LT Questions

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Renal week 3

Select the true statement from the following

a) n response to metabolic acidosis, ventilation is
b) Renal correction of metabolic acidosis is
delayed because the kidney needs to synthesise
new acid.
c) Plasma bicarbonate might be low in metabolic
acidosis because of buffering.
d) PCO2 is likely to rise above 70mmHg as a
result of respiratory depression in response to
metabolic alkalosis.
nswer C
%he following blood gases are obtained from a patient.
PaO2 = 84 mmHg
PaCO2 = 20 mmHg
pH = 7.38
base excess = -13 mmol/L
Select the likely clinical setting.
a) Metabolic acidosis with respiratory
b) Metabolic acidosis with no compensation
c) Respiratory acidosis with metabolic
d) Respiratory alkalosis with no compensation
%he following are all common
complications of CRF except;
a) Secondary hyperparathyroidism due to
phosphate losses
b) Osteitis fibrosa and osteomalacia
c) norexia, nausea, and vomiting
d) Hypertension

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