avoid this potential issue.


Cannot modify Company Work Phone and Fax Details in Siebel Self-Service User Management Category: Siebel Self Service Common
Subcategory: User Management
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011
Bug No.: 10531757
Company Work Phone and Fax Details are entered at the time of registering a company as a B2B customer organization. Subsequent
updates to these fields are possible using the Siebel Call Center application. They are not possible using Self-Service ECommerce.
To change Company Work Phone and Fax Details:
1. Login to Siebel Call Center. 2. Navigate to the Accounts tab. 3. Choose the Account Name for which you want to make updates. 4. Update the Main Phone # and Main Fax # fields.

Users cannot register with previously-rejected or currently unapproved Usernames Category: Siebel Self Service Common Subcategory: User Management Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10526935 Once a B2B user is rejected by a Delegated (Primary) User, the rejected Username (login id) cannot be subsequently approved or reused. In such cases, the B2B user should use a different username for subsequent registration attempts. If registration approvals are turned on for B2C users, the above condition holds true for rejected B2C usernames as well. Usernames once rejected, cannot be subsequently approved or reused.


Korean characters disappear from email template after clicking Start Category: Siebel eMail Response Subcategory: General Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10514050 After pressing F9 to invoke the Email template and entering Korean characters, if the user clicks the Windows Start button and then returns back to the Email template, the Korean characters will have disappeared. Workaround Click Enter or Spacebar before focusing out of the Siebel application. Note that this is difficult for a help desk agent, given the nature of their work where response time is important.

Siebel eMail Response



User Interface

UI Container support Category: User Interface Subcategory: Controls Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10523398 Container support: Support for UI containers such as the Microsoft Visual Basic and Visual C (VB and VC) products is not included in the 8.1 release. Support will be added in a future release.


Browser health check hangs when run in MS IE container with Vista client Category: User Interface Subcategory: Controls Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, February 17, 2011 Bug No.: 10523601 When Siebel is run in an MS IE container with a Vista client and Browser health check is enabled, the application hangs after the Run
button is pressed.
Disable Browser health check, or use a different container, or a different client.



IE7 Browser Calendar Issues Category: User Interface Subcategory: Controls Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10533339 Outstanding Internet Explorer 7 issues 1. A number of problems affecting the use of Siebel Calendar with IE7 are still outstanding. These issues occur when the client operating system is either Windows XP SP2 or Vista. Oracle is currently conducting a jointnvestigation with Microsoft to find the root cause of these issues, and to provide fixes for them at the earliest opportunity. The Microsoft case number is SRX070514603158. The following CRs are among those included: 12-1LJ845FACR271 > IE 7.0 > Getting script error on clicking Calendar 12-1J4XXPFACR271: Calendar View is displayed with a Script Error message 12-1GW3DL9ACR271 > IE 7.0 > Application Crash/Hang on clicking Calendar > Calendar Sub link multiple times 2. A number of problems have been reported with IE7 and all current versions of Siebel which have not yet been investigated. While it is likely that many of these problems are duplicates of problems already addressed, it is possible that other issues exist for which no fix is yet available. Workaround

Customers are advised to thoroughly test all critical business functionality before they put IE7 into production with Siebel, especially if the client machine is running Windows Vista.

Cursor sticks when typing text (Hebrew version only) Category: User Interface Subcategory: Layout and Rendering Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Bug No.: 10529644 The cursor sticks when typing text in Hebrew version of Siebel Application. Top


Refreshing Customer Dashboard causes page to disappear Category: User Interface

Subcategory: Navigation
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Bug No.: 10521253
Pressing F5 to refresh the Customer Dashboard will cause the page to disappear.
Instead of pressing F5, go back and select the page again.


Unable to open or save file after renaming with maximum characters Category: User Interface Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Bug No.: 10544406 After renaming a file with maximum characters, you cannot open or save that file.



MVG's and Pick applets do not work when using VB.Net container Category: User Interface Subcategory: Popups/Pick Lists/MVG/Shuttle

Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, February 17, 2011 Bug No.: 10523452 When running Siebel from within a VB.Net container, clicking on multivalue groups or pick applets causes them to open in a new browser window but the functionality stops working.


Closing iHelp displays an error Category: User Interface

Subcategory: Popups/Pick Lists/MVG/Shuttle
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Bug No.: 10521250
When a user triese to close iHelp windows using the shortcut key, Ctrl + Shift + C, it will display an error and the iHelp window does not
Close using the X button.


Pop-up windows display error when operating within container Category: User Interface Subcategory: Popups/Pick Lists/MVG/Shuttle Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 Bug No.: 10527205 Clicking on any pop-up control when a Siebel window is operating within a container displays an error.



Menus cause script error in VB.Net IE7 container Category: User Interface Subcategory: Toolbars/Menus/Keyboard Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 Bug No.: 10527278 When running Siebel from within a VB.Net IE7 container, clicking on any of the Siebel menus causes a script error window to appear.


Keyboard shortcut for picklists not working in SI+ mode Category: User Interface Subcategory: Toolbars/Menus/Keyboard Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 Bug No.: 10532429 Top The keyboard shortcuts for picklists are not working in SI+ mode. Ctrl + Alt + P opens the browser's Print window instead of the picklist.


Cannot use CTRL+N keyboard shortcut for Account pick applet in MS Vista Category: User Interface Subcategory: Toolbars/Menus/Keyboard Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 Bug No.: 10545580 When running Siebel on an MS Vista client, using the CTRL+N keyboard shortcut in the Account pick applet causes the New Account screen to open in a new browser window and pop-ups stop working. Workaround Use the mouse to navigate instead.



Cannot complete Atl+Q operation in Account Pick applet in MS Vista Category: User Interface
Subcategory: Toolbars/Menus/Keyboard
Product Version: Siebel 8.1
Last Modified: Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Bug No.: 10545586
When running Siebel on an MS Vista client, the Atl+Q operation in the Account Pick applet cannot be completed.
Use the mouse to navigate instead.


Application focus not working as expected in VB.NET container Category: User Interface Subcategory: Toolbars/Menus/Keyboard Product Version: Siebel 8.1

Last Modified: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 Bug No.: 10523494 Application focus is not working as expected within a VB.NET container.


Web Service

SbmtPPRApplication method fails with error: "SBL-EAI-04289 deleted by another user since it was retrieved" Category: Web Service Subcategory: Other Product Version: Siebel 8.1 Last Modified: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Bug No.: 10514873 SbmtPPRApplication method fails with "SBL-EAI-04289 deleted by another user since it was retrieved" error. Workaround If you are building a custom application that interfaces with Siebel Web Services and you receive a similar error message querying, contact Oracle Technical Support for assistance.



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