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Hello everyone. I got placement in both wipro and capgemini. Capgemini came to our college i.e. ITER,BBSR on 30/09/2011.

Total 700-800 students sat for the ONLINE written test. Total questions:70, time:70 minutes VERBAL::20 questions REASONING:30 questions QUANT:20 questions (NO NEGATIVE MARKING) Each section had individual cut-off.Cutoff is generally set at 50% but may reduce depending upon result,etc.Next section could only be reached when one has completed one section. Do not skip to another section, or elseyou would not be able to come back. Previous year qustions were repeated but very less, say 10-20 out of 70 were rep eated(though not the exact questions). English is very easy. Anyone having an average knowledge on the usage of en glish can easily clear the verbal section. Reasoning is quite tough, but there a re some easy questions also(about 8-10). So, try to do at least 10-15 questions correct and the rest do wild but intelligent guess.You will clear very easily th en. For quant, nothing to worry. Very easy questions came. At least 12-14 questi ons were easy. Just read the previous year questions with solutions(where to get--->go to, type capgemini placem ent papers, you will get 100's of papers with solution). ATTEMPT ALL QUESTIONS,important! Out of 700-800, 208 cleared the writtten test. Then, out of that 100-120 cleared the gd round and finally 49 got selected. Now, for gd round, in my group 13 students were there,out of that 9 were sel ected. Listen, 2 important things 1.Do not talk less,try to speak something, get involved even if u do not have an y idea 2.Do not argue. Definitely u ill be selected then. Now, comes interview. There are actually 2 rounds of interview, but in our college that was combined. Generally, it used to be HR interview. Here also 2 im portant things: 1.Be confident,SMILE(Using this u need not have to worry about ur body language) ,don't bluff and be yourself. 2.Atleast know something about the basics,especially C,oops,etc & prepare your p roject(not the codes, but only the outflow and basic use and functionality,etc. MY INTERVIEW ................................ I went inside the room. The interviewer was very happy, he stood up and shook ha nds with me.I was very confident, cool and continuously smiling(pleasantly). HE: INTRODUCE YOUSELF ME:INTRODUCED(Prepare this earlier, it is a must question, generally; start from ur name, that u r pursuing 4th yr ,branch, schooling, parents occupation , values learnt from them,hobbies and strength). HE:YOU SEEM TO BE ACADEMICALLY EXCELLENT, HOW MUCH WOULD U RATE YOURSELF OUT O A SCALE OF 10? ME:SIR, 7.

HE:DIFFERENCE BETWEEN C, C++;ENCAPSULATION, ABSTRACTION,OOPS,POLYMORPHISM,ETC ME:TOLD. HE:ARE YOU NERVOUS? ME: I TOLD- A LITTLE BIT(THOUGH I WAS NOT) he asked the same question 3-4 times to make me nervous, but he failed....i was cool as usual. HE: OK,TELL ME ABOUT UR WEAKNESS? ME:I told that i have a problem that it takes time for me t recover from the fai lures in which i have my considerable efforts HE: He told me that this is common and not a problem;He asked me on this for mor e 2 minutes,i told him the truth that it is common but i take little more time t o recover and feel depressed. I would have done more constructive things rather than lamenting. ME:As he asked repeatedly that am i nervous, so i hought to tell him another thi ng. I told him that i have STAMMERING problem, so it might have been the case that h e was been perceiving my nature to be nervous(I TOLD THIS FOR SAFETY), because i could not understand why he was calling me nervous. HE:It means that u r very conscious of ur stammer? ME:Sir, it is not so(SMILINGLY). I thought that my communication could have been misunderstood or misinterpreted as being nervous,etc. HE: He told that this was not the case. He told that he knew that this was a phy sical problem,blah blah. HE: EXPLAIN YOUR PROJECT ME: EXPLAINED HE: DRAW A FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM OF THE PROJECT(i COULD NOT UNDERSTAND) ME: ARE U TELLING ME TO DRAW AN OUTLINE OF THE PROJECT. HE: NO, JUST SHOW HOW UR PROJECT WORKED AND SOME TECHNICAL TERMS HE USED ME; THOUGH I COULD NOT UNDERSTAND ANYTHING, I MADE THE PAGE(MY PROJECT WAS EMPLO YEE MOVEMNT MONITORING SYSTEM).THAT IS, THIS IS THE LOGIN PAGE,COOKIES IS USED H ERE, THEN THE CONTROL TRANSFERS TO ANOTHER PAGE,ETC. TOLD ALL THE FIELDS USED. HE WAS IMPRESSED.I WENT ON TELLING THE PROJECT FOR 5 MINUTES. HE: DO U WANT TO ASK ANY QUSTIONS? ME:YES SIR, U R TAKING INTERVIEW SINCE MORNING. HOW DO U MANAGE THE STRESS? HE: HE EPLAINED FOR 2-3 MINUTES HE:ANY MORE QUESTIONS? ME: YES SIR, COULD U PLZ GIVE ANY TIPS ON HOW I CAN IMPROVE, OR MY DRAWBACKS,ETC ? HE: U ARE ASKING ME TO TELL UR AREA OF IMPROVEMENT NA,ETC? ME: EXACTLY SIR HE: THEN LISTEN, A)BODY LANGUAGE SHOULD BE MORE FIRM B)BIT NERVOUS C)SHOULD BE MORE CONFIDENT BUT YOU ARE A EXCELLENT BOY, SWEET BOY, SMILING BOY.I CAN DO WONDERS WITH YO U IF I TRAIN YOU FOR 6 MONTHS.OK. HE: DO U WANT TO ASK ANY MORE QUESTIONS? ME: SMILING HEARTILY, NO SIR. HE: OK. NICE TO MEET YOU. GOOD BOY. ME: THANKU SIR. ................................................................................ This is about 80-90% content of my interview. The main things are that: 1. you must be confident, confidence shows that you know the things. 2. smile and listen to him carefully 3. Do not pnic, chill! 4. BE YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...............................................................


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