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Application of frictional force.

To study the effect of different type of surface on magnitude of frictional force.

The rougher the surfaces , the greater the frictional force.
E1 c11 (a,b,c)

a)Manipulated : Type of surface. b)Responding : The reading of spring balance. c)Fixed/Constant : Weight of the wooden block.
E1 c10 (a,b,c)

Spring balance, thread, wooden block, oil/grease, aluminium foil, sandpaper.

Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram above. A wooden block is hooked to a spring balance with a thread. The wooden block is then placed on the surface of the table. The wooden block is pulled along the table and the reading of the spring balance is taken when the block stars to move. The experiment is repeated by pulling the wooden block on three other different type of suffaces. The readings were recorded in a table.


a) Table of result Type of surfaces Surfaces of wooden table Aluminium foil on the table Oil on the surface of table Sandpaper on surfaces of table Condition of surfaces Rough Smooth Very smooth Very smooth Reading of spring balance (N) 5 4 3 7

E1 c6 (a,b) E1 c3 (e,f)

Discusion and anylysis- Answer the question given 1. a) Between the labotary table and sandpaper surface which give a greater magnitude of frictional force ? =The sandpaper surfaces. b) Give an inference to your answer? = Sandpaper surfaces is rougher than laboratory. 2. Based on data collected, draw a bar chart the type of surface against the magnitude of frictional force.
8 7 Reading of spring balance(N) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Very rough Very smooth Smooth Rough

Condition of surface

3. Does the surfaces in contact influence the magnitude of frictional

force? =No. 4. a) Give one factor which influences frictional force? =The weight of object.

E1 c6 (a,b,c,d)

b) How does the factor stated in 4 a) influence frictional force? =Because the heavier object,the greater the frictional force. 5. Suggest one way in which frictional force can be reduce. =Using wheel or roller.
E1 c6 (a,b)

6. Based on experiment, define operatinally the frictional force. =The frictional force is the reading of spring balance.

CONCLUSION (What can be said about the effect of the different type of surfaces affect the frictional force) =The rougher the surface, the greater the magnitude of frictional of frictional force.Hypothesis accepted.

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