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Enthusiasts capturing the site

The long black strand of hair examined by the a mystery and I never thought this would end in
British scientists was found on the bark of cedar a mystery. We have never encountered DNA that
tree in the Kingdom of Bhutan, a small country we couldn’t recognize before.”
on the eastern side of the Himalayas. The tall, Several Bhutanese have actually seen the Yeti.
hairy creature is believed by many locals to in- Druk Sherrik, a former member of the country’s
habit the forests and mountains of Bhutan, where royal guard, told the British expedition, “It was
it is called the Migyur. The British were led to this huge. It must have been nine feet tall. The arms
particular tree by Sonam Dhendup, the kingdom’s were enormous and hairy. The face was red with
official Yeti hunter. Locals had found a mysteri- a nose like a chimpanzee.”
ous piece of skin in the hollow of the cedar tree, The Yeti has also been captured on video in
which they think the creature might have called the so-called Snow Walker footage. In 1996, two
home. Carefully examining the area, the British hikers making their way through the mountain
scientists found fresh footprints just a few hours snows of Nepal captured video (see stills here)
old. Inside the tree, they noted claw-like scratch of a hairy, upright walking creature trudging up
marks and found several strands of the hair. the side of a hill. The video has yet to be proved
Some of the hair was taken back to the UK for or disproved.
DNA testing. Bryan Sykes, Professor of Human But the DNA test has proved that there is an
Genetics at the Oxford Institute of Molecular unknown creature out there. What kind of creature
Medicine and one of the world’s leading experts that hair belongs to is unknown, but when one con-
on DNA analysis examined the hair. “We found siders it along with the footprints and the eyewit-
some DNA in it,” he said, “but we don’t know ness sightings, the case for a previously unknown
what it is. It’s not a human, not a bear not any- ape or hominid is strengthened. The DNA is likely
26thing else we have so far
July been
08 able to identify. It’s to inspire new expeditions to find the Yeti. July 08 27

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