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Hiralal Agarwal Gyan Kendra Spoken English Course Curriculum

Course Overview: Learning to speak English well may be the best thing you can do to improve your life. English is a universal language. The world has changed. If you want to learn the world you need to learn the English language. With IT, we can open ourselves to the world and the only way we can connect to the world is through the English language. If you are a business man you would have to learn English to expand your business to overseas. If you are a student you would have to learn English for a brighter future. If you are a professional, you would have to learn English for the benefit of your career. Even if you are just a street walker, still you need to learn English to understand what's going on in the world. No matter who you are. Learning English is very important. The format of the class would include theory classes on etiquette and manners, grammar & vocabulary. Conversation classes for building fluency. Group discussion classes including debates, thought processing, language check etc. Course Goals: The purpose of the course is to synchronize educational fineness with human excellence, to promote selfdevelopment and creativity in a stress free atmosphere, to emphasize on providing the most modern and sophisticated learning environment coupled with the Indian heritage. Moreover, it is to develop a more qualified and learned society. The Goal is to create a society where English speaking capability can be harnessed by each and every individual to increase his/her potential to succeed in their professional and personal life. We seek to liberate the person from his inability to communicate in the corporate language of India, which is English. Course Objectives:

Frame grammatically correct sentences in English. Fluently speak in English in any situation. Express yourself in groups of people confidently. Able to present your thoughts more effectively. Participate at higher levels in Group Discussions and meetings. Present yourself more confidently in personal interviews. Speak in Neutral Accent and also pick-up UK/US Accent.

Communicate and express ideas / suggestions / analysis in Business English using latest vocabulary and Corporate English. Deliver effective presentations and enhance the quality of content in e-mails.

Course Details: Whole of the Spoken English course will be comprised of 59 sessions. The duration of each session will be one hour. Classes will be conducted six days a week (Monday Saturday). Grading Policy: Exam I Final II Assignment Class Participation Attendance Total Marks : : : : : : 50 points 50 points 25 points 20 points 5 points 150 points

125 150 points 100 125 points 75 100 points 50 75 points

: : : :

Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade E

Description of Course Requirements: Examinations: Examinations will include material from the handouts (provided to the students in every session, during the course), PowerPoint Presentations, Assignments and Classroom Lectures and Discussions. Assignment: Each and every student has to prepare a report on a topic given/provided by the course cocoordinator at the end of the course. Class Participation & Attendance: Students will be awarded with 20 points if they are found to be actively participating in all the activities of the class, throughout the duration of the course. Students are expected to attend all class meetings. If a class is missed, the student is responsible for the material covered. Also, students will be rewarded with 5 points if they maintain the attendance of ninety percent or more during the course period. Class Conduct: Students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner. If necessary, the student may be asked and expected to remove themselves from the classroom.

Course: Spoken English

Module 1: Grammar and usage
Sessio n 1. Topic Grammar and usage 1 Description Normal sentence pattern in English. The noun phrase. The verb phrase. Tenses and aspects. Regular and irregular verbs. Three forms of present tense. Simple present tense. Present perfect tense. Present continuous tense. Present perfect continuous tense. Three forms of past tense. Simple past tense. Past perfect tense. Past continuous tense. Present perfect continuous tense. Three forms of future tense. Simple future tense. Future perfect tense. Future continuous tense. Future perfect continuous tense. Parts of speech Subject and predicate Phrases and clauses Types of sentences Articles and determiners Speech direct speech Speech reported speech Voice Active voice Voice Passive voice Subject verb agreement Conjunction pairs Degrees of comparison Degrees of comparison


Grammar and usage 2


Grammar and usage 3


Grammar and usage 4


Grammar and usage 5

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Grammar and usage 6 Grammar and usage 7 Grammar and usage 8 Grammar and usage 9 Grammar and usage 10 Grammar and usage 11 Grammar and usage 12 Grammar and usage 13 Grammar and usage 14 Grammar and usage 15 Grammar and usage 16 Grammar and usage 17 Grammar and usage 18

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Grammar and usage 19 Grammar and usage 20 Grammar and usage 21 Grammar and usage 22 Grammar and usage 23 Grammar and usage 24 Grammar and usage 25 Grammar and usage 26 Grammar and usage 27 Grammar and usage 28 Grammar and usage 29 Grammar and usage 30

Degrees of comparison Relative clauses Affirmative agreement Too Affirmative agreement So Negative agreement Either Negative agreementNeither Punctuation Capitalization Usage of idioms and phrases Conditional clauses Some proverbs in English Some quotes in English

Module 2: Communication skills

Sessio n 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. Topic Introducing yourself, others Conversation techniques 1 Conversation techniques 2 Conversation techniques 3 Conversation techniques 4 Conversation techniques 5 Conversation techniques 6 Talking about future Offering Joining a conversation Getting things done Stating Description Introducing yourself, others to others. Starting a conversation Making friends greeting, sharing things & ideas, exchanging ideas. Asking for information question techniques, answering techniques, getting more information. Getting people to do things requesting, attracting attraction, agreeing & refusing. Talking about past events remembering, describing experiences, imagining what if.. Hesitating, preventing interruptions and interrupting politely. Stating intentions, discussing probability.,

To do something, asking for permission, giving reasons. Giving opinions, agreeing, disagreeing, discussing. Describing things, instructing people how to do things. Similarities, difference, preferences.

43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.

Persuading Saying sorry Complaining Describing Narrations Dealing with moods and feelings

Making suggestions and giving advice, expressing doubts. Apologizing and forgiving Expressing disappointment Places and people Narrative techniques, handling dialogues, controlling narratives. Anger, sadness and indifference.

Module 3: Reading comprehension

Sessio n 49. 50. 51. 52. Topic Approach to reading 1 Approach to reading 2 Approach to reading 3 Approach to reading 4 Description Skimming Scanning Techniques of reading Comprehension passage for practice

Module 4: Writing comprehension

Sessio n 53. 54. Topic Approach to effective writing 1 Approach to effective writing 2 Description Tips to effective writing Practice material/topics

Module 5: Language laboratory

Sessio n 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. Topic Spoken English 1 Spoken English 2 Spoken English 3 Spoken English 4 Spoken English 5 Description Exercises in spoken English On-line grammar exercises Communication skills videos Movie clippings Group discussion videos

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